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装配 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
assemblage  ·  assemble  ·  assembled  ·  assembly  ·  configure  ·  fabricate  ·  fitting  ·  rig  ·  assembles  ·  assemblies  ·  fabricates  ·  fabricating  ·  rigs  ·  assemblages

put together · setting up · rig out · rig up · fit together
更多网络例句与装配相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Because assembly constraint solving is required frequently in assembly design, to improve solving efficiency and stability considerately are of great importance to real time requirement in engineering.


One is by knowledge Petri net First AND/OR graph was evolved by calculating cut set of relationship Matrix of parts which shows the assembly relation between the parts. Then the KPN was generated with AND/OR graph automatically. Running the KPN, an optimum assembly sequences was obtained last. The other is by Hopfield neural network.


Firstly, we briefly introduce the assembly model, analyze and evaluate the typical assembly model. Secondly, we propose a new-layered assembly model which is based on discrete face. At last, we briefly discuss how to use the DENEB system to abstract the information from the CAD model and how to add constrain information to the DENEB model.


Some statistical properties of product assembly are obtained on the basis of industrial investigation of assembly procedure and analysis of assembly operations of typical products; concept of fuzzy quotient set is introduced to the study of assembly sequence planning and a theoretical frame and algorithm for assembly sequence planning based on product fuzzy quotient set is presented; theory and method of fuzzy automata and fuzzy decision are used in the investigation of sensor based assembly sequence planning and a theoretical frame and algorithm for assembly sequence planning based on information sensing of assembly process are presented; an assembly model for product is put forward; study of product disassemblability is carried on.


The main jobs of this paper are as followed: 1 The reuse of the frame design technology for aircraft assembly fixtures is researched. a frame line part library is built with the templet driven technology, the reuse of the frame line part come true by the tools for instantiation and instance modification. The design resources are effectively used, some repeating work is cut. 2 Two methods to obtain the assembly feature are proposed: the straight way by the Enumeration method and the indirect way by project features to the assembly plane. All of the assembly features of the frame and the adjustable bearings are obtained by these two methods which makes the frame automatic assembly technology for aircraft assembly fixtures come true. 3 The frame automatic assembly technology aircraft assembly fixtures based on assembly features is researched. A binary tree assembly model is used to express the assembly information of the frame for aircraft assembly fixtures, the automatic assembly between the frame, the aircraft and the adjustable bearing is completed within the three steps: distribute, obtain and evaluate assembly feature. Finally, the efficiency of the frame assembly design is proved. 4The frame interpart modeling technology for aircraft assembly fixtures is researched, the intersection methods are concluded and the arithmetic of the single-cut, double-cut and inter-cut intersection is proposed, the interpart fast modeling of the frame design for aircraft assembly fixture come true. 5Based on the researches mentioned before, a sub-system of frame fast design for aircraft assembly fixture is developed on CATIA. The sub-system is used to design the aircraft assembly fixtures in a large aeronautics corporation and make a good- effect.

论文的主要工作如下: 1研究了飞机装配型架骨架设计重用技术,在总结归纳骨架线框结构类型的基础上,应用模板驱动的方法建立了骨架线框库,通过骨架线框零件的实例化和离线编辑实现骨架线框的重用,有效利用设计资源,减少重复劳动; 2提出穷举几何对象的装配特征直接获取方法,遍历零件模型的几何对象,从中捕捉所需装配特征,该方法简捷、高效;提出向装配面投影的装配特征间接获取方法,该方法在现有特征基础上生成装配特征,解决了部分装配特征难以直接获取的问题; 3研究了基于装配特征的飞机装配型架骨架自动装配技术,采用一种二叉树装配模型表达骨架的装配关系,并通过装配特征的分配、获取和赋值三个步骤,实现了骨架分别与飞机产品和可调支承的自动装配,避免了繁琐的人工交互操作,提高了骨架设计的效率和规范化程度; 4研究了飞机装配型架骨架零件间建模技术,在总结归纳骨架元件相贯处理方式的基础上,提出了骨架元件单剪切相贯、双剪切相贯和互剪切相贯的实现算法,简化了骨架相贯处理的过程; 5基于以上研究,在CATIA平台上开发了飞机装配型架骨架快速设计子系统,并应用于某大型航空企业的装配型架设计,提高了设计效率和设计质量。

During example analysis process, theoretical assembly model of microminiaturized circular shaft and sleeve is established, and stress-strain relationship with different parameters is deduced by virtual displacement principle; two finite element assembly models of D shaped shaft and gear, circular shaft and sleeve are established.


