英语人>词典>汉英 : 蜿蜒的 的英文翻译,例句
蜿蜒的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
wandering  ·  winding  ·  windings

更多网络例句与蜿蜒的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

There is a narrow winding road from our village to the next one.


Like an anaconda waiting for a rematch.


We moved along the sinuous gravel walks, with the great concourse of girls and young men.


She was there in the meadow where the creek used to rise.


Let freedom ring from the curvaceous slopes of California!


On a long gravelly road we finally decided to turn around and go the long way back to the highway.


As if the meandering bird were something exotic and rare.


The drawing was a picture of a long curved sandy beach on a tropical island; of course it would be Montserrat.


Bend ing or winding alternately from side to side;sinuous.


Bending or winding alternately from side to side;sinuous.


更多网络解释与蜿蜒的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


6) Euthanasia:欧洲比亚洲早实行安乐死--安乐死 | 7) Meander:我和她在蜿蜒的小河边散步--蜿蜒地流;漫步 | 8) Tenant:十只蚂蚁找家--房客


rivulet:小河,小溪 | meandering:蜿蜒的河流 | uneasiness:不安

like an anaconda waiting for a rematch:像一只蜿蜒的大蟒蛇在觅食

hiding in its shell, instead of hanging out...|蜷缩在壳里,而不是现在... | like an anaconda waiting for a rematch.|像一只蜿蜒的大蟒蛇在觅食...... | Rod: Oh, man, you lost to a girl.|罗德: 我日,你输给了个...


sinopso 概要 synopsis | sinua 蜿蜒的 sinuous | sinuso 窦 sinus

sinuous course:蜿蜒的河道

sinuous coil 蛇形盘管 | sinuous course 蜿蜒的河道 | sinuousness 弯曲;曲折;错综复杂;弯曲度

and opens serpentine arms to snare passing tidbits:并打开蜿蜒的手臂来捕捉路过的美食

The basket star has sensed the current...|篮子海星已经感觉到海流 | ...and opens serpentine arms to snare passing tidbits.|并打开蜿蜒的手臂来捕捉路过的美食 | Barnacles are feasting too.|鼻钳也跟着享受


tort扭 | tortuous蜿蜒的a | distort歪曲

Aren't arboretums beautiful? And houses with the porch out front:那些植物是多么的美丽啊! 还有在屋子前面蜿蜒的游廊

Well, I really like verandas. I love trell... | Aren't arboretums beautiful? And houses with the porch out front--|那些植物是多么的美丽啊! 还有在屋子前面蜿蜒的游廊...... | Hold that thought. 'Cause we ...

And in their wild meanders flow:在他们野外蜿蜒的河流中

With gentle murmurs whilst they play|用温和的低语,在他们玩的时候, | And in their wild meanders flow|在他们野外蜿蜒的河流中 | Rejoicing in this blessed day.|在这受到祝福的日子里欢乐.

Zigzagging River:蜿蜒的河

William Godwin-To John Taylor/威廉.戈德温致约翰.泰 | Zigzagging River/蜿蜒的河351 | Nightfall/傍晚353