英语人>词典>汉英 : 被磁化的 的英文翻译,例句
被磁化的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Reverse magnetization is first used to repair a damaged hard disk sector physical way.


The mechanical watch has metal gear and balance and hair spring, once contacting a magnetic field, it will pause and magnetize, the magnetized watch is much inaccurate or may even stop working.


Magnetic abrasives are composite abrasives which must be magnetizable and abrasive.


Symbol Fe A silvery-white, lustrous, malleable, ductile, magnetic or magnetizable, metallic element occurring abundantly in combined forms, notably in hematite, limonite, magnetite, and taconite, and used alloyed in a wide range of important structural materials.

符号 Fe 铁:一种银白色的、有光泽、有韧性、可延展,有磁性或可被磁化的金属,以化合物形式大量存在,主要有赤铁矿、褐铁矿、磁铁矿和角岩,在许多种重要结构材料中用作合金的一种。

Non-magnetic tweezers are used stainless steel it is difficult to be magnetized under normal circumstances.


Paleomagnetism: Study of natural remanent magnetization of rocks and other natural materials in order to determine the intensity and direction of the earth's field at the time the materials were magnetized.


If two men of equal ability, one magnetized by a divine self-confidence , the other demagnetized by fear and doubt, are given similar tasks, one will succeed and the other will fail.


There are some metals which possess the power to conduct electricity and ability to be magnetized.


There are some metals which possess the power to conduct electricity and ability to be magnetized.


In addition, compared to cutting-edge department,the back junction were easily magnetized.


更多网络解释与被磁化的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Curie temperature:温度

他们都认为只要在海洋地壳生成的历史中,地球磁场曾经间歇地逆转其极性,则当热的地函物质对流涌上中洋脊,再冷却到居里温度(Curie temperature)时,就会被当时的磁场磁化,而将磁极方向记录在火成岩中.

diamagnetic substance:抗磁质

[简介]抗磁质(diamagnetic substance) 抗磁质(diamagnetic substance) 抗磁质是一类磁性较弱的磁介质. 它的结构特点是分子固有磁矩等于零. 所以介质对外不显示磁性. 将抗磁质放入外磁场B0中,介质被磁化而显示磁性,

magnetic flux density:磁通密度

虽然电线圈本身已能够制造磁场,但如果想要提高马达的效率,就一定要使用转子. 转子以具有高磁通密度的金属造成(磁通密度(Magnetic flux density)是描述一件物件能被磁化的程度. 磁通密度越高,便越容易被磁化. )


导磁率(permeability)是以描述材料被磁化之难易程度,亦即导通磁力线之能力. 材料之化学成分、合金成分、热处理及冷作状况与温度等因素均会影响导磁率大小. 一般导磁率表示为在磁区内的磁矩排列成同一方向,形成自生磁化,


有4种主要的磁性状态:(1)抗磁性,磁化方向与外加磁场方向相反,即,磁化率(susceptibility)为负. 抗磁性是一种弱型的磁性,且可被其他较强的磁性掩盖,不过一切物质都是抗磁性的. 抗磁性起于物质原子的电子轨道中所加磁场引起的变化,