They are①ANN based nonlinear coding method to reduce coding delay②the conversion method of CBR streams to VBR streams to make the packeting delay negligible③human perception based main and subordinate packet method to reduce the influence of packeting delay④cell selective discarding and datagram selective shorten method to reduce queuing delay by alleviating the load of links⑤multitask cell or datagram multiplexing method to reduce packeting delay.


The paper chooses the assembly of aircraft digital assembly location as a research object, chooses the assembly of aircraft section as a research example, aims to study the method of aircraft digital assembly location, focuses on the research of the structure of digital assemble control prototype system for aircraft section based on laser measurement, develops the servo control device and related software based on LM629, ATmega128 and LMD18200, completes the construction of the system based on the assembly of aircraft section.


According to tire valve assembling craftwork, give the math model based on Petri Net and stimulate it, and get the best scheme. All these work afford a precondition and macroscopical guidance for study and making out a good function tire valve assembling equipment.3Have a deep research on the whole structure of the assembly equipment. Great innovation is presented in the design process of 9 suits of transmission machine and 5 sets assembly tongs, so that the structure is compact and the tongs have good fuctions. Especially, the design of tongs for extrusion is perfect as the author think.4 Hardware about control is selected carefully and software is programmed seriously.

故此,按照现有的气门芯装配工艺,运用Petri网对气门芯装配进行了数学建模,并对之进行了装配仿真,得出理想状态下的最优方案,为研制高效的气门芯装配系统提供了必要的前提条件和宏观指导; 3对装配系统的整体结构作了深入研究与规划;对9套送料机构和5套装配夹具进行了大胆的创新设计,使得整套系统结构紧凑,装配夹具性能优良,尤其是镦顶夹具的设计,为作者得意之作; 4控制系统硬件进行了精心选型,软件进行了认真编写。

In the auto-body assembly process, the sound joint configuration would reduce and/or eliminate assembly variation propagation between parts, because rational allocation and design of joint configuration enable to adjust assembly process locators to achieve slip joint absorb or compensate the variation accumulation to improve the assembly robustness, therefore, the paper study joint type design and configuration and describe a multi-station auto-body assembly propagation model.


更多网络解释与装配相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


装配模型 - 使用 Pro/ENGINEER 命令"插入"(Insert)>"元件"(Component)>"装配"(Assemble) 进行装配机构. 在"机械设计"中打开存在的模型时,Pro/ENGINEER 约束将被转换为"机械设计"的连接集,然后增添其它类型的接头和模型图元.

assembling bolt:装配螺栓

assembling area 装配场地 | assembling bolt 装配螺栓 | assembling department 装配车间

assembly line method:装配流水作业法,流水作业

assembly line flow process 装配流水作业 | assembly line method 装配流水作业法,流水作业 | assembly line operation 装配作业线生产

assemble bring together:装配;组合

assemble gather 装配;组合 | assemble bring together 装配;组合 | assemble put together 装配;组合

Assembly Hidden Line Removal:装配隐藏线去除

Assembly Filtering 装配过虑 | Assembly Hidden Line Removal 装配隐藏线去除 | Assembly Modeling 装配建模

Assembly Hidden Line Removal:装配消隐线移去

Assembly analysis|装配体分析 | Assembly Hidden Line Removal|装配消隐线移去 | Assembly Modeling|装配建模

Locking Retractor:自动长度调节和锁紧式伸缩装配

BLR Butomatic Locking Retractor 安全带自动锁定装配 | Locking Retractor 自动长度调节和锁紧式伸缩装配 | BLR Butomatic Locking Retractor 自动锁紧式伸缩装配

Locking Retractor:自动长度调治以及锁紧式伸缩装配

BLR Butomatic Locking Retractor 安全带自动锁定装配 | Locking Retractor 自动长度调治以及锁紧式伸缩装配 | BLR Butomatic Locking Retractor 自动锁紧式伸缩装配

Assembly Navigator:装配导航器

Assembly Modeling 装配建模 | Assembly Navigator 装配导航器 | Assembly Navigator Tool 装配导航工具

SAF Safety:安全装配,保险装配,掩护装配

Reverb depth control 混响深度节制 | SAF Safety 安全装配,保险装配,掩护装配 | Safeguard by 防护器