英语人>词典>汉英 : 觉得好笑 的英文翻译,例句
觉得好笑 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
smile  ·  smiled  ·  smiles

更多网络例句与觉得好笑相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It's 2101, and I am not amused.


I was not at all amused when I heard his joke.


Kiss her quickly next, she won't mind, and can feel comical.


In the new dual somewhat complacent on the one hand, I also feel that funny.


Fury coursed through him. He didn't feel playful.


I added as cursorily as possible, that in adopting such a calling - that is, in keeping a pawnbroker's shop, I had one object, hinting there was a special circumstance ...


On the other hand, along with his ease of expression, he displayed a lightness facetiousness of thought that delighted her.


Third, as for the reasons for Unfunny, in addition to "I have read/heard it before"(Option 1),"Compared with what I have read/heard before, this one is nothing special"(Option 2), and "I don't understand it"(Option 3), the reasons in "Others"(Option 4) show 13 characteristics. To be precise, a joke is unfunny when it is too simple or childish, too long or complex, unattractive in itscontent, obscene, offensive, prejudiced or disparaged, it is not stimulating, simply a word play, predictable, old-fashioned, justnot funny, unknown to people who lack the background knowledge of this joke, or when the readers was unable to make connection right away as shown in Joke4.

在探讨笑话为何会「不好笑」的理由中,除了「我听过/读过」(选项 1)、「比起我所听过/读过的,这则笑话一点也不特别」(选项2)、以及「我看不懂」(选项3)外,大部分英语外籍人士和少部分台湾学生在「其他」(选项4)的答案显示出13种原因,包含笑话(1)太简单或幼稚,(2)太长或太复杂,(3)内容不吸引人,(4)内容低俗,(5)有冒犯的意图,(6)有偏见或贬低的意图,(7)没有启发性,(8)只是文字游戏,(9)笑点可预测,(10)老套,(11)就是不觉得好笑,(12)局限於特定背景知识的人才看得懂,或是(13)读者一时无法会意出笑点。

English speakers and the college English majors in the top three funny jokes and in the top three unfunny jokes in linguistic jokes are that Syntactic Joke 8 was favored by both groups; Phonological Joke 3 was not favored by both groups; the two Phonological Jokes were are not appreciated by the NSs; Lexical joke 15 is not favored by the CEMs, but is appreciated most by the NSs; and Morphological Joke 5 is not appreciated by the CEMs, but is favored by the NSs.

在语言笑话欣赏中,2组受试者分别在其前三名好笑的和前三名不好笑的笑话排行比较结果显示(1) 2组受试者都觉得句法笑话8好笑;(2) 2组受试者都觉得语音笑话3不好笑;(3)英语外籍人士觉得2则语音笑话都不好笑;(4)台湾学生觉得字汇笑话15不好笑,但是英语外籍人士觉得最好笑;(5)台湾学生觉得词素笑话5不好笑,但是英语外籍人士觉得好笑

The mere mention of that word brings sniggers from the youth of the world, but if you have ever pulled a muscle in that particular region (the inside of the thigh, where the pelvis bone attaches to the thigh bone), you can understand the seriousness of the subject.


更多网络解释与觉得好笑相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Adam's apple:喉结

说他也约过这个女孩子,什么都好,就是喉结(Adam's apple)太大,这让大家觉得十分好笑......根据圣经Old Testament(>)创世纪(Genesis)篇,Adam(亚当)和Eve(夏娃)是人类的始祖,上帝在伊甸(Eden)建立了一个园子给他们居住.

in the coatroom of the Phillips Club:在飞利浦俱乐部的衣帽间里

We had a little moment|我们有过一段 | in the coatroom of the Phillips Club|在飞利浦俱乐部的衣帽间里 | I don't find that funny.|我不觉得好笑


waitperson (餐厅、旅馆的)服务员 | cyme [植]聚伞花序 | be amused at 以...为乐 对...觉得有趣[好笑]

Thinking you can outsmart my uncle:[你觉得你斗得过我叔叔吗

-What's so funny? -You. [- 有什么好笑的? - 笑你啊] | Thinking you can outsmart my uncle. [你觉得你斗得过我叔叔吗?] | Walk. [走]

covalent:[化]共有原子价的, 共价的

be amused at 以...为乐 对...觉得有趣[好笑] | covalent [化]共有原子价的, 共价的 | Einstein partition function 爱因斯坦配分函数

Falcated Duck:罗纹鸭

在我们正前方的是一大群鹤鹬,前方右边有着好几种雁鸭类,包括比较少见的花脸鸭(Baikal Teal),常见的绿翅鸭(Common Teal)和罗纹鸭(Falcated Duck). 在观察绿翅鸭的时候,我们被指导看鸭子的屁股上一块黄色三角斑块作为这个鸟种的一个特征来记. 大家都觉得好笑...

How about you, chuckles:你没有意见

Anybody else got a problem?|还有谁有意见? | How about you, chuckles?|你没有意见? | You think this is funny now?|你现在还觉得好笑吗?

That way, he's sober but his shoelace stories are more amusing:这样他会很清醒,而我会觉得 他的鞋带笑话好笑多了

This is not for him. This is for me.|不...这... | That way, he's sober but his shoelace stories are more amusing.|这样他会很清醒,而我会觉得 他的鞋带笑话好笑多了 | God! Even his knock is boring!|天哪,他连...

Adam's apple:喉结

说他也约过这个女孩子,什么都好,就是喉结(Adam's apple)太大,这让大家觉得十分好笑......根据圣经Old Testament(<<旧约>>)创世纪(Genesis)篇,Adam(亚当)和Eve(夏娃)是人类的始祖,上帝在伊甸(Eden)建立了一个园子给他们居住.