英语人>词典>汉英 : 行政 的英文翻译,例句
行政 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
admin  ·  administration

public administration
更多网络例句与行政相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

To accept this point of view is to refuse bureaucratic concept of authority and appreciate administrator's reasonable obedience, to overcome utilitarian ignorance of administrator's"inner interests"with excellent"practice"and take care of administrator's inner sentiments, to abnegate obsession with"control"and prejudice of administrator's autonomy and have eyes on administrator's ethical responsibilities, professional ethics and its construction.


The subject of the full text builds up and divides six major chapters together: Chapter 1 is the foreword, and has studied the current situation and refined and summarized to value and meaning of the selected title background of the thesis, selected title abroad synthetically; Chapter 2, have carried on science to define to the intension of responsibility and governments relevant concepts of responsibility, have explained that constructs the necessity of the responsibility government and realistic meaning; Chapter 3, ility the intension made of the responsibility has been carried on science solves and constructs, summarize the political function and basic principle of administration asking responsibility system, and the logic relation between administration asking and the responsibility government of the responsibility has been analysed scientifically; Chapter 4, has used the administrations of western countries for reference and administration asking responsibility system and high-ranking official asking system of Hong Kong area of our country and the successful experience, expect to the institutional improvement of the administration asking responsibility system of our country can be beneficial; The whole chapter 5, the current administration asking system of our country that has implemented the state and carried on objective analysis in responsibility system, have pointed out a series of questions and not complete places exposed in institutional improvement, and has carried on network analysis from two visual angles of the traditional political culture ecology and system factor aspect to the reason why the question emerges; Chapter 6, the responsibility system has carried on tentative countermeasure analysis and discussion in perfecting the administration of our country, separately from improving the environment of administration asking responsibility and reinventing the culture of administration asking responsibility, devoting more efforts to asking the responsibility in allosome, strengthen the related institutional improvement of administration asking responsibility system, etc.


Because the government and all of its departments and all the organizations with certain administrative power have the power to eliminate or limit the market rivalry to a certain extent ,they all can be the executant of administrative monopoly.


The main executive body refers to the organization and individual who exert executory authority and own the general qualifications of enforcing authority according to the administrative law, not only includes the organization that the administrative organs and laws have impowered, hot also involves the organization that the administrative organs and the executive with political power have delegated.


This study, revolved around the leading elements in Yangpu administerial mode, is summarized in f...


This study, revolved around the leading elements in Yangpu administerial mode...


Therefore,in the premise of connection among thetheory,history and actuality,the thesis has put forward theconception of China administrative morality:directed byMarxism-Leninism,Mao Zedong Thought and Deng XiaopingTheory,use the scientific theory,proceed from the actualsituation and follow the principle of collectivism,serving,efficiency and impartiality;make sure the basic content of thecontemporary China administrative morality construction andpush the compulsory administrative morality and the idealadministrative morality;cultivate the autonomic consciousness ofadministrative morality main body through strengtheningadministrative morality education and administrative moralityculture;strengthen heteronomous system of administrativemorality with the system construction as the safeguard ofadministrative morality construction;emphasize constructingforcible wide administrative morality regulation system-theevaluation and supervision of administrative morality,uniteautonomic and heteronomous,and make the administrativebehavior carry out administrative morality obligation consciouslyin the end.


While,both the Administrative License Law and the Regulations on the Administration of Company Registration prescribe that the establishment of enterprises should adopt a middle way censorship system in which the form should be censored mainly while the substance censored subordinately.


The mentality of managing the people and "special privilege" bring priority and selfish d transposes the relationships between administrative organs and society, makes the administrative regulations show the tendency to value the administrative power and despise the citizen''s rights protection, think highly of management and look down upon service and take substance seriously and underestimate programmer.


Using such key concepts as"aret〓","practice", and"practical reason", critically integrating related theories and thoughts from philosophy, ethics, sociology, psychology, pedagogics, politics, etc. this thesis systematically analyzed public administrator's discretion and professional autonomy, responsibilities, duties and professional virtues, and the theoretical basis and methodology for construction of public administrative ethics.

中文题名行政人的德性与实践副题名外文题名 Administrator's virtues and practice 论文作者李春成导师竺乾威曹沛霖浦兴祖教授学科专业行政管理学研究领域\研究方向学位级别博士学位授予单位复旦大学学位授予日期2002 论文页码总数213页关键词伦理学行政伦理行政管理道德行政裁量权行政人馆藏号BSLW /2003 /B82 /10 本文借用亚里士多德的德性论传统的一些基本概念,包括&德性&、&实践&、&实践理性&,批判性地综合运用哲学、伦理学、行政学、政治学、社会学、心理学、教育学等多学科的相关研究成果,对行政人的裁量权与专业自主性、行政人的责任与义务、行政人应当具备的专业美德、行政伦理建设的依据与方法等基本问题,进行了系统的讨论。

更多网络解释与行政相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Public Administration:公共行政

但是,"公共行政"(Public Administration)这个概念是美国人的创造,是在威尔逊提出了"政治一行政二分"原则之后才被创造出来的. 起初,它所表明的是行政的'价值中立"和工具性. 到了(文科论文)20世纪中期以后,"公共行政"这个概念开始向早期的"公共"一词回归,

administrative law:行政法学

4 行政法学(Administrative Law)课程编号:22040206 总学时:54 学分: 3 课程性质:专业必修课、核心课程、文科课程课程内容:本课程介绍行政法与行政诉讼法的基本理论和基础知识,从法律的角度分析和研究政府与人民(行政主体与行政相对人)的关系,

administratice chain of command:行政指挥系统

行政原属行政单位指挥官 ADMIN | 行政指挥系统 administratice chain of command | 行政管制 administration control

chief executive:行政长官

(由1998年第26号第4条增补)"行政上诉委员会"(Administrative Appeals Board) 指根据>(第442章)设立的行政上诉委员会; (由1994年第6号第32条增补)"行政长官"(Chief Executive) 指─(b)依照>第五十三条在当其时代理行政长官职务的人;

executive council:行政会议

(由1998年第26号第4条增补)"行政长官会同行政会议"(Chief Executive in Council) 指在征询行政会议的意见后行事的行政长官; (由1998年第26号第4条增补)"行政会议"(Executive Council) 指香港特别行政行政会议;

administrative procedure law in the broad sense:广义的行政诉讼法

administrative procedure law 行政争讼法,行政程序法,行政诉讼法 | administrative procedure law in the broad sense 广义的行政诉讼法 | administrative procedure legislation 行政程序立法

Administrative intervention:行政干预 Administrative intervention 行政干预

195 1 Administrative interference 行政干预 Administrative int... | 196 1 Administrative intervention 行政干预 Administrative intervention 行政干预 | 197 1 Administrative measure 行政措施 Administrative...

:Administrative legality:行政法制

administrative legal system 行政法律制度,行政法制 | administrative legality 行政法制 | administrative legislation 行政立法

administrative malfeasance:行政违法行为

administrative litigation 行政诉讼 | administrative malfeasance 行政违法行为 | administrative means 行政方法,行政手段,行政管理手段

administrative reconsideration:行政复查,行政复议

administrative punishment on price control 价格管理行政处罚 | administrative reconsideration 行政复查,行政复议 | administrative reconsideration concerning traffic control 交通管理行政复议