英语人>词典>汉英 : 血腥的 的英文翻译,例句
血腥的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
bloody  ·  sanguinary  ·  bloodied  ·  bloodier  ·  bloodies  ·  bloodying

更多网络例句与血腥的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Israel is still balking over a handful of Hamas terrorists with a lot of blood on their hands, and wants to send some West Bankers to Gaza and deport others.


Among his exploits was serving as a fleet battle strategist during the bloody Stark Hyperspace Wars.


Have you gorged yourself at last in your lust for blood?


The story of the Nativity耶稣诞生的故事 Hasn't NATO slaked his lust for blood?.


Do you think I will have blood money ?


Debate is blood sport. It's combat.


Only when you are attracted by the tableau to stare at it, can you find the bloodiness in the brilliant splendor. And even the bloody wounds, then, are still so attractive.


The carnival atmosphere of Wednesday s rally belies the bloodiness that marked the start of Thailand s war against drugs , earlier this year .


Variations: using pepper vodka, using chili powder rims, using port instead of sherry, using clamato juice instead of tomato juice, using beef bouillon instead of tomato juice or other liquors instead of vodka (sake = Tokyo Bloody Mary, gin = Red Snapper, tequila = Bloody Maria), or celery salt instead of regular salt.


I each time have one thought rise from always at crossing roading , have vehicles of taxi come over by hurricane, whether I stimulate and bloody, play up the whole road surface on like one second all of a sudden this day, until the fact that time enter each of man memory depths diluting bit by bit of bloodstain, never pick up and it's a pity , my rule is too traditional , and the drivers are too prudent again.


更多网络解释与血腥的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Debate is blood sport. It's combat. But your weapons are words:(辩论就是一项血腥的运动,是战斗. 但是你们的武器就是语言)

Why does he not exist?... | Because he is a mere dissenting voice of the truth I... | Debate is blood sport. It's combat. But your weapons are words.(辩论就是一项血腥的运动,是战斗. 但是你们的武器就是语言)


也可能是 血腥的 (bloody)他深谙游击战术的技巧 经常带着游击队(guerrilla)神出鬼没的骚扰政府军 打完就跑 (hit and run)压倒Somoza家族垮台的最后一根稻草(The Straw That Broke The Camel's Back)是1972年发生的一次地震对于国际社会的捐款,

The Idiot Dostoevsky:爱得够味道,血腥的那种

11. Sons and Lovers D.H.Lawrence 自己看哦 | 12. The Idiot Dostoevsky 爱得够味道,血腥的那种 | 14.Wuthering Heights Emily Brontee 乖乖,死鬼纠缠的爱

blue murder:十分艰难的事,灾难性的事件,血腥的谋杀

十分高兴/great gale | 十分艰难的事,灾难性的事件,血腥的谋杀/blue murder | 十分秘密的事/dark secret


sanguine红润的有希望的, | sanguinary血腥的 | sanitation卫生,卫生设施n


sanguine 乐天的 | sanguinary 血腥的,残暴的 | scrap n. 小片, 废料, 剪下来的图片, 文章, 残余物, 废料, 打架


sangfroid 沉着,临危不惧 | sanguinary 有血的,血腥的 | sanguine 充满希望的,乐观的

Seven bloodied hopes:七个血腥的心愿

Seven downward slopes七条向下的坡道 | Seven bloodied hopes七个血腥的心愿 | Seven are your burning fires七是你燃烧的火焰


bloodhound /侦探犬/ | bloodier /血腥的/血污的/流血的(比较级)/ | bloodiest /血腥的/血污的/流血的(最高级)/


bloodier /血腥的/血污的/流血的(比较级)/ | bloodiest /血腥的/血污的/流血的(最高级)/ | bloodily /血迹斑斑地/残忍地/