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讨论 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
address  ·  addressed  ·  airing  ·  argumentation  ·  canvass  ·  debate  ·  discuss  ·  discussion  ·  dissert  ·  haggle  ·  moot  ·  talk  ·  talked  ·  treat  ·  debating  ·  addresses  ·  canvasses  ·  debated  ·  debates  ·  discussed  ·  discusses  ·  discussing  ·  haggled  ·  haggles  ·  haggling  ·  treats  ·  conferences  ·  discussions

enter into · talk about · talk over · kick something around
更多网络例句与讨论相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This dissertation investigates the construction of pseudo-random sequences (pseudo-random numbers) from elliptic curves and mainly analyzes their cryptographic properties by using exponential sums over rational points along elliptic curves. The main results are as follows:(1) The uniform distribution of the elliptic curve linear congruential generator is discussed and the lower bound of its nonlinear complexity is given.(2) Two large families of binary sequences are constructed from elliptic curves. The well distribution measure and the correlation measure of order k of the resulting sequences are studied. The results indicate that they are "good" binary sequences which give a positive answer to a conjecture proposed by Goubin et al.(3) A kind of binary sequences from an elliptic curve and its twisted curves over a prime field F_p. The length of the sequences is 4p. The "1" and "0" occur almost the same times. The linear complexity is at least one-fourth the period.(4) The exponential sums over rational points along elliptic curves over ring Z_ are estimated and are used to estimate the well distribution measure and the correlation measure of order k of a family of binary sequences from elliptic curves over ring Z_.(5) The correlation of the elliptic curve power number generator is given. It is proved that the sequences produced by the elliptic curve quadratic generator are asymptotically uniformly distributed.(6) The uniform distribution of the elliptic curve subset sum generator is considered.(7) We apply the linear feedback shift register over elliptic curves to produce sequences with long periods. The distribution and the linear complexity of the resulting sequences are also considered.

本文研究利用椭圆曲线构造的伪随机序列,主要利用有限域上椭圆曲线有理点群的指数和估计讨论椭圆曲线序列的密码性质——分布、相关性、线性复杂度等,得到如下主要结果:(1)系统讨论椭圆曲线-线性同余序列的一致分布性质,即该类序列是渐近一致分布的,并给出了它的非线性复杂度下界;(2)讨论两类由椭圆曲线构造的二元序列的"良性"分布与高阶相关性(correlation of order κ),这两类序列具有"优"的密码性质,也正面回答了Goubin等提出的公开问题;(3)利用椭圆曲线及其挠曲线构造一类二元序列,其周期为4p(其中椭圆曲线定义在有限域F_p上),0-1分布基本平衡,线性复杂度至少为周期的四分之一;(4)讨论了剩余类环Z_上的椭圆曲线的有理点的分布估计,并用于分析一类由剩余类环Z_上椭圆曲线构造的二元序列的伪随机性;(5)讨论椭圆曲线-幂生成器序列的相关性及椭圆曲线-二次生成器序列的一致分布;(6)讨论椭圆曲线-子集和序列的一致分布;(7)讨论椭圆曲线上的线性反馈移位寄存器序列的分布,线性复杂度等性质。

This paper begin with a review of curves and surfces modeling, then we discuss the parametric polynomial minimal surface. This is followed by a discussion of the representations of catenoids and helicoids. Next, we discuss the numeric approximations to the minimal surfaces with piecewise polygons and B-Spline surfaces.


The first chapter discusses the origin of poly-choral style, including historical background on the tradition of psalms singing. The second chapter focuses on Renaissance time at Venice, and discusses the politics, artistic, glass craft, mosaic art synopsis at that time. The third chapter discusses poly-choral music of Venetian school in the early times of 16th century, and main composers of Venetian school including: Andrian Willaert, Andrea Gabrieli, Giovanni Gabrieli, and Claudio Monteverdi in early time of Baroque period. The fourth chapter discusses poly-choral works, the effects of the acoustics "stereo sound", questions of chorus establishment, textures, and questions of annotation and questions when conducting these pieces based on the discussion and summary from the previous three chapter.


