英语人>词典>汉英 : 表演 的英文翻译,例句
表演 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
act  ·  histrionics  ·  interpretation  ·  interpretations  ·  perform  ·  performance  ·  playact  ·  render  ·  rendering  ·  rendition  ·  show  ·  showing  ·  shows  ·  stage  ·  acted  ·  acts  ·  performed  ·  performs  ·  playacted  ·  playacts  ·  renders  ·  stages  ·  renderings  ·  renditions

appear on · play-acting
更多网络例句与表演相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Beijing Happy Valley has a huge performing team, which contains acrobatism, dressing show, singing and dancing, folk-custom of different cultural background besides American performing on water, European orchestral music, European X Game show, European folk-custom performing, African dancing show, and etc, will take on more than thirty scenes of art performing in five different styles of art performing areas.


"Work" means the literary and/or artistic work offered under the terms of this License including without limitation any production in the literary, scientific and artistic domain, whatever may be the mode or form of its expression including digital form, such as a book, pamphlet and other writing; a lecture, address, sermon or other work of the same nature; a dramatic or dramatico-musical work; a choreographic work or entertainment in dumb show; a musical composition with or without words; a cinematographic work to which are assimilated works expressed by a process analogous to cinematography; a work of drawing, painting, architecture, sculpture, engraving or lithography; a photographic work to which are assimilated works expressed by a process analogous to photography; a work of applied art; an illustration, map, plan, sketch or three-dimensional work relative to geography, topography, architecture or science; a performance; a broadcast; a phonogram; a compilation of data to the extent it is protected as a copyrightable work; or a work performed by a variety or circus performer to the extent it is not otherwise considered a literary or artistic work.


H. "Work" means the literary and/or artistic work offered under the terms of this License including without limitation any production in the literary, scientific and artistic domain, whatever may be the mode or form of its expression including digital form, such as a book, pamphlet and other writing; a lecture, address, sermon or other work of the same nature; a dramatic or dramatico-musical work; a choreographic work or entertainment in dumb show; a musical composition with or without words; a cinematographic work to which are assimilated works expressed by a process analogous to cinematography; a work of drawing, painting, architecture, sculpture, engraving or lithography; a photographic work to which are assimilated works expressed by a process analogous to photography; a work of applied art; an illustration, map, plan, sketch or three-dimensional work relative to geography, topography, architecture or science; a performance; a broadcast; a phonogram; a compilation of data to the extent it is protected as a copyrightable work; or a work performed by a variety or circus performer to the extent it is not otherwise considered a literary or artistic work.

h。 「本著作」指本授权条款下提供的文学及艺术著作,包含但不限於以任何方式或形式表达之文学、科学及艺术范围之制作物,例如:书籍、小手册及其他撰著;演讲、演说、布道及其他类似同性质之著作;戏剧著作或歌剧著作;舞蹈著作或默剧;含歌词或不含歌词之音乐作曲;电影著作及其他藉由与电影摄影技术类似之程序表达之同类著作;素描、绘画、建筑、雕塑、雕刻或版画之著作;摄影著作及其他藉由与摄影技术类似之程序表达之同类著作;应用艺术著作;插图、地图、设计图、素描及地理、地形、建筑或科学相关立体著作;表演;广播;录音物;和可受著作权保护的著作同样受保护的资料编辑物;或种种表演人或马戏团表演表演的不被视为文学或艺术著作的著作。

SEAL PERFORMS \ 海豹表演 Holding a sake bottle in a basin, with a facecloth on his head, a seal performed at Hakone-en Aquarium in Hakone, Japan, Tuesday.


At the Phantazmagorea Release Party, the much-publicized" D-Styles Sextet"(composed of D-Styles along with fellow Beat Junkies Melo-D,Babu,J-Rocc,Rhettmatic and Shortkut) performed live renditions of D-Styles' songs, set to visual imagery resulting in one of the most unique and unforgettable scratch shows to date.

在 Phantazmagorea唱片的发布会上,有着许多宣扬"D-styles 六重合奏曲"(与D-Styles 一起谱曲的有Beat Junkies Melo-D, Babu, J-Rocc, Rhettmatic and Shortkut)的人现场表演了D-styles的歌曲,无比认真得展示,凭借他们自身栩栩如生的表演,使得这场演出成为至今唯一而且令人无法忘记的scratch表演,让后辈争相演绎的历史性的scratch表演

The purpose of this article is to examine the house manager's work by using Goffman's theoretical framework of dramaturgic approach--The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life.Keyword 高夫曼,表演,前台经理; Goffman , performance , house manager , impression managementHome | About airiti Inc.| Copyright Policy | Privacy Policy | Contact Us

本文将藉由高夫曼的戏剧理论思想,以其名著《日常生活中的自我表演》(The presentation of self Everyday Life)为主要参考架构,探讨剧场中前台经理的工作亦是一种表演,如同舞台上的演出,完整且精彩,不容忽视。

