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行动者 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与行动者相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

So a spiral of action research cycle will be seen in process of action research.


The main concept of this study is based on theory of the self-awareness by Mead, the histrionic thesis by Goffman, and the modernity of viewpoint by Giddens, through interviewing 13 people, who had experienced intrusive anaplasty, and focusing on plasticers' self-accord and body progress to probe plasticers' experience and figure out some counterplots.


S4:Communicatively acting individuals are thus subject to the ''must" of a weak transcendental necessity, but this does not mean they already encounter the prescriptive "must" of a rule of action whether the latter "must can be traced back deontologically to the normative validity of a moral law, axiologically to a constellation of preferred values, or empirically to the effectiveness of a technical rule.


The fact is "cornet" happens everywhere in the stock market, and even there have a system to operate it.


In theory, the Government, as the main acts will always be different ways to action, which means that action is embodied in actors the ability to change the fait accompli situation.


The author also attempts to examine the scientific construction of the "Actor-Network Theory" within the framework of the theory itself, as well as striving to make a thorough anatomy of the theory by means of comparison, logical analysis, etc.The intellectual ideas of Latour are closely related to his experiences of study. That is to say, his thought was influenced by various intellectual backgrounds.


The characters of Song Zelai's social novels was diverse, and it's plot has a fixed pattern: the actor fought with the foul environment, but ended in failure, because of the defect of their own or the existence of the obstructor.


These people are movers and shakers, not consolidators.


Finally, I will investigate how the agents' place identities change with their life process. By examining their acting subject construction projects, we have the chance to comprehend how Gong-Guan/Wen-Raw-Den works as a symbolic place through their journey to pursue an 'alternative self', and then being sublated by the agents themselves.


How is collective action brought about? This perennial question has been approached from different angles. Structuralists insist that structure is the source of collective action, that structure gives rise to ideology which in turn determines collective action. Utilitarians maintain that only the community with shared benefits can engender collective action, and rational individuals may throw collective action into predicament. Constructionists are of the opinion that people act on the basis of the meanings derived from social construction, and that social mobilization is needed for such collective action.


更多网络解释与行动者相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Action research:行动研究

关键词:行动; 研究; 行动研究; 研究者; 行动者 前言 "行动研究"(action research)是一种社会科学领域中的研究方法,七十年代应用于教育领域的研究之中并取得令人瞩目的成绩.

Ambassadorial Meeting of External Actors:外部行动者大使级会议

Mediation and Security Committee,调解和安全委员会,, | Ambassadorial Meeting of External Actors,外部行动者大使级会议,, | Special Consultation on Guinea,几内亚问题特别协商,,


coaction 相互作用,互应 | coactor 共同行动者 | coadaptation (相)互适应,共适应



lone wolf:单独行动者

Londoner 伦敦人 | lone wolf 单独行动者 | lone 孤独的


可为communicates关系指定操作(operations)、特性(attributes)和重数(multiplicity). 操作是行动者执行的动作,特性是行动者的特性,重数指行动者的可能并发实例数目. 如果行动者表示一个应用程序,其中某些操作和特性的知识在解决方案上下文中非常珍贵,


172.actor 男演员,行动者 | redactor 编辑者,校订者 | reactor 引起反应作用的人


A/MH-6 "强力小鸟"(MELB)● MH-60L"直接行动者"(DAP)是由MH-60L加装进攻武器系统改装的,它的任务是使用强大的攻击系统和精确的导航系统,进行武装小队渗透、撤出行动.


如果任意一个行动者都与其他行动者存在直接联系,这样的子群体称为派系(cliques). 如果把标准降低一点,任意一个行动者都与k个其他行动者存在直接联系,则得到k丛(k-plexes)的概念. 进一步放宽条件,任意一个行动者都与至少一个其他行动者相联系,


此外,对于社会和组织系统,由于其构成主体 人类和组织具有自己的利益或意图,因而导致系统往往具有多重目标,需要综合考虑多个"行动者"(actors)和"利益相关者"(stakeholders)的观点.