First mostly contraposing hull deck structure it goes along FEA analysis, discuss the different influence degree of calculational results between the different simplifications of the mathematical model, thereinto mostly analyse five different simplifications of the deck model; Second contraposing hold section and hull deck structure it goes along FEA analysis together, discuss the different influence degree of calculational results between the different elements style, gridding number and gridding density, thereinto mostly analyse the difference between adopting 8 node shell element and 4 node shell element, nondense gridding and thick gridding, and numerous gridding number and few gridding number, In the end mostly contraposing hold section structure it goes along FEA analysis, discuss the different influence degree of calculational results between the different boundary conditions, thereinto mostly analyse the difference between adopting CCS boundary conditions and LR boundary conditions.


This dissertation investigates the construction of pseudo-random sequences (pseudo-random numbers) from elliptic curves and mainly analyzes their cryptographic properties by using exponential sums over rational points along elliptic curves. The main results are as follows:(1) The uniform distribution of the elliptic curve linear congruential generator is discussed and the lower bound of its nonlinear complexity is given.(2) Two large families of binary sequences are constructed from elliptic curves. The well distribution measure and the correlation measure of order k of the resulting sequences are studied. The results indicate that they are "good" binary sequences which give a positive answer to a conjecture proposed by Goubin et al.(3) A kind of binary sequences from an elliptic curve and its twisted curves over a prime field F_p. The length of the sequences is 4p. The "1" and "0" occur almost the same times. The linear complexity is at least one-fourth the period.(4) The exponential sums over rational points along elliptic curves over ring Z_ are estimated and are used to estimate the well distribution measure and the correlation measure of order k of a family of binary sequences from elliptic curves over ring Z_.(5) The correlation of the elliptic curve power number generator is given. It is proved that the sequences produced by the elliptic curve quadratic generator are asymptotically uniformly distributed.(6) The uniform distribution of the elliptic curve subset sum generator is considered.(7) We apply the linear feedback shift register over elliptic curves to produce sequences with long periods. The distribution and the linear complexity of the resulting sequences are also considered.

本文研究利用椭圆曲线构造的伪随机序列,主要利用有限域上椭圆曲线有理点群的指数和估计讨论椭圆曲线序列的密码性质——分布、相关性、线性复杂度等,得到如下主要结果:(1)系统讨论椭圆曲线-线性同余序列的一致分布性质,即该类序列是渐近一致分布的,并给出了它的非线性复杂度下界;(2)讨论两类由椭圆曲线构造的二元序列的&良性&分布与高阶相关性(correlation of order κ),这两类序列具有&优&的密码性质,也正面回答了Goubin等提出的公开问题;(3)利用椭圆曲线及其挠曲线构造一类二元序列,其周期为4p(其中椭圆曲线定义在有限域F_p上),0-1分布基本平衡,线性复杂度至少为周期的四分之一;(4)讨论了剩余类环Z_上的椭圆曲线的有理点的分布估计,并用于分析一类由剩余类环Z_上椭圆曲线构造的二元序列的伪随机性;(5)讨论椭圆曲线-幂生成器序列的相关性及椭圆曲线-二次生成器序列的一致分布;(6)讨论椭圆曲线-子集和序列的一致分布;(7)讨论椭圆曲线上的线性反馈移位寄存器序列的分布,线性复杂度等性质。

A detector array target of laser distant-field detect system is designed, and two key factors are analyzed. To determine the size of the array target, the laser diffract effect and the influence of atmospheric turbulence are discussed, three factors that influence the resolution of the array target are analyzed. Three factors are the dimension of laser speckle resulted by atmospheric turbulence, space sampling frequency based on sampling theory and the loss of the frequency spectrum function of the array detector.


In chapter Ⅰ, a historial review of structure control is given; In chapter Ⅱ, A discussion of the controllability and observablity of flexible structures is given, Two kinds of controllability and observablity index are defined, and applied to actuator allocation; chapter Ⅲ considers the reduction of high order flexible structure mode; the content of chapter Ⅳ is about the basic problem of distributed parameter control system design. It is proved that a stable controllor in mode space may be unstable in real use in distributed paramater systems, also, by closed loop mode concept, a pole assignment method of flexible structure controllor design is given; chapter Ⅴ is about the low-authority controllor design, it is pointed out by use of high order eigenvalue/eigenvector perturbation, a better controllor can be designed; chapter Ⅳ considers flexible structure reduced order control; chapter Ⅶ disscusses the basic problem of flexible structure computer control, analyses discreate controllablity and observablity and its computing, the sample period and coefficient wordlength; chapter Ⅷ is on the problem of low flexibility compensation; chapter Ⅸ is a design example.


