英语人>词典>汉英 : 解放了的 的英文翻译,例句
解放了的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
emancipate  ·  emancipates  ·  emancipating

更多网络例句与解放了的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Where the Potestas ends, Kinship ends; so that a son emancipated by his father loses all rights of Agnation.


The liberated new China of the future will be inseparable from the liberated new world of the future.


People of liberated river Chinese Campagna especially Wuhan city people, below the leader of the Chinese Communist, conquer this flood, but so serious flood happens no longer after failing to assure at all.


In this way his spirit is emancipated .


I still remember the day when my native place was liberated .


The protagonist Rosamund is a newly liberated woman. She is independent and successful in academics.


And the result of this Civil War was that, with the victory of the capitalist class, centered in the North, the slave system was abolished and the capitalist system became dominant in the country as a whole—even though, especially after a brief period of Reconstruction following the Civil War, the southern landowning aristocracy and developing capitalists in the South were re-integrated into the ruling class of the country as a whole, and in fact have had a major influence within that ruling class, while the former slaves were subjugated once again, in forms of exploitation and oppression hardly less onerous than slavery (and some forms of actual slavery continued to exist, particularly in the South, long after slavery was legally and formally abolished).


And from it?Thou, soul, unloosen'd--the restlessness after I know not what


Back to thy loath'd cell;And when thou seest the new enlightened sphere,Study to know but what those worthies were.


As for his later works, The Revolt of Islam and The Cenci and Prometheus Unbound, they demonstrate that he tries to give an answer for the muttons by means of poem.


更多网络解释与解放了的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


抵达"解放"(liberate) 的时候,即1949年"解放"前夕,共产党领导人要对建国的大事"深思熟虑的"(deliberate) 考虑. 这个词比drag多了两个字母on,drag的意思是"拖",多出的n的手写体的最后一笔正好象"龙"(dragon)拖着的尾巴.



Fisk University:菲斯克大学

那是在南北战争结束的第二年,田纳西州成立了一所黑人大学-菲斯克大学(Fisk University),意在帮助解放了的黑人们接受教育,取得基本的工作技能,以适应美国社会的需要.

Frees up valuable shelf space:解放了宝贵的货架空间

Easy to install with four screws (included).易于安装与四个螺丝(包含在内) . | Frees up valuable shelf space.解放了宝贵的货架空间. | Holds up to 18 glasses.拥有多达18个眼镜.

The Masque of Anarchy, Hellas:专制者的假面游行

? The Cenci钦契一家 | ? The Masque of Anarchy, Hellas专制者的假面游行 | ? Prometheus Unbound解放了的普罗米修斯


18世纪初,现在被称作利比里亚的地区被前美国奴隶居住,所以国名在英文有"自由"(liberty)和"解放"(liberated)的意思. 在我还是一个幸福的女人的时候,我不知道这个世界上还有一个地方叫利比里亚. 我坚持了5年的婚姻终于还是处于苟且残喘的状态,

Prometheus Unbound:解放了的普罗米修斯

还有一次是读到当年有眼无珠的评者对雪莱诗剧>(Prometheus Unbound)的讽刺:"有谁会装订这样一本破书?"(此处一语双关,"解放了"和"未装订"英文都是unbound)我想到"朗费罗浪费了诗歌"那句伤人话,体会到雪莱可能经受的痛苦,

Prometheus Unbound:解放了的大力量

31.pandemonium :魔宮----------------------------------------- ... | 32.Prometheus unbound :解放了的大力量------------------------ A 89/4/3 | 33.protection rackets :保護行業-----------------------------...

Zuckerman Unbound:<解放了的朱克曼>

>(The Ghost Writer)、解放了的朱克曼>(Zuckerman Unbound)和>(The Anatomy Lesson)等. 三部曲描写一个颇有事业心的年轻作家的成名与失落,有一定的自传成分. 罗斯的小说以幽默见长,但性描写过多.

The Ghost Writer:代人捉刀的作家

My Life as a Man我作为男人的一生 | The Ghost Writer代人捉刀的作家 | Zukerman Unbound解放了的朱克曼