英语人>词典>汉英 : 行列式方程 的英文翻译,例句
行列式方程 的英文翻译、例句


determinantal equation
更多网络例句与行列式方程相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It has been showed that the quantum PCII can be still valid for the general case Jacobi J 1, which is different from quantum Noether theorem. The equivalence between quantum canonical equation and PCII is deflved at the quantum level. The comparisons of these results in quantum level with those in classical theories are discussed in detail. The relationship of canonical transformation with quantum PCII is obtained.


Dixon method was adopted to construct a 22×22 Dixon matrix and then the greatest common divisor of two columns was extracted.

结合矢量法和复数法建立了4个几何约束方程式,使用Dixon结式构造22 22的Dixon矩阵,对两列提取公因式后展开矩阵的行列式得到一元64次多项式方程,回代过程中去掉6组增根后得到58组解。

Considering the mechanical and electrical boundary conditions of AlN/GaN structures, determinantal equation which is used to solve the phase velocity of surface acoustic wave is given from the basic principle of matrix methods.


With solving the determinantal equation, SAW propagation properties in AlN/GaN structures are acquired, including the phase velocity and electromechanical coupling coefficient which is vary with frequency, film thickness and c-axis orientation.


With solving the determinantal equation, SAW propagation properties in AIN/GaN structures are acquired, including the phase velocity and electromechanical coupling coefficient which is vary with frequency, film thickness and c-axis orientation.


So the hot cavity dispersion equation can be derived on the basis of the matched boundary conditions and the wave growth rate is obtained by means of equipotential line method.


Dixon method was adopted to construct a 22×22 Dixon matrix and then the greatest common divisor of two columns was extracted. After expanding the determinant of the matrix, a 64 degree univariate polynomial equation was obtained and 6 extraneous roots were canceled in the process of solving the other 3 variables.


Firstly, four geometric loop equations are set up by using vector method in complex number fields. Secondly, three constraint equations are used to construct the Dixon resultants, which is a 6×6 matrix and contain two variables to be eliminated. Extract the greatest common divisor of two rows and two columns of Dixon matrix and compute its determinant to obtain a new equation. This equation together with the forth constraint equation can be used to construct a Sylvester resultant.

首先使用矢量法和复数法建立4个几何约束方程式;再使用Dixon结式法对3个方程式构造一个含有2个变元的6×6 Dixon矩阵,提取其中2行列元素的公因式,将新矩阵的行列式展开后得到二元高次多项式方程,该方程与剩下一个方程使用Sylvester结式消去一变元,得到一元高次方程。

Content of the course consists of:(1)Basic Theories of Polynomials ;(2)Linear Algebra: topics on basic matrix theory, determinant, system of linear equations, vector space, linear transformation, eigenvalue problems, inner product and Euclidean space , and quadratic form etc.;(3) Analytic Geometry: topics on algebraic operations of vectors, coordinates, lines and planes, curves and curved surfaces, etc.


Based on the instantaneous motion of the moving platforms, the uncertainty configuration conditions and simplified uncertainty configuration equations are obtained for the widely studied parallel manipulators, such as planar 3-DOF parallel manipulator, spherical 3-DOF parallel manipulator, 6-SPS triangular platform parallel manipulator, three-branch 6-DOF parallel manipulator, twotriangular-platform parallel manipulator, DELTA parallel manipulator, 5-DOF parallel manipulator, two-tetragonal-platform parallel manipulator, pentagonal platform parallel manipulator and Stewart platform parallel manipulator.


更多网络解释与行列式方程相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

adjoint determinant:伴随行列式

adjoint boundary value problem 伴随边值问题 | adjoint determinant 伴随行列式 | adjoint difference equation 伴随差分方程

adjoint difference equation:伴随差分方程

adjoint determinant 伴随行列式 | adjoint difference equation 伴随差分方程 | adjoint differential equation 伴随微分方程

cyclic derterminant:循环行列式

cyclic coordinates 循环座标 | cyclic derterminant 循环行列式 | cyclic equation 循环方程

determinantal divisor:行列式因子

determinant of the coefficients of a linear form 线性形式的系数行列式 | determinantal divisor 行列式因子 | determinantal equation 行列式方程

determinantal divisor:行列式因数

determinant rank 行列式秩 | determinantal divisor 行列式因数 | determinantal equation 行列式方程

determinantal equation:行列式方程

determinantal divisor 行列式因子 | determinantal equation 行列式方程 | determinate 一定的

determinantal equation:行列式方程[式]

行列式张量 determinant tensor | 行列式方程[式] determinantal equation | 决定论;定命论 determinism

Hill determinantal equation:希尔行列式方程

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Laplacescher Entwicklungssatz Laplace expansion of a determinant:行列式的拉普拉斯展开

Laplacesche Gleichung Laplace's Equation 拉普拉斯方程 | Laplacescher Entwicklungssatz Laplace expansion of a determinant 行列式的拉普拉斯展开 | Laplace-Verteilung Laplace distribution 拉普拉斯分布

functional differential equation:泛函微分方程

functional determinant 函数行列式 | functional differential equation 泛函微分方程 | functional equation 函数方程