英语人>词典>汉英 : 讨论会 的英文翻译,例句
讨论会 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
colloquium  ·  conference  ·  congress  ·  forum  ·  moot  ·  symposium  ·  colloquia  ·  fora  ·  colloquiums  ·  forums  ·  conferences

更多网络例句与讨论会相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Armando organize seminar and workshop on design around the world and his 15th century mill in Provence, south of France.


The latest findings from the observational study were presented at the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium on Thursday.


At the end of September, Ms Alliot-Marie will host an EU seminar, in the heavily Muslim Paris banlieue of Saint-Denis, to discuss what to do.


I'm here for|the bounty hunter seminar.


Edgar Bronfman Sr. had sparked our interest in it by contacting Hillary, who got things moving with an initial meeting.


We're having a little bull session after work.


We have a little bull session after work.


Many academic conferences have been hosted in this college such as ' Symposium of the Chinese Society of Herpetology ', '8th Plenary Meeting of the Chinese Society of Cell Biology ', ' International Symposium In Commemoration of Centenary Birth Anniversary of Bryological Pioneer Chen Bangjie ', and ' The 1st Youth Symposium of Mammal Subcommittee of China Zoological Society '.


The challenge in reviewing this panel lies in the incompressibility of Bill's presentation, together with the poignant and often heart-wrenching cases included in the panel.


Many academic conferences have been hosted in this college such as ' Symposium of the Chinese Society of Herpetology ', '8th Plenary Meeting of the Chinese Society of Cell Biology ', ' International Symposium In Commemoration of Centenary Birth Anniversary of Bryological Pioneer Chen Bangjie ', and ' The 1st Youth Symposium of Mammal Subcommittee of China Zoological Society '.


更多网络解释与讨论会相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

brainstorming session:献计献策会,思维碰撞会,集体讨论会

brainstorming 集思广益(法),头脑风暴(法),脑力震荡(法) | brainstorming session 献计献策会,思维碰撞会,集体讨论会 | branch office 分公司

brainstorming session:集体讨论会

forum 讨论会,论坛 | brainstorming session集体讨论会 | panel 专家讨论会

buzz session:非正式的小组讨论会,小组漫谈会

catfoot 轻声地走, 偷偷地走 | buzz session 非正式的小组讨论会,小组漫谈会 | something for nothing 轻易得来的利益, 不劳而获


为明了这一过程,我们需要先看一看一种称之为"讨论会"(Conference)的会议. 这是所有法官第一次聚集在同一个房间,讨论他们面前的案件是非曲直的会议. 这种讨论会只有法官参加:没有法官秘书,没有听众,也没有局外人. 有趣的是,




会议共分5大方向和42个专题技术讨论会(Symposium),同时举办有展览会. 管伟华同学参加了专题F组(非挥发性存储器材料科学与技术)讨论会,并作了题为"Nonvolatile resistive switching of binary oxide with Cu doping"的口头报告,

teach in:学术讨论会

Seminar 讨论课,讨论会(听力对话题中考过该词的解释) | Sophomore 二年级学生 | Teach-in 学术讨论会

Infrared Information Symposia:红外线信息讨论会

5.infrared imaging seeker 红外成像寻的器,红外成像自动导引头 | 6.Infrared Information Symposia 红外线信息讨论会 | 7.infrared information symposium 红外线情报讨论会

Arranging and conducting of colloquiums:安排和组织学术讨论会

410076 安排和组织培训班 Arranging and conducting of workshops [tr... | 410044 安排和组织学术讨论会 Arranging and conducting of colloquiums | 410044 安排和组织学术讨论会 Arranging and conducting of coll...

regional seminars:区域讨论会

Regional Seminar to Review the Special Development Needs of Islands Territories;审查岛屿领土特别发展需要区域讨论会;; | regional seminars;区域讨论会;; | Regional Service Centre;区域服务中心;RSC;