Research findings indicate that: 1 most students like SGD; 2 those most highly ranked causes of SGD failures are: poor preparation, others inactiveness, and low proficiency of English 3 those most highly ranked facilitating factors are: a respect, self confidence, sense of achievement and patience of students, b morale boosting, appropriate body language, praise, and good personalities of teachers, c interesting and relevant topics, appropriate time allocation and variety in discussion content for the activity itself.


In this paper,using the method of,we discuss septic Lacunary interpolation spljne,which is a generalization of,we derive some results on asymptotic representation,approximation degree and saturation

1—[3]讨论了五次缺插值问题,而[4]对它提出了一种分析方法,用这种方法来进一步讨论高次的缺插值问题是成功的,本文就是用这种方法讨论七次的问题,可以得到它的一些渐近式、逼近阶及饱和度的若干结果我们所讨论的七次样条 S_n它满足下列条件

The sixth chapter studies the relationship between MMs and stylistic feature, taking a dynamic perspective to study style, with the second section of this chapter analyzing the usages of MMs in report text and comment text of news style, the third comparing the different usage of three Chinese translations of Uncle Toms Cabin, the fourth analyzing the usage of MMs in three kinds of modern Chinese text , the fifth comparing the usage of MMs in three disciplines academic text and The sixth discussing the interactional rehtorical model, including the establishment of self-identity of speaker/writer, the expectation to reader/hearer, and the intertextuality interaction.

第六章讨论元话语和各语体语篇语体特征的关系,认为从元话语的角度来分析语体是从动态的角度来探讨言语行为和语体类型之间的关系,第二节讨论了报道体和时评体语篇中元话语使用情况,第三节比较了Uncle Tom's Cabin的文言文、古代白话和现代汉语三个译本中元话语标记使用的差异,第四节比较现代汉语三种语体文本中元话语标记使用情况,第五节讨论三个专业的学术论文中元话语标记的使用差异;第六节讨论元话语与语篇的互动修辞,讨论了语篇中表达者自我身份的确立、语篇对接受者的期待和呼吁和语篇的互动模式,说明元话语研究对探讨语篇的修辞互动模式和结构具有重要的意义。

更多网络解释与讨论相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

class discussion:班级讨论, 课堂讨论

class differentiation | 阶级分化 | class discussion | 班级讨论, 课堂讨论 | class division | 阶级划分

by discuss:按讨论 依讨论

by description 按描述 依描述 | by discuss 按讨论讨论 | by drive 按驱动器名 依磁碟机代号

discussion:讨论 ","讨论

4.方法 方法(method)主要在说明取得实验结果的实验设计,如实验5.结果 结果(results)主要是指统计结果,也就是原始材料经过统计6.讨论 讨论(discussion)是根据实验结果对所要解决的问题给予回7.结论 结论(summary)是说明本实验证

Panel discussion:小组讨论

几个人在台前就某些主题发起讨论,听众在台下互动的"小组讨论"(Panel Discussion)是一种非常好的学术会议形式,能够在短时间内就某一主题展开深入讨论,使参与方彼此熟悉,并交换大量信息,同时还能让人感到生动、活泼、有趣、获得知识.


disputability 有讨论余地 | disputable 有讨论余地的 | disputably 有讨论余地

RFD RequestforDiscussion:请求讨论,添加讨论组提案

14 RFE RequestForEnhancement 请求增强 | 15 RFD RequestforDiscussion 请求讨论,添加讨论组提案 | 16 RFCS RadioFrequencycarriershift 射频载波漂移

la taille:讨论尺寸

4讨论颜色La couleur | 5讨论尺寸La taille | 6讨论种类Le genre

talked over--discussed:讨论-讨论

Summit-top of the mountain|高峰会-山的顶端 | Talked over-discussed|讨论-讨论 | Tolerate-put up with|宽容-忍受

talked over--discussed:透彻的讨论:在对话中透彻地考虑;讨论

steadily continuously 不断地, 稳步地 | talked over discussed 透彻的讨论:在对话中透彻地考虑;讨论: | tolerate put up with 忍受

Leaderless Group Discussion:无领导小组讨论

无领导小组讨论(Leaderless Group Discussion)作为一种人事选拔和测评的工具,通常让6-8个人组成一个小组,共同讨论一个话题或者解决一个问题. 评价中观察的人数较多,评价者在使用无领导小组讨论的过程中对候选人的观察和评价存在着一些误区,