英语人>词典>汉英 : 记录下来 的英文翻译,例句
记录下来 的英文翻译、例句


go on record
更多网络例句与记录下来相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A manual system can be created by maintaining information on suppliers: Each supplier's address, telephone number, and names of personnel to contact on specific matters can be included in such a record. In addition to such basic information, details may be kept on the supplier's past delivery performance and the quality of their product.


The use of "Start" menu "Run" to run programs or open documents, in the "running" in the run-off process and open the file path and name will be recorded and entered in the next "run" item, In the drop-down list box is displayed for selection, these records need to be removed.


According to introducing, ever was crossed by exposure with the past " wide outside ghostliness "," stammer carrying fox on the head " wait for photograph of trojan of date of famous net silver-colored pilfer to compare, the date of net silver-colored Zhang that this trojan inputs besides record user and password, much still the function of a cut screen record, the record of screen of main process cut that can handle the user net silver comes down, the fund that diverts an user illegally for hacker later period is offerred more the help with convenient form and guidance.


Mr MacCulloch describes the era with a skilful sweep, though little distinguishes this section from a more general account.


Writing in the margin, or at the top or bottom of the page, for the sake of: Recording questions which a passage raised in your mind; reducing a complicated discussion to a simple statement; recording the sequence of major points right through the book.


Understand the difference between Chinese and English numerations.☆ master the stenography of figures or numbers.

掌握记录方法:采用自己熟悉的分节方式将转折数字记录下来,比如用 '表示 thousand , ''表示 million , b 表示 billion, t 表示 trillion,或用"—"表示"000"等等(3,000,000可记录成"3——"或者"3,,")。

Everything seen or heard should be recorded - on paper or by a tape machine.


Anthropology is a science in that anthropologists use a rigorous set of methods and techniques to docent observations that can be checked by others.


A popular feature which is becoming the norm is voice recognition dialling, you can also record your thoughts and reminders so if you don't have time to write it down you can simply record it and play it back at a later date which makes life easier.


Part III: Get your pens have the current record commodity prices (at the top right of the time showing on the screen), a time commodity prices will change, you re-recorded.


更多网络解释与记录下来相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

do sb. wrong:对待某人不公平; 冤枉某人, 委屈某人

9. do something wrong做了错事 | 10. do sb. wrong对待某人不公平; 冤枉某人, 委屈某人do wrong to sb. | 11. write down记下来,记录下来


弗莱得(Joe Friday)是美国电视剧>(Dragnet)中一位实事求是的警探. 不要把观点意见、主观推测或者道听途说的内容记录下来. 你知道,我们感兴趣的是你知道的东西以及其他人报告的他们亲眼所见的东西. 在记录中,

interference pattern:干扰图像

全像照片是藉由雷射光的协助刻上塑料片,这是一种间接的应用,影像的本身并未真正被记录下来,只有干扰图像(Interference Pattern)被留下来,这图像来自于两条互相撞击的光波,如果光波是有顺序的或是说两光波的相位摆动相同,两者会产生较强的交互作用.

keep a record:记录下来

record n. 记录;记载;唱片 | keep a record记录下来 | red adj. 红色的

on file:存档,记录下来备查

on cue 恰好在这时候 | on file 存档,记录下来备查 | peel off 剥掉,脱落,把......脱掉,(飞机、舰只、人)离开群体


根据该款,所谓仲裁协议的书面形式,是指仲裁协议的内容以任何形式记录(recorded)下来. 它强调的是对仲裁协议内容的记录,而不涉及当事人以何种形式达成仲裁协议. 在第三十九届会议讨论中,贸法会明确指出:"第3款所处理的是仲裁协议形式的定义问题,


释迦牟尼的经历用印度的巴利文(Pali)及梵文(Sanscrit)记载下来,同时还伴有莲花和大象的形象. 耶稣使用的是阿拉姆语(Aramaic),夹杂着希伯来的方言,还有摩西五书的形象和词汇,犹太教的经文. 他的话语被新约圣经用希腊语言记录下来,

shorthand notation:迅速地记录下来运算符

compound assignment operator 组合赋值运算符 | shorthand notation 迅速地记录下来运算符 | arithmetic operator 算术运算符


Mail Room Supervisor信件中间办理员 | Stenographer迅速地记录下来员 | Order Entry Clerk订单输入文员

take sth down:记录下来;拆除

take sth back[]收回;取回 | take sth down[]记录下来;拆除 | take sth in[]承接;改小尺寸;领会