英语人>词典>汉英 : 蛇麻草 的英文翻译,例句
蛇麻草 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
hop  ·  hopvine  ·  hopped

hop clover
更多网络例句与蛇麻草相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Barley, water, hops and yeast --beer. But it's not just a matter of mixing the right


The challenges to making such robots can be seen in Figure 4 where human-like and doglike robots are shown to hop and express joy.

挑战对做这样机器人能看在表4 human-like 和doglike 机器人被显示对蛇麻草和表现出喜悦的地方。

Sporadic E occurs at a lower height than the F layer and this tends to limit the distance over which propagation is possible in a single hop.

分散E 比F 层数和这倾向于限制传播是可能的在一棵唯一蛇麻草的距离发生在更低的高度。

In fact, the hop clover, white clover, and red clover, and a plant known as black medick, are commonly displayed as shamrocks.


There are many different kinds of hops, each of which gives a different taste


In the beer are not easy to extract from the hops, which is why they need to be


The walnut trees in the yard had grown, and the hopvine which he himself had planted now decorated the windows.


Beer may also be microbiologically stabilized by filtration processes which are fine enough to remove residual yeast and bacteria.


Drift off naturally. Investigate the benefits of chamomile, valerian, kava, passionflower, skullcap, catnip, or hops. These herbs can be taken in tea and other forms. A cup of chamomile tea before bedtime may be all you need to relax.


Hops: hardy perennial vines of Europe, North America and central and eastern Asia producing a latex sap; in some classifications included in the family Urticaceae.


更多网络解释与蛇麻草相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

hop clover:蛇麻草

hoover apron 护士工作服 | hop clover 蛇麻草 | hop cone 啤酒花穗

hop clover:黄三叶草

蛇麻草 hop | 黄三叶草 hop clover | 马流行性感冒 hoppengarten


维他命E(Vitamin E)成份具有安抚镇定的效果,胺基酸(amino acids)与薰衣草(lavender)及紫草(comfrey)等天然植物精华可强化修护发质链键结构,蛇麻草(hops)软化头发和增加强韧

Hops Extract:蛇麻草萃取

Sodium Ascorbate:酯化维C | Hops Extract:蛇麻草萃取 | Rosemary Extract:迷迭香萃取


hoptoad 蟾蜍 | hopvine 蛇麻草藤蔓 | hora 传统圆舞


主成分为月桂烯、葎草酮(humulone)、蛇麻酮(lupulone)、葎草灵酮(humulinone)等. 主产于欧洲(尤其是德国和捷克)、北美和中国. 可用于软饮料、冰制品、糖果、焙烤食品等,也用于烟草香精.


"蛇麻草素","humulin" | "蛇麻草酮","humulone" | "蛇麻草属;葎草属(桑科)","Humulus"


大麻属(Cannabis)只有大麻(C.sativa)1种,在栽培中形成为1个北方原亚种和1个热带亚种;葎草属(Humulus)有3个种,其中蛇麻(Humulus lupulus)有5个变种:注:大麻科在传统的分类系统里只有大麻属与葎草属二个属,

Humulus lupulus:蛇麻草

如果果实是由整个花序发育而来的叫做复果,例如菠萝(Ananas comosus)蛇麻草(Humulus lupulus). 醛 :一种组成为RCHO的有机化合物,--CHO基团(醛基团)是由碳酰基结合氢原子形成的. 简单的醛有甲醛(HCHO)和乙醛(CH3CHO). 醛糖:一种包括醛(CHO)或者醛基团的糖.

Humulus lupulus L:啤酒花(香蛇麻)

Humulus lupulus L. 啤酒花(香蛇麻) | Papaver rhoeas L. 虞美人 | Lippia citriodora H.B.K. 柠檬甜舌草