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行列式的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Using matrix characteristic value to solve determinant question.


There are many methods to compute determinant, but the different methods, in the actual computation process, only suit for the different characteristic determinant. The present paper mainly studies 14 kinds the most common and also the most important methods.


The second part is the computational methods of the determinant: This part is core part in the full text, and mainly studied 14 kinds computational methods which nearly covered each kind of the characteristic of the determinant computation, including the definition method, the triangle method, Canada method and so on.


Some basic properties of σ- LFSR over F4 are studied, such as nonlinearity, cycle structure distribution of state graph, the largest period and counting problem related. The conclusions are as follows:The coefficient ring of σ-LFSR is isomorphic to the matrix ring over F,. The cycle structure of σ- LFSR is consistent with that of the determinant of the corresponding polynomial matrix if and only if the feedback polynomial of - LFSR does not contain nontrivial factor over F2,. The counting formula of the number of σ- LFSR with inconsistent cycle structure is also showed in that part. The period of σ-LFSR with degree n is maximum if and only if the determinant of the corresponding polynomial matrix is the primitive polynomial with order 2n over F2,.

本文研究了有限域F_4上的σ-LFSR的一些基本性质,如非奇异性、状态图的圈结构的分布、最大圈的充要条件及相关的计数问题等,得到以下结论:σ-LFSR的系数环同构于F_2上的矩阵环;σ-LFSR的状态图的圈结构与对应的多项式矩阵的行列式的圈结构一致的充要条件为σ-LFSR的反馈多项式不含有非平凡的F_2上的因式,给出了圈结构不一致的σ-LFSR的计数公式; n次σ-LFSR周期达到最大,当且仅当对应多项式矩阵的行列式为F_2上的2n次本原多项式。

When the actuated joint was rotary actuation, kinematic Jacobian matrix of the manipulator was a diagonal matrix. So it was an uncoupled mechanism. As the actuated joint was linear one, Jacobian matrix of the manipulator was an identity 3×3 matrix and its determinant was equal to one. Manipulator, therefore, was singularity-free fully-isotropic throughout the entire workspace.


We should distinguish the square bracket from two straight bars enclosing a determinant.


The element permutations and values of the Vandermonde determinant have highly symmetry, which makes the determinant applied widely in mathematics.


First,the determinant is regarded as a function of or- der n and denoted by D;Second,the determinant is expanded by row or by column,then the relation in both of Dand subdeterminants will be examined in details to set up certain a recursion,generally speaking,it must be a homogenous or a non homogenous recursion;fi- nally the coefficients of the general solution are found out with the aid.

给出了用递归关系方法求任意 n 阶行列式的值的一般方法:首先,把已知的 n 阶行列式看作为阶数 n 的一个函数,记为 D;其次,按行或按列展开这个行列式,并仔细观察存在于余子式及 D里的关系,建立关于 D的某一递归关系,此关系总为一个齐次的或非齐次的递归关系;最后,借助于 D(0)、D(1)和D(2)等求出递归关系的通解的系数。

When any two rows or two columns are interchanged, the sign of the determinant is changed.


This determinant is a special case of the resultant of two polynomials.


更多网络解释与行列式的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

conjugate element of group:群的共轭素

conjugate dynamical variable | 共轭力学变量, 共轭动力学变量 | conjugate element of group | 群的共轭素 | conjugate elements of a determinant | 行列式的共轭元

determinant of the coefficients of a linear form:线性形式的系数行列式

determinant of the coefficients 系数行列式 | determinant of the coefficients of a linear form 线性形式的系数行列式 | determinantal divisor 行列式因子

determinant of the coefficients:系数行列式

determinant of infinite order 无限行列式 | determinant of the coefficients 系数行列式 | determinant of the coefficients of a linear form 线性形式的系数行列式



diagonal of a determinant:行列式的对角线

diagonal morphism 对角射 | diagonal of a determinant 行列式的对角线 | diagonal of the face 面对角线

expansion of a determinant:行列式的展开

expansion in terms of eigenfunction 本寨数展开 | expansion of a determinant 行列式的展开 | expansion theorem 展开定理

Laplacescher Entwicklungssatz Laplace expansion of a determinant:行列式的拉普拉斯展开

Laplacesche Gleichung Laplace's Equation 拉普拉斯方程 | Laplacescher Entwicklungssatz Laplace expansion of a determinant 行列式的拉普拉斯展开 | Laplace-Verteilung Laplace distribution 拉普拉斯分布

rank of matrix:矩阵的秩

rank of a determinant 行列式的秩 | rank of matrix 矩阵的秩 | rank stage 煤级阶段

square matrix:方阵

行列式可以是 m n 矩阵,但是一般我们常碰到的问题都是解决 n n 矩阵的行列式问题,也就是方阵(square matrix)的行列式问题,因此我们可以利用行列式的性质,以高斯消去法将方阵化简成上三角矩阵之后,则该方阵的行列式值即为对角线元素相乘之值.

determinantal expansion:行列式的展开式

行列式秩 determinant rank | 行列式的展开式 determinantal expansion | 确定的 determinate