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论点 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
argumentation  ·  argumentum  ·  lemma  ·  theses  ·  argumenta  ·  lemmas  ·  contentions

更多网络例句与论点相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

An ad hominem argument, also known as argumentum ad hominem (Latin:"argument to the man","argument against the man") consists of replying to an argument or factual claim by attacking or appealing to a characteristic or belief of the source making the argument or claim, rather than by addressing the substance of the argument or producing evidence against the claim.

汉译:人身攻击的辩论,又作"argumentum ad hominem",通过攻击或者指责提出论点或者事实主张的一方的性格或者信仰,形成对某一论点或者事实主张的反驳,而不是依据论点本身的实际或者针对该主张的证据来提出反驳。

Interview with Deborah Tannen, author of The Argument Culture Mike Carruthers: Today more than ever we live in an argument culture.

采访德博拉Tannen ,作者的论点文化麦克卡拉瑟斯:今天比以往任何时候我们生活在一个论点文化。

On the network, must abide by 6 clear thinking: Argument of barrier of argument of race of hare of strategic argument, profit pattern argument, rate argument, elevator argument, chelonian, market.


What nonsense coeducation makes of the argument that boys are cleverer than girls or vice versa.


Those aware of the specialized use of the word may therefore sense a certain contradiction in hearing an argument described as obviously specious or specious on the face of things; if the fallaciousness is apparent, the argument was probably not plausible-sounding to begin with.


In today's philosophy of science,Kuhn's andFeyerabend's incommensurability thesis is the mostcontroversial topic ...


A specious argument is not simply a false one but one that has the ring of truth.


As a matter of fact, in many countries, governments are contented to put large sums of money to the fundamental researches. Thus, that can provide the evidence for the fact that money spent on research is almost always good. Furthermore, research will broaden our mind as a result of modifying the current theories and knowledge. These results would be unimaginary if the basic researches were not carried out .


It was found that the students use twelve different methods, including combining | facts and experiences, using anomalies, using analogies, rebutting, comparing and contrasting, elaborating, causal-effect reasoning, using investigations, making judgments, referring to authorities or textbooks, resorting to innate properties, and introducing terminology to talk about science. In addition, three categories of methods can be identified according to the patterns and trends of talking episodes.


An ad hominem argument, also known as argumentum ad hominem (Latin:"argument to the man","argument against the man") consists of replying to an argument or factual claim by attacking or appealing to a characteristic or belief of the source making the argument or claim, rather than by addressing the substance of the argument or producing evidence against the claim.

汉译:人身攻击的辩论,又作&argumentum ad hominem&,通过攻击或者指责提出论点或者事实主张的一方的性格或者信仰,形成对某一论点或者事实主张的反驳,而不是依据论点本身的实际或者针对该主张的证据来提出反驳。

更多网络解释与论点相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Equal? That is a very appall statement. - You might not listen, Bishop:平等,这个论点有点问题 - 你可以不听啊,主教

I think men and women are both equal and dif... | - Equal? That is a very appall statement. - You might not listen, Bishop.|- 平等,这个论点有点问题 - 你可以不听啊,主教 | My cousin said "and different"....


快速搜索所需的特定信息. 先阅读问题,找出问题中的关键词(此关键词应该具有出现频率少的特点),然后带着问题,然后在文章中以此关键此为结点在前后一两句找出答案. 2..没有人相信他说的话,他的论点(argument)十分肤浅.

hold one's ground:坚守阵地 坚持立场[论点, 要求]

hit theground [美俚]倒塌 崩溃 出狱 | hold one's ground 坚守阵地坚持立场[论点, 要求] | keep one's ground 坚守阵地坚持立场[论点, 要求]

knock the bottom out of:批驳,使(论点)站不住脚;使失败

I knocked the vase to pieces with carelessness. 我不小心打碎了花... | knock the bottom out of 批驳,使(论点)站不住脚;使失败: | What you said knocks the bottom out of his argument. 你的话把他的论点驳得体无...

make one's point:立论,证明论点

point n. 观点;论点;要点 | make one's point 立论,证明论点 | church n. 教会

make one's point:证明一个论点

535make a mess of把...弄脏;把...弄糟 | 536make one's point证明一个论点 | 537make the point证明一个论点

make the point:证明一个论点

536make one's point证明一个论点 | 537make the point证明一个论点 | 538make up one's mind下决心

rebutter:反驳的论点 反驳论点

rebuttalevidence 反驳的证据 反驳证据 | rebutter 反驳的论点 反驳论点 | rebuttingevidence 反驳证据

well?founded argument:理由充分的论点理由充分的论点

well?doing 善行 | well?founded argument 理由充分的论点理由充分的论点 | well?informed 消息灵通的

stand one's ground:坚守阵地 坚持立场[论点, 要求]

maintain one's ground 坚守阵地坚持立场[论点, 要求] | stand one's ground 坚守阵地坚持立场[论点, 要求] | kiss the ground 匍伏在地, 受屈辱