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行间隔 的英文翻译、例句


line space · string space
更多网络例句与行间隔相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Even though this field is 0 in the system fonts I've seen lately, it should be included if it's ever nonzero because it makes for more readable line spacing.

即使该域在我们最近看到的系统字体中是 0,即使它是非零值也应该被包括,因为这使行间隔更易读。

Results The variation of the inˉtensity of magnetic field and the difference of the two poles have a statistical significance when the special meridian magnetic applicationon straight line and interval10mm compares to on other conditions above.

结果 当该磁疗贴直线排列,间隔10mm时,与单独磁疗贴的初始相比,磁场强度发生明显变化,且具有两极差异;敷贴于皮肤经络走行区,与体外及非经络走行区相比,磁场强度变化显著,尤其在手阴经的走行区域,具有显著的统计学意义。

objective to study the intensity of magnetic field on a special meridian magnetic applicaˉtion.methods a special meridian magnetic application is found the variations of the intensity of magnetic field when it is in vitro,nipped by fingers and stuck on skin of meridian and non-meridian.results the variation of the inˉtensity of magnetic field and the difference of the two poles have a statistical significance when the special meridian magnetic applicationon straight line and interval10mm compares to on other conditions above.conclusion owing to a definite directivity of the magnetic field gradient is produced when the magnetic application on the meridians,it is hopeful to carry out the effects of the tonic and vent by acupuncture.

目的 研究循经传感磁疗贴的磁场强度变化。方法一种特制的磁疗贴,在体外、指捏、敷贴于皮肤表面的经络走行和非经络走行区时所测得的磁场强度变化。结果当该磁疗贴直线排列,间隔10mm时,与单独磁疗贴的初始相比,磁场强度发生明显变化,且具有两极差异;敷贴于皮肤经络走行区,与体外及非经络走行区相比,磁场强度变化显著,尤其在手阴经的走行区域,具有显著的统计学意义。结论该磁疗贴在经络走行线上形成的磁场梯度,具有明确的方向性,有望实现针刺产生的补与泄的作用。

The most common character entity in HTML is the non-breaking space.


A19 lie poem of fixed form consisting of five tercets and a final quatrain on two rhymes , with the first and third lines of the first tercet repeated alternately as a refrain closing the succeeding stanzas and joined as the final couplet of the quatrain .


A 19 line poem of fixed form consisting of five tercets and a final quatrain on two rhymes , with the first and third lines of the first tercet repeated alternately as a refrain closing the succeeding stanzas and joined as the final couplet of the quatrain .


Methods: In 52 patients,aged from 3 to 14 years ,including 27 with domestic device and 25 with Amplatzer occluder for percutaneous closure of secundum atrial septal defect in 2006, blood samples were taken before and 24 hours, 1, 3, 6 and 9 months after occluder implantation. The nickel concentrations of blood samples were measured by ICP-MS.


All patients underwent femoral venipuncture catheterization examination to insert the occluder. Patent ductus arteriosus and ventricular septal defect needed femoral artery puncture operation. Aortic arch descending part or left ventricular ventriculography was performed before occlusion to further clarify the diagnosis and surgical indications and help choose occluder type. Angiography was repeated after surgery to judge the effect. Patients with atrial septal defect and ventricular septal were defected with conventional transthoracic echocardiography monitoring and evaluation.


Method]thirty patients who had definite chronic lumboscaral compartment syndrome without other lumbal diseases were choosed respectively to test muscle force of lumbar and abdomen,intra-sacrospinal muscle pressure,blood routine,esr,ck,ck-mm,ldh and ldhs.all patients received decompressive operation.skeletal muscle specimens taken from sacrospinal muscle in each operation were possessed for histological and ultrastructuml observation.


A19 line poem of fixed form consisting of five tercets and a final quatrain on two rhymes , with the first and third lines of the first tercet repeated alternately as a refrain closing the succeeding stanzas and joined as the final couplet of the quatrain .


更多网络解释与行间隔相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

atrioventricular bundle:房室束

1.房室束(atrioventricular bundle) 又称希氏(His)束,从房室结前端向前行,沿室间隔膜部下行至肌部上缘分为左、右两束支. 2.左束支(left bundle branch) 呈扁带状,沿室间隔左侧心内膜深面走行,约在室间隔上、中1/3交界处分为两支,

vertical line spacing:垂直行间隔

vertical increment value 垂直增值 | vertical line spacing 垂直行间隔 | vessel capacity 容存能力

automatic line spacing:自动行间隔(调整)

automatic line insulation tester 自动线路绝缘测试装置 | automatic line spacing 自动行间隔(调整) | automatic linewidth and registration measurement system 线宽和套准精度自动测量装置

line wrap:换行

在文本的显示中, 换行 (line wrap)是指文本在一行已满的情况下转到新行,使得每一行都能在窗口范围看到,不需要任何水平的滚动. 自动换行 (word wrap)是大多数文本编辑器、字处理器和网页浏览器的一个附加功能. 它用于在行间或一行里的单词间隔处分行,

Retransmit Interval:重发时间间隔

重发时间间隔(retransmit interval)的取值应保守些,否则将导致不必要的重发. 对串行线路和虚链接来说,其值应大一些.

TI Time Interval:时间间隔

THV tracked hover vehicle 轨行气浮车 | TI time interval 时间间隔 | TIES track inventory and evaluation system 轨道设备和鉴评系统

unit interval:单位时间间隔

(9)单位时间间隔(Unit Interval)缩写为UI,数字串行信号数据信号跳变沿之间的时间间隔. 对应于时钟信号的一个时钟周期. (1)利用可以得到的基准时钟来触发示波器的测量方法,用于定时抖动(Timing)的测量. 基准时钟可以是高稳定度的串行数字信号,

vertical interval time code:垂直间隔时间码

垂直间隔时间码(VITC) :垂直间隔时间码(Vertical Interval Time Code)的缩写,SMPTE时间码的一种. 记录于每两帧之间,因此当设备停留在某一帧的时候就可以被读出. 第二部分表达了可用于图像压缩的编码结构和数据格式. 可支持625行和525行图像信号压缩至1.5Mbps的流中.

Word wrap:换行

自动换行 (word wrap)是大多数文本编辑器、字处理器和网页浏览器的一个附加功能. 它用于在行间或一行里的单词间隔处分行,不考虑一个单词超过一行长度的情况.

current, sneak:潜行电流

短路电流 current, short circuit | 潜行电流 current, sneak | 间隔电流 current, spacing