英语人>词典>汉英 : 蛋糕 的英文翻译,例句
蛋糕 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
cake  ·  caked  ·  cakes  ·  Ciacho

angel food cake
更多网络例句与蛋糕相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Angel Food Cake - This cake is also called an Angel Cake, so named as its airy lightness is said to be the "food of the angels".


As a final check, insert a skewer into the centre of the cake - it should come out free of cake mix and moisture. If it doesn't, bake for a further 5 minutes then try again.


In mother's day before day of just a little, the elder sister helps mom order a cake, come to cake inn, the sister says with counterjumper:"The young lady asks you to help me order a 14 inches cake, I will be taken the day after tomorrow."


The 18th century French Paris, a royal cake division on the king's daughter, princess in the 18th birthday, he made the world for her to eat the cake, after the princess to be frozen feeling, The cake was between the fruit sweet and sour blueberries, to watch him for the princess of acacia process, finally sour with chocolate into a symbol of imperial crown princess ","after eating deeply understood that the implication, and this cake is named as" real ".


To the patisserie, we first selected a cake, and then let the sisters to help us make cake made cake should first round, then roll out Jiduo flowers with chopsticks.


As with "Hello Cupcake," this is mainly a how-to-decorate cupcake idea book, and not a recipe book for different flavors of cupcake batters, etc. Although it does have some recipes for different flavors of cupcakes that you can make, it is mainly a decorating book.


At Sprinkles Custom Cakes in Winter Park, Fla., Larry Bach has been getting requests for his upside-down wedding cake with the bride or groom's legs sticking out at the bottom as if the cake had crashed down on the figure a la the Wicked Witch of the East.

佛罗里达州冬季公园附近Sprinkles Custom Cakes蛋糕店的拉里·巴赫甚至接到订单,要求制作设计出一款新娘或新郎的腿从蛋糕底部伸出的蛋糕,好比蛋糕压在邪恶的东方女巫身上。

Cupcake Froster, 4 cupcake mixes; 4 frosting mixes; two-sided measuring spoon; spatula; water dropper; mixing bowl; 4 cupcake papers; 4 "shortcut" cards; microwave baker; cupcake cup; sprinkles and sprinkle container.

蛋糕Froster,4杯形蛋糕混合物; 4糖霜混合物;双面计量勺,铲,水滴管,搅拌碗,4蛋糕文件; 4&捷径&卡;微波面包,蛋糕杯,洒,洒容器。

Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, baker's man!


Cake Bakery base, vanilla cake mix, chocolate cake mix, four fondant mixes, rainbow sprinkles, white gel, gel decorator, decorating wheel, microwave baker, microwave baker lid, mixing bowl, cake mold, measuring spoon, tray, spatula, four fondant cutters, utensil holder, work mat, rolling pin, two gel cartridges, cartridge cleaning brush, four recipe cards, and instruction sheet.


更多网络解释与蛋糕相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

angel cake:蛋糕

19世纪,一种只用蛋白,不用蛋黄做成的内心洁白如雪的天使蛋糕(angel cake)在美国流行开来. 天使蛋糕与一般的戚风蛋糕、重油蛋糕或是海绵蛋糕很不相同. 其色泽如雪花般洁白,其质地如棉花般轻软,只靠硬性发泡的鸡白、白糖和面粉制成的,

angel cake:天使蛋糕

19世纪,一种只用蛋白,不用蛋黄做成的内心洁白如雪的天使蛋糕(angel cake)在美国流行开来. 天使蛋糕与一般的戚风蛋糕、重油蛋糕或是海绵蛋糕很不相同. 其色泽如雪花般洁白,其质地如棉花般轻软,只靠硬性发泡的鸡白、白糖和面粉制成的,

Cake mix:蛋糕粉

在大型超市里都有蛋糕粉买,海绵蛋糕粉的英文名是(SPONGE MIX FLOUR)通常已经是约拌好的粉末在里头所以只要和鸡蛋一起打发就行了,我买过一包贝蒂的蛋糕粉里有二小包粉可以做二个八寸蛋糕,大概二十几块港币.蛋糕粉(cake mix)有各种不同口味.

cheese cake:奶酪蛋糕

蛋糕的种类实在是太多了,单是奶酪蛋糕(cheese cake)就有美式酸奶酪蛋糕、柠檬蛋糕等等. 寒冷的冬季,曹祥生师傅建议读者在家可以自制巧克力蛋糕,既好吃又易做,还能补充热量.

sponge cake:海綿蛋糕

[商品简介]:海绵蛋糕,香草奶油装饰.海绵蛋糕(Sponge Cake)主要是利用鸡蛋打进空气,经过烘焙使空气受热膨胀而把蛋糕撑大. 这类蛋糕可以不加油脂,质地柔软故又称清蛋糕,是最早出现的蛋糕

sponge cake:海棉蛋糕

乳沫类蛋糕包括海棉蛋糕(Sponge Cake)与天使蛋糕(Angel Food Cake),主要是利用鸡蛋打进空气,经过烘焙使空气受热膨涨而把蛋糕撑大. 这类蛋糕可以不加油脂(但常加少许液体油使质地较柔软),故又称清蛋糕,是最早出现的蛋糕.

chiffon cake:戚風蛋糕

...阅读: 1.送什麼不一样的礼物给妈妈-蛋糕 7-11 电子贺卡 礼物 母亲节礼物 提娜鲜果百汇蛋糕、[烘焙手作DIY]21 戚风蛋糕(Chiffon cake) 康乃馨手...母亲节蛋糕DIY-热情沙漠 材料: 1.8吋戚风蛋糕体1个 (8吋 戚风蛋糕体教学) 2.长春

pound cake:奶油蛋糕

蛋糕结合了奶油蛋糕(pound cake)及轻乳酪蛋糕的特色. 吃起来有奶油蛋糕的香气,同时又有轻乳酪蛋糕的清爽,一次可吃好几块,当下午茶或早餐都很好. 蛋糕要在室温下吃口感最好,蛋糕可以单独吃不须加鲜奶油,当然你若像我老公一样配著冰淇淋吃也是绝佳搭配.


槭风蛋糕的前身是海绵蛋糕(Sponge),它是种完全靠打发蛋(全蛋或是分蛋)来形成蛋糕组织孔隙的糕点,因此典型的海绵蛋糕材料只有蛋、面粉和糖这三样. 区别就在于海绵蛋糕的口感比槭风蛋糕更结实、更绵密,不过在吃的时候很容易噎着(和槭风蛋糕相较的话…


萄特蛋糕(Torte)和嘎萄蛋糕(Gateau) 萄特蛋糕是使用很少面粉做成的蛋糕,其中的主要成分有果仁粉、碎面包、鸡蛋和调味品等. 萄特蛋糕通常呈多层,层与层之间夹有奶油、黄油和果酱等. 嘎萄蛋糕类似萄特蛋糕,也是呈层状和层与层之间夹有奶油的蛋糕.