英语人>词典>汉英 : 被压碎 的英文翻译,例句
被压碎 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
crush  ·  crushed  ·  crushes

更多网络例句与被压碎相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

If not for him, I would have been crushed under a collapsing tower.


I can't,'cause my knees are crushed together!


For many materials the process of turning them back into useful raw materials is straightforward: metals are shredded into pieces, paper is reduced to pulp and glass is crushed into cullet.


Mangled cars lie buried under rubble at the site of the Hamas ministry buildings compound, which was destroyed during an Israeli airstrike on December 30, 2008 in Gaza City, Gaza Strip.


O ne afternoon I was walking across the yard and stopped to pick up an acorn---one acorn, nut brown, glossy, cool to the touch; the crested top was milled and knurled like the knob on a safe.


The former was a boy of fourteen, 8ttt8.com when he drew out what had been a fiddle, crushed to morsels in the great-coat, he blubbered aloud; Cathy, when she learned the master had lost her whip in attending on the stranger, showed her humour by grinning spitting at the stupid little thing; earning for her pains a sound blow from her father, to teach her cleaner manners.

前者是个14岁的男孩,当他发现小提琴在口袋里已经被压碎了之后,大声的哭了。而凯西,当她发现父亲为了 dd dtt。 com 照顾这个 www.8 ttt8。 com 陌生人而把自己的马鞭弄丢了,她以她的幽默了结了此事,充这个 www.8 ttt8。 com 愚蠢的小东西咧嘴,吐口水。

The former was a boy of fourteen, 8ttt8.com when he drew out what had been a fiddle, crushed to morsels in the great-coat, he blubbered aloud; Cathy, when she learned the master had lost her whip in attending on the stranger, showed her humour by grinning spitting at the stupid little thing; earning for her pains a sound blow from her father, to teach her cleaner manners.

前者是个14岁的男孩,当他发现小提琴在口袋里已经被压碎了之后,大声的哭了。而凯西,当她发现父亲 dd dtt。 com 照顾 www.8 ttt8。 com 陌生人而把自己的马鞭弄丢了,她以她的幽默了结了此事,充 www.8 ttt8。 com 愚蠢的小东西咧嘴,吐口水。

Hence He knows their actions, And He overturns them in the night so that they are crushed.

34:25 因此祂知道他们的行为,在夜间倾覆他们,使他们被压碎

The museums may look splendid, but, around them, history is being pulverised.


When the pulverized material has been properly sized, mixed with the additive in the amount determined by testing, laid and compacted to the required density, surfaced with a chip seal coat, thin hot mix overlay or other light surfacing, a long lasting, low cost pavement can be constructed with a minimum of new material.


更多网络解释与被压碎相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


粉碎过程常用的外加力有:冲击力(impact)、压缩力(compression)、剪切力(cutting)、弯曲力(bending)、研磨力(rubbing)等,参见图4-6. 被处理物料的性质、粉碎程度不同,所需施加的外力也有所不同. 冲击、压碎和研磨作用对脆性物质有效,


现在加入被压碎的Sulphur以及生石灰,你便会得到一 个Barrel-O-Boom.在此穿过 Underground Pass,回到精灵营地后把你的四团羊毛用在Iowerth西边帐篷中的织布机上(Loom)来制作布(Cloth),然后把它用在你的Bomb Barrel上.


crushed malt 麦芽碎 | crushed 被压碎的 | crusher 破碎机

suction nozzle:吸嘴 吸气管

crushproof 不会被压碎或撞坏的 | suction nozzle 吸嘴 吸气管 | triple channel 三重沟道 三通道

Lilium brownii:[[布朗百合]

卷丹、山丹尤其是布朗百合(Lilium brownii)的球根在中国被大规模种植,口感和质地与土豆有些类似,常制成百合干销售,可以清热解毒,被认为是健康食品. 人们将百合干泡开后炒制,然后压碎用於煮汤,或是用於提取淀粉. 百合也是一些鳞翅目幼虫,

Maroc n.pr.m:摩洛哥

3621 marmelade f. 果酱,一团糟 NULL en~烧成糊状,被压碎/击碎 | 3622 Maroc n.pr.m. 摩洛哥 NULL NULL | 3623 marocain,e a. 摩洛哥的 NULL M~摩洛哥人