英语人>词典>汉英 : 藉口 的英文翻译,例句
藉口 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
cover  ·  covert  ·  evasion  ·  peg  ·  pegged  ·  pretense  ·  subterfuge  ·  pegs  ·  Peg

更多网络例句与藉口相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Just because the economy is not doing so well right now is no excuse to do away with a sovereign country, or abrogate our rights as a free individuals, or steal our resources.


Be your buddy, be your alibi for as long as you want me to


It seems to me that what she really wants to do is to create an anarchist utopia, and use climate change as an excuse to engineer it.


Christian leaders in Jos believe that the riots were coordinated and planned, and that the political events were used as a pretext for anti-Christian violence.


However, the cardinals who elected him by simoniacal means are to be dealt with without further declaration as deprived of their orders as well as of their titles and honour as cardinals and of any patriarchal, archiepiscopal, episcopal or other prelacies, dignities and benefices which at that time they held by title or in commendam, or in which or to which they now have some claim, unless they totally and effectively abandon him and unite themselves without pretence or trickery to the other cardinals who did not consent to this simony, within eight days after they receive the request from the other cardinals, in person if this shall be possible or otherwise by a public announcement.

然而,红雀谁当选他simoniacal手段加以处理,不再宣言剥夺他们的订单,以及他们的职称和荣誉为红雀和任何重男轻女, archiepiscopal ,主教或其他prelacies ,尊严和benefices其中那个时候,他们举行的所有权或在commendam ,或在其中或它们现在有一些说法,除非他们完全和有效地放弃他和团结起来没有藉口或弄虚作假的其他红雀谁不同意这种西摩尼,八几天后,他们收到的请求,其他枢机主教,在人,如果这将是可能的或以其他方式的公开声明。

But because of its incertitude , public interest easily become the excuse to harm the attainder .


A good many excuses cannot be the reason. I apologize sincerely to Mr. Jin and Bando. Cranes LTD.


In order to remove completely all excuse and leave no pretext of any impediment to anyone who is obliged to attend, in addition to the public guarantee which was clearly granted at the summoning of this council to all coming to it we give, concede and grant, acting on the advice and power mentioned above with the same council's approval, to each and all who have been accustomed to be present at the meetings of general councils and are coming to the present Lateran council, as well as to members of their personal staff, of whatever status rank, order and condition or nobility they may be, ecclesiastical and secular, a free, safe and secure safe-conduct and, by apostolic authority in the meaning of the present letter, full protection in all its aspects, for themselves and for all their possessions of any kind as they pass through cities, territories and places, by sea and land, which are subject to the said Roman church, for the journey to the Lateran council in Rome, for remaining in the city of freedom, for exchanging views according to their opinions, for departing therefrom as often as they may wish and also after four months from the conclusion and dispersal of the said council; and we promise to give readily other safe-conducts and guarantees to those desiring to have them.


The little boy tried very hard to find a pretext for not doing his homework.


I suppose even Ma's spin-doctors' standard excuse,"Of course Ma Ying-jeou knew nothing about that" used for example when false receipts were turned in for funds deposited into his personal bank account, just could not be bent in any way to apply here.


更多网络解释与藉口相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Slowly to a variety of ways to leave your excuses. >:慢慢的以各種藉口方式離開你

忽然之間. | 慢慢的以各種藉口方式離開你. | 甚至.

Only in death does duty end:藉口是弱者的避难所

Even a man who has nothing can still offer his life. 唯有死亡才算是责任的... | Only in death does duty end. 藉口是弱者的避难所. | Excuses are the refuge of the weak. 杀,杀,杀! Kill, kill, kill. 信念是你...


台湾的救灾能力,受到不少国际媒体的质疑,总统马英九16日亲上火线,向国际媒体解释台湾救灾的努力. 而美国有线电视新闻网CNN,在报导这一则新闻时,主播一开场就单刀直入,直接问连线的记者,面对批评,马英九的藉口(excuse)是什麼?

Someone defending Liang under false pretenses:有人藉口以协助梁城解困

Right? 对吗? | Someone defending Liang under false pretenses 有人藉口以协助梁城解困 | and initiates rebellion by imposing personal adoration 从而夺取百姓信任,图谋夺权

no ifs:你必须上大学 不要有任何藉口

we want to give to you, Cloe.|我们想把它送给你, 克萝 | You're going to college, no ifs, ands, or buts.|你必须上大学 不要有任何藉口 | For real?|确实?

to make an excuse:找藉口

愚弄 to make a fool of | 找藉口 to make an excuse | 給人搭便車 to give one a lift

No buts or maybes:不再有藉口或疑慮

And I swear that it's true.我發誓這一切都是真的. | No buts or maybes.不再有藉口或疑慮. | When I'm falling down.每當我心情沮喪時.

We have our own difficulties of perforce:你我有你我不得已的藉口

天空有天空放晴的理由The sky has reasons for the sunshine | 你我有你我不得已的藉口We have our own difficulties of perforce | 谁能一再的言不由衷Who can disguise true feelings constantly


pretentious 矫饰,傲慢的 | pretext 藉口 | prevail 盛行,流行,占优势


nothing more than 只不过、只是(意同only) | pretext 藉口、托词 | lead to 导致、造成