英语人>词典>汉英 : 蓬松 的英文翻译,例句
蓬松 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
fluffiness  ·  puff  ·  shag  ·  puffs  ·  shags

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What process turns liquid cake into poofy air-filled solid cake?


Laughter A uniform, she said, and asked for my measurements. My measurements. I had a vision of myself in a fluffy anorak, looking like the Michelin Man. Laughter

笑声 制服,她回复道并向我询问我的尺寸我的尺寸我马上想象到我穿着蓬松的厚夹克看上去就像个米其林男孩。

By histological comparison, the structure of the autotomized tissue was different from other mantle tissue. Sinus and blood spaces were found in the autotomized tissue. Structural changes before and after autotomy in the autotomized tissue were from dense to sparse creases in the epidermis and dense to loose in the connective tissue.


Dr. Barth his great shaggy gray head slowly and looked at the student and ,"Jesus love me ,this I know, for the Bible tells me so."


Sometimes the neighbour's pigeons land on my windowledge Cooing softly Where the great poplar at the window has somehow grown beyond the fourth-floor roof They skim round its crown and back The sunlight on their fluffy feathers Alive day by day I keep coming indoors empty-handed And throwing book and jacket on the bed As the days hurry by I can bring scarcely anything home Even after days away Only you remain and the little room Living day by day We have grown used By an unspoken pact to the room's breadth A pair of pigeons cooing softly on the windowledge Which at many instants belong to us Day by day Dust that falls on book spines gradually yellows Perhaps it is otherwise That life, if it does, provides I know that the unwitting request is not excessive And that summer turns to autumn Perhaps fallen leaves will swirl after a night of rain It does not mean a return to green shade deep in sunlight A house-cleaning when leisure affords Feelings may come on latent even as Irrelevancies are spoken softly The instant when a first trembling on the lips teaches you happiness Lasts till the end of life A request always voiced unwittingly


Baking soda, also known as bicarbonate of soda or sodium bicarbonate, supplies the carbon dioxide gas that leavens batters and doughs.


Fleecy Effect: Ceramide can form protective membrane on hair surface, and make hair elastic, moist and fleecy.


Rare-roasted beef tenderloin coated with mushroom paste in puff pastry.


Fresh Squid tentacle sections, mashed yellow croaker and pollution-free cubed carrot and green string bean sections are selected as raw materials which are then added, mixed and stirred with an adhesive, a seasoning agent and a tenderizer in proper amount to form fillings; the fillings are then moulded into caked filling cores which are steamed and cooled; the outer surface of the filling core is evenly coated with a layer of stiff paste, the outer surface of which is evenly attached with a layer of puffed outer coating so as to form a caked quick-frozen squid and vegetable steak which takes the shape of a puffed powder slice and is internally provided with a filling core wrapped with the stiff paste; after being quick-frozen, the squid and vegetable steak can then be made into the quick-frozen squid and vegetable steak food.


Correct collocation should be coping hair fleeciness, make the face becomes a bit long, toward the bang that combs at the same time, can make forehead narrow; Hair appropriate has grown cheek side, the hair that side divides appears fleeciness, make face become downy.


更多网络解释与蓬松相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


博梅生丝(伊朗制) Bouerme | 蓬大的裙型;蓬松绉领巾 bouffant | 波琪精纺白呢(修道士衬衫用) bouge

bouffant skirt:蓬展裙,蓬松裙

bouffant petticoat 蓬松衬裙 | bouffant skirt 蓬展裙,蓬松裙 | box coat 箱形外套,直筒大衣

bouffant skirt:蓬松裙

裙:skirt | 蓬松裙:bouffant skirt | 花瓣裙:petal skirt

bouffant petticoat:蓬松衬裙

bolero 鲍莱罗,齐腰或在腰线以上的上衣 | bouffant petticoat 蓬松衬裙 | bouffant skirt 蓬展裙,蓬松

It's not like bread dough. You mold that until it comes to life:不像面粉团要一直揉到蓬松为止-----《天涯家园>

until it got in the papers about us... ... | It's not like bread dough. You mold that until it comes to life. 不像面粉团要一直揉到蓬松为止-----> | until we all get what we want 直到我们都得偿...

Cowlick:高立型 头发蓬松竖起的造型

Corner point 文叉点 发末端垂直线与水平线相交之处 | Cowlick 高立型 头发蓬松竖起的造型 | Cross check 交叉检查法 当头发垂直修剪后就以水平方法检查反之亦然

flue:烟洞, 烟道, 暖气管, 蓬松的东西

floating. 漂浮的, 浮动的, 移动的, 流动的, 不固定的 | flue 烟洞, 烟道, 暖气管, 蓬松的东西 | flush 刷新

postmenopausal osteoporosis:闭经后骨质蓬松

闭合性软组织伤害 closed soft tissue injury | 闭经后骨质蓬松 postmenopausal osteoporosis | 臂丛神经麻木 brachial plexus paralysis

primary osteoporosis:原发性骨质蓬松症

预防背痛Back Pain: Prevention | 原发性骨质蓬松症 primary osteoporosis | 爪状趾 claw toe

shaggy-haired pooch:毛发蓬松的小狗

puppy小狗^?K?I??www.hanghua.netJkè§íy+ê | shaggy-haired pooch毛发蓬松的小狗^?K?I??www.hanghua.netJkè§íy+ê | paradede展示^?K?I??www.hanghua.netJkè§íy+ê