英语人>词典>汉英 : 解答出 的英文翻译,例句
解答出 的英文翻译、例句


study out
更多网络例句与解答出相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Using the exterior expression for the Graf′s addition theorem, the closed form solution for scattering of plane SH waves by circular inclusion in half-space is given in the paper. The effect of the inclusion on the surface ground motion is ellustrated and the effect region of the scattering field from the inclusion is analyzed.


Also using the exterior expression for the Graf′s addition theorem, the exact solution for scattering of plane SH waves by circular arc alluvial valley is presented in the paper. From the numerical results the complex effect of the depth-to-width ratio of the alluvial valley on the surface ground motion is found.


Carries on the classification to the question, analyzes each kinds of questions the explanation mentality, inquires and summarizes that it can 100 within the odd number aliquot aliquot characteristic, finally discovered that any integer can by the lowliest place digit be 1,3,7,9 aliquot integer characteristics according to the lowliest place numeric classification, each kind has certain rule.


This want of politeness I was not, however, surprised at, for it is notorious, as has been before observed by an able writer, that, excepting the Church of Rome, the members of the unestablished Church of England–the Protestant Episcopalian, are the most bigotted, sectarian, and illiberal, in the United States of America.


Some of us need, above all, to work with smart and intellectually curious people who zip through the New York Times Sunday crossword over a half-cup of coffee, while others need a friendly, supportive team and couldn't care less about intellectual heft.


Some of us need, above all, to work with smart and intellectually curious people who zip through the New York Times Sunday crossword over a half-cup of coffee, while others need a friendly, supportive team and couldnt care less about intellectual heft.


In this paper,the general solution for plane problem of elastic mechanics in polar coordinate system is deduced by separate variable method.


Vesic's solutions to cavity expansion that include cylindrical cavity expansion and spherical cavity expansion are introduced. Then cylindrical cavity expansion theory is applied to study compaction effect of pile driving in saturated soil. Based on the results of conventional triaxial tests, a trilinear curve model is used to simulate stress-strain curve of strain-softening materials. Meanwhile, trilinear curves are also used to simulate curves of volumetric strain, minor principal strain and major principal strain. By using elasto-plastic theory, analytical solutions to cylindrical cavity expansion in strain-softening soil are presented. According to the mechanism of statically pressed pile driving, compaction effect of pile tip can be viewed as hemispheric cavity expansion. Therefore spherical cavity expansion theory is applied to obtain the solutions to stress, strain, displacement fields and final pressure. Resistance force of pile tip is calculated to estimate static pressure.


Thirdly, from the influences of Media Event, by reference to objective reporting ideas, this study analyzes in sequence these influences in terms of reporting practice, media management and control, and reporting ideas, to further explore how two aspects remodify themselves and coordinate to supplement, and perfect the system of news reporting ideas.


Chapter Eight concludes the achievement of this dissertation, and some problems will be answered through more discussions. To sum up, this dissertation argues that Liber Abaci has three kinds of features, i.e., a rich content Mathematic, a variety of mathematics cultural exchange, and the dissemination diversify.


更多网络解释与解答出相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


笔者给出了这些定义之后,有人说生命起源的问题不是进化论要解答的问题,它应属于"自然发生论"(abiogenesis)的研究课题. 笔者则认为进化论不能回避生命起源的问题. 进化论既然断言(地球上)所有生物起源于共同的祖先,它必须对这个祖先有所交待.


一个链队列由队头、队尾指针唯一确定. 在表尾的插入运算称为入队,在表头的删除运算称为出队. [解答] 此算法实现删除带头结点的链队列中重复出现的元素. [例2-32] 利用栈模拟一个队列,编程实现用栈的运算来实现该队列的出队(Dequeue)运算.


向海的措施基于两个基本原则:整合的海岸政策(being Integrated Coastal Policy)和建设遵循自然(Building with Nature)整合的海岸和三角洲政策给出了解决现存的或者将来的,相互联系,与内地(hinterland)和所临海域,河,湖泊都有关系的问题的解答,


在数论领域,他给出了整数型亏格的第一个普遍定义,给出"秩"(rank)的概念,这个概念的许多问题仍未得到解答,更深入地钻研他的论文也许会导致新的结果. 关于代数学,他研究了次数≥3的算术理论、非交换代数、包络代数,


当它们被拨弄时,会发出和谐的灵性音乐,而这样的和声(harmony)创造出的泛音(overtone)使其他的弦产生共振(resonate)或趋于静止(still). 而这些其他的弦可以是...工作、丰盛、解答及和平的意图等等. 让我稍微形容一下小武的生活.


我们穆斯林的责任是去帮助基督徒弟兄有经的人(People of the Book)古兰经对基督徒和犹太教徒的尊称)--解答在过去二千年来困扰他们的问题. 古兰经训令我们说:犹大教徒和基督徒幻想"得救"(SALVATION)是他们专有的,古兰经命穆斯林要求他们拿出证据来支持他们的宣称:

solution space:解答空间

这类方法的特性在于能在广大的解答空间(Solution Space)中有效地搜寻到近似最佳解的答案;如Kim 和Lee[12]以分布式遗传基因算法为基础,衍生出一个零工型制造系统的排程方法,可以在合理的计算时间内找出最佳的排程解答;

