英语人>词典>汉英 : 被塞住 的英文翻译,例句
被塞住 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
plug  ·  stop  ·  plugs  ·  stops

更多网络例句与被塞住相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And chemical engineer not quite know a car, but he guesses the likelihood is benzine emulsification, make where by plug.


"Silence," said Voldemort, with another twitch of Malfoy's wand, and Charity fell silent as if gagged. Not content with corrupting and polluting the minds of Wizarding children, last week Professor Burbage wrote an impassioned defense of Mudbloods in the Daily Prophet.


Charity Not content with corrupting and polluting the minds of Wizarding children, last week Professor Burbage wrote an impassioned defense of Mudbloods in the Daily Prophet.burbage Wizards, she says, must accept these thieves of their knowledge and magic.


I felt carsick, my nose was stuffed, and I had a headache.


Gooks are just so chock full of rac*t,arrogant,jingo*tic terminology proclaiming Korea to be some "heavenly kingdom"!


Some residues are subject to conservative substitution of one residue by another with similar properties, others to nonconservative substitution where one amino acid residue is replaced by another with different propertied.


To be at or come to a standstill; become fixed, blocked, checked, or obstructed


Who is more to be pitied, a writer bound and gagged by policemen or one living in perfect freedom who has nothing more to say?


Picture an empty wine bottle with a cork secured at the top in the usual way. Inside the bottle a metal ring hangs suspended by a string.


Six men went off with the mules to the outlaws' secret hold, while Anselm and the other monks, submitting to being bound and gagged because they could not help it, still hoped to see Guy of Gisborne ride down on the outlaws and put them to flight, before all was done.


更多网络解释与被塞住相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

aromatic compound:芳香物质

多半的啜吸风味(flavor)就是由咖啡中的芳香物质(aromatic compound)所造成的. 你可以在喝咖啡的时候塞住鼻子来证明这点. 当鼻腔被塞住时,由於感受不到湿香(aroma),味道会和即溶咖啡很类似. 当鼻腔打开时你就能立即的感受到丰富缤纷的啜吸风味(flavor).




操阿尔冈昆语的印第安人,居住在哈得逊河流域上游的卡兹奇(Catskill)山脉. 有五个重要分支,各由世袭酋长(首领)统治,选出的顾问予以辅佐. 住在建於山上或林地里的堡垒,内有二十~三十间房舍. 1664年被摩和克人驱赶而迁移到现在的麻萨诸塞州斯托克布里奇.

free state:自由状态

2.逆向动作型之引动器,因柱塞受弹簧线圈压缩力之作用,故经常都是保持住的. 然后由于杠杆之动作就从保持住的位置被释放而开关动作,因为当柱塞在自由状态(free state)时,是被引动器所保持住的,故此型开关最适于耐振动和冲击.

get stuck with:被难住;遇到麻烦

confiscate vt.没收, 充公 | get stuck with...被难住;遇到麻烦 | stick v.to be at or come to a standstill; become fixed, blocked, checked, or obstructed被难住:保持或变得静止;被固定、卡住、塞住或阻住

Mark Selby:(塞尔比)

记得他在我们中国的一次比赛中有个非常有意思的镜头!不知道你看见过没有!就是他在一场比赛的赛后,被一个球迷抱住!他脸都红了!...我喜欢 基本信息 姓名:马克-塞尔比(Mark Selby) 国籍:英格兰 出生地:莱彻斯特 生日:1983.6.19 单杆最高分:141分(2008 温布利大师赛)...

stick in:被固定,卡住,塞住在某处不能移动

air-conditioned adi.装有空调的 | stick in 被固定,卡住,塞住在某处不能移动 | regional adj.整个地区的, 地方地, 地域性地

stick v.to be at or come to a standstill; become fixed, blocked, checked, or obstructed:被难住:保持或变得静止;被固定、卡住、塞住或阻住

get stuck with...被难住;遇到麻烦 | stick v.to be at or come to a standstill; become fixed, blocked, checked, or obstructed被难住:保持或变得静止;被固定、卡住、塞住或阻住 | 例:stuck in traffic for an hou...

bound and gagged hostages:被绑住并被塞住嘴巴的人质

the bounds of the kingdom.王国的疆界 | bound and gagged hostages.被绑住并被塞住嘴巴的人质 | ---Being under legal or moral obligation:有义务的:受法律或道德义务所约束的:

e.g. bound and gagged hostages:被绑住并被塞住嘴巴的人质

Oh, is it? ...said the sheriff with a sneer."噢,是吗?"司法官冷笑着说... | e.g. bound and gagged hostages.被绑住并被塞住嘴巴的人质 | 2) being under legal or moral obligation有义务的:受法律或道德义务所约束...