This paper therefore examines the development of "the folklore Pai-Chang of Peking opera aria in Tainan city" through literature review depth-interview oral history and participant observation The concept frame is culture organism as the vertical axle and elements of a folklore activity as the transverse axle There are several significant findings about the general picture of this subject: During the late period of Japanese colonial era Tainan local people who played Peguan music learned Peking opera aria and tried to bring Peking opera aria into the folklore Pai-Chang which was one kind performance and traditional custom of Peguan music Some people who came from other places and played Peking opera aria had also known or learned "Pai-Chang" with touching Tainan local amateurs "Pai-Chang" used to be performed by amateurs for worship of god or goddess or for seasoning and wedding celebration without rewards Amateurs volunteered to perform "Pai-Chang" only for their duty temples and fraternity of Peking opera aria The majority of the audience is people who perform or like "Pai-Chang" or who live nearby There is a fixed pattern of the performance including the repertoire and the arrangement of the band The main meaning of this performace is to pray God's blessings therefore the procedure of "Ban-Hsian" is the most essential and ahead of Peking opera aria singing With time goes by the number of the amateurs has dropped; yet the demand for the worship ceremony remains; hence some of the amateurs have been trained to become professional performers Besides although the idea and the meaning of "Pai-Chang" remains the pattern of the performance has become simplified and rigid which is because of the performers' number decreasing and market adapting Nowadays the whole ecosystem of the folklore Pai-Chang of Peking opera aria in Tainan city keep changing which is mainly influenced by the transition of the society(such as the time and space of the industrial and commercial society being compressed and most people's pursuing of specialization and utilitarianism etc ) According to the findings in this paper the phenomenon can be regarded as the subject matter both of Peking opera and folklore studies For the studies of the Taiwanese culture however the subject not only enriches the subject matters of the Taiwanese culture(signifies the localization of Peking opera and a new pattern of Taiwanese folklore) but also reflects the characters of diversification integration adaptation and compromise of Taiwanese culture which used to be influenced by different regimes and the historical contexts Facing such a multicultural context this paper thus suggests researchers should show an open-minded attitude toward the complex of the Taiwanese culture studies and then important phenomenon would not be ignored or misunderstood


STREAKING THROUGH THE SKY \ 特术表演 Members of the Spanish Air Force aerobatic team "Patrulla Aguila" performed a maneuver during an air show in Evora, Portugal, Sunday.


SubjectId=8 Miljohn Ruperto米尼约赫·洛普托Acting Exercise: Adrian Leftwich's I Gave the Names, 2007installation/potential performance site: Campo Sant'Angelo表演练习:阿德里安·莱夫维奇的《我告密了》,2007装置/行为地点:圣天使广场Acting Exercise: Adrian Leftwich's I Gave the NamesThis project centers around the text I Gave the Names written by Adrian Leftwich for Granta magazine.

Miljohn Ruperto表演练习:阿德里安·莱夫维奇的《我告密了》该作品以阿德里安·莱夫维奇为《格兰塔》杂志所撰写的文章《告密》文本为中心。LCD屏幕上按顺序闪动着文章内容,参与者可以阅读或通过麦克风大声地将文章表演出来。

Human Mobile Stage 6 (2碟2膊醒狮表演 6)– Chung Oi Chau Ka Drumming, On the way to worship Sea Goddess Temple. in Wa Wan. N.T Hong Kong.

2碟2膊醒狮表演 6 (Human Mobile Stage 6)–中外周家打鼓手法,在去参拜天后圣庙,位於香港新界马湾。。

更多网络解释与表演相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Brice Stratford:良好 英国 表演艺术学院 文学士 表演学

Elizabeth Fenwick 良好 英国 苏格兰皇家音乐戏剧学院 文学士 表演学 | Brice Stratford 良好 英国 表演艺术学院 文学士 表演学 | Alex Klineberg 良好 英国 巴黎Jacques Lecoq国际哑剧学院 文学士 表演

put on discos:表演了迪斯科 (董事会和员工层增进感情时常表演的节目)

collective efforts 共同努力 | put on discos 表演了迪斯科 (董事会和员工层增进感情时常表演的节目) | throw/cast new light on...... 提供关于...的线索,帮助弄清......

put on discos:表演了迪斯科. put on 除了表示穿衣服,还表示上演,表演

throw light on 提供线索、情况;帮助弄清楚 | put on discos 表演了迪斯科. put on 除了表示穿衣服,还表示上演,表演. | food and accommodation食宿



fashion show:时装表演

时装表演(fashion show)是由时装模特在特定场所通过走台表演,展示时装的活动. 一般是在铺有长长的跑道式地毯的表演台上,模特穿上特制的时装和配以相应的饰品,以特定的步伐和节奏来回走动并做各种动作和造形. 时装模特是传递设计师意图的使者,

fashion show:表演

时装表演简介 时装表演(fashion show)是指由时装模特在特定场所通过走台表演,展示时装的活动. 时装表演一般是在铺有长长的跑道式地毯的表演台上,模特穿......

90 ICE SHOW:冰上表演 90 ICE SHOW 冰上表演

89 CATACOMB 地下墓穴 89 CATACOMB 地下墓穴 | 90 ICE SHOW 冰上表演 90 ICE SHOW 冰上表演 | 91 YAGER 狙击兵 91 YAGER 狙击兵

冰上表演 90 ICE SHOW 冰上表演:90 ICE SHOW

89 CATACOMB 地下墓穴 89 CATACOMB 地下墓穴 | 90 ICE SHOW 冰上表演 90 ICE SHOW 冰上表演 | 91 YAGER 狙击兵 91 YAGER 狙击兵

良好 英国 巴黎Jacques Lecoq国际哑剧学院 文学士 表演学:Alex Klineberg

Elizabeth Fenwick 良好 英国 苏格兰皇家音乐戏剧学院 文学士 表演学 | Brice Stratford 良好 英国 表演艺术学院 文学士 表演学 | Alex Klineberg 良好 英国 巴黎Jacques Lecoq国际哑剧学院 文学士 表演

