英语人>词典>汉英 : 蝴蝶 的英文翻译,例句
蝴蝶 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
butterflies  ·  butterfly  ·  scalewing  ·  butterflied  ·  butterflying

The Butterfly
更多网络例句与蝴蝶相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

We were in the butterfly house but my memory flew back to the butterfly farm in Penang…. I brought Steve to visit the butterfly farm. He was taking some pictures and suddenly he found that his camera wouldn't operate. I saw him trying but it still didn't work. He said he had to change the memory card. He opened up his camera case; there was a box in his little camera case. So he took out the box and opened it… It had a diamond ring. He handed it to me and said, This is not a right place, and I wanted to choose a romantic place but I can't hide it anymore.

走在蝴蝶公园内,我的记忆飞回槟城的蝴蝶公园…我带 Steve 来到 Teluk Bahang 参观蝴蝶公园, Steve 拿着相机拍照,相机却不知何故无法操作,我看他弄着但还是不能,他说要试换另一个存储卡,就打开相机袋,小小的相机袋一打开,看到里边有一个盒子,他只好拿出盒子及打开它…是一颗钻石戒指,他递向我说,这不是很适合的地方,我应找一处罗曼蒂克的环境,但我不能再隐藏它。

According to climatic feature of northeast areas and biological characteristics of butterfly orchid ,key measures of cultivation and management technique for butterfly orchid in different-periods and pest control were introduced in detail in solar greenhouse.


The leaves,pedicel axillary bud,pedicel linternode,stem tip and root tip of butterfly orchid were used as explants,and the best explant and culture medium were screened by testing different culture medium with hormone combination.


He also has a hobby, it is looking at the butterfly album, he also had a grandson, his grandson called KENT, he likes to catch butterflies, he saw a large butterfly on the he was caught, KENT put forward only the butterflies to take home to see Grandpa, Grandpa did not believe he caught a butterfly, so KENT careful to get the butterflies out to see Grandpa, Grandpa look and feel very happy, let his grandson to see his collection of butterflies album, and asked where he had been the only butterfly, his grandson told him where you are, Grandpa pending very happy, then the net and went to the outside to catch butterflies, but KENT and sat down to see my grandfather was collected this album.


Here, also, were trailing clematis, drooping jessamine, and some rare sweet flowers called butterfly lilies, because their fragile petals resemble butterflies'wings.


Lappet Butterflies Xu Chi At the foot of Mount Emei, around Fuhu Temple, there lives a species of butterfly--one of the rarest rarities of the mountain-that is probably even more beautiful than the most beautiful butterflies in the world.


Although the megagametophyte formed and even the double fertilization had been finished 70 days after pollination at normal temperature, the megasporogenesis had not yet been finished at low temperature.

低温(12-18℃)处理的蝴蝶兰,授粉50d开始分化胚珠原基、60 d胚囊处于大孢子母细胞时期,比常温(20-25℃)下的推迟10-15 d;授粉70 d,常温下的蝴蝶兰植株已完成雌配子体发育和双受精,而低温处理的蝴蝶兰仍未完成大孢子的发生过程。

The butterfly pushes the milkweed, and the milkweed pushes the butterfly, and the harder they push the more impossible it becomes for them to let go, until the whole butterfly/milkweed thing emerges as its own being -- a living insect/plant system-pulling itself up by its bootstraps.


Peanut the Papillon 花生的蝴蝶: Our papillon Peanut has fallen in love with Lola the Pomeranian Schoolgirl!


This work was created during the resident artist exhibition in Colorado of US to extend the creative perspective from the works of territory series, taking the shape of Taiwan map as the butterfly wings and airplane, missile, bullet and naval vessel as the butterfly body that creates the pattern of butterfly-like illustrated handbook and highlights the international situations Taiwan is in face of; known as "Kingdom of Butterfly" in early days, Spaniard called Taiwan as Formosa, meaning "Beautiful Island," and the export of butterfly was one earlier major means to earn foreign exchanges for economic development in Taiwan, as if having the beautiful things sold that produces a sense of feeling of reluctance to give up and having no alternative.


更多网络解释与蝴蝶相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Phalaenopsis aphrodite:菲律賓白花蝴蝶蘭(阿嬤)

Phalaenopsis amabilis subsp. papuana/rosenstromii 新畿內亞白花蝴蝶蘭 | Phalaenopsis aphrodite 菲律賓白花蝴蝶蘭(阿嬤) | Phalaenopsis aphrodite subsp. aphrodite 菲律賓白花蝴蝶

Tropheus sp. "Black Bemba Orange:紅寬帶蝴蝶

Tropheus moorii "Zongwe" 黄芝麻蝴蝶 5cm | Tropheus sp. "Black Bemba Orange" 紅寬帶蝴蝶 4cm | Tropheus sp. "Black Mboko Yellow" 黄間蝴蝶 5-6cm

cabbage butterfly:甘蓝蝴蝶

Painted-Lady Butterfly 花女蝴蝶 | Cabbage Butterfly 甘蓝蝴蝶 | Red Admiral Butterfly 红纹蝴蝶

Chaetodon ephippium:鞭蝴蝶鱼

斑带蝴蝶鱼Chaetodon punctatofasciatus | 鞭蝴蝶鱼Chaetodon ephippium | 长吻蝴蝶鱼Chaetodon aculeatus


蝴蝶蝴蝶狗(Papillon) 华丽名贵的大耳蝴蝶獚 产地:法国、比利时 性格:聪明、外向、胆大、喜欢亲近人. 特征:眼睛形似桃子,呈暗色,四肢纤细,尾巴翘在背上. 直而滑的长毛,色泽有白底带黑或茶色的斑纹或白、黑、茶色. 耳、胸、尾上有饰毛,


项目简介: 蝴蝶兰为兰科(Orchid)蝴蝶兰属(Phalaenopsis)兰花,其花姿飘逸、艳丽超俗、花形有如飞舞的蝴蝶,且品种丰富花期长,深受人们的喜爱. 近年来蝴蝶兰盆花及其组合盆栽已成为浙江省及长江三角洲地区大中城市高档礼品盆花尤其是年宵花的主流花卉,

Phalaenopsis amabilis:白花蝴蝶蘭(阿媽)

Phalaenopsis 蝴蝶蘭節 | Phalaenopsis amabilis 白花蝴蝶蘭(阿媽) | Phalaenopsis amabilis subsp. grandiflora 婆羅洲白花蝴蝶

Phalaenopsis equestris:桃紅蝴蝶蘭(姬蝴蝶蘭)

Phalaenopsis celebensis var. flavida 蘇拉威西蝴蝶蘭黃瓣型 | Phalaenopsis equestris 桃紅蝴蝶蘭(姬蝴蝶蘭) | Phalaenopsis equestris var. alba 桃紅蝴蝶蘭白化型

Phalaenopsis equestris:小兰屿蝴蝶兰

3016 蝴蝶兰 Phalaenopsis aphrodite | 3017 小兰屿蝴蝶兰 Phalaenopsis equestris | 3018 海南蝴蝶兰 Phalaenopsis hainanensis

Pentas lanceolata 'Butterfly White:蝴蝶 白色 '蝴蝶 白色' 繁星花

244 蝴蝶 红色 '蝴蝶 红色' 繁星花 Pentas lanceolata 'Butter... | 245 蝴蝶 白色 '蝴蝶 白色' 繁星花 Pentas lanceolata 'Butterfly White' | 246 凯丽 洋红色 '凯丽 洋红色' 繁星花 Pentas lanceolata 'Kaleidosco...