英语人>词典>汉英 : 蒸汽机 的英文翻译,例句
蒸汽机 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
steamer  ·  steamers

steam engine · vapor engine
更多网络例句与蒸汽机相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This is a model of a fore and aft type compound steam engine.


Just behind the engine, the inventors showed me the barrel-shaped metal boiler which, with its super-efficient burner, explains why they have succeeded where others have failed in attempting to drive planes with a steam engine.


If you destroy Bates' new prototype steam engine, I will get you in.


He subsequently refined this and related inventions in conjunction with his partners, Matthew Boulton and William Murdock.

之后,他又改良了蒸汽机,还和研究伙伴Matthew Boulton、William Murdock一起共同实现了其他几项发明。

As a young engineer, Watt was once asked to repair a small-scale model of an early working, though inefficient, Newcomen steam engine.


Efforts by mechanics to seek more reliable and stronger power led to the invention of the steam engine by James Watt. In 1785 his new steam engine was first used to furnish power for a spinning factory in Nottinghamshire.

机械师努力寻求更稳定,更强大的能源,于是,詹姆士瓦特发明了蒸汽机。1785 年,在诺丁汉郡,詹姆士瓦特的新蒸汽机首次为纺纱厂提供动力。

Steam power did not merely spin cotton and roll iron; early in the new century it also multiplied ten times over the amount of paper that a single worker could produce in a day.


Boilerless steamers are most efficient and produce enough steam quickly enough for almost all steamer needs.


They asked me to record the whistle of the.steam engine for them for they want to made a model of a stead engine all by themselves and then musicalize it.


The operation of the engine portion alone is not dependant upon steam; any pressurised gas may be used.


更多网络解释与蒸汽机相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

steam-powered motor-car:蒸汽动力汽车,蒸汽机汽车

198 steam-powered car 蒸汽动力汽车,蒸汽机汽车 | 199 steam-powered motor-car 蒸汽动力汽车,蒸汽机汽车 | 200 straight-eight car 直列八缸发动机汽车

paddle steamer:明轮蒸汽机船明轮蒸汽机船舶

paddle steamer 明轮蒸汽机船舶 | paddle steamer 明轮蒸汽机船明轮蒸汽机船舶 | paddle walk 明轮舷台

steam engine:蒸汽机

80年代,蒸汽机(steam engine)投入使用. 随着蒸汽机使用范围的扩大,特别是机器制造业的出现,工业革命迅速扩展到各部门. 到19世纪三十年代,各主要工业部门都采用机器,大机器生产在纺织业中已经占据主导地位. 英国从农业国发展成工业国,


可以产生一股新的动力,但是,却无法使水蒸气产生的强大力量发挥出来. 瓦特利用他的新发现改良了蒸汽机,让蒸汽机(steamer)的性能大为提高,并且广泛用在挖坑采煤及各种机器上,终于带动"工业革命",大大的改善人类的生活.

condensing engine:凝汽式蒸汽机

condensing engine 凝气式蒸汽机 | condensing engine 凝汽式蒸汽机 | condensing equipment 冷凝设备

condensing engine:凝气式蒸汽机

condensing coil 凝汽盘管 | condensing engine 凝气式蒸汽机 | condensing engine 凝汽式蒸汽机

non condensing engine:排气蒸汽机

non-compensated magnetic vehicle detector 非补偿式电磁车辆检测器 | non-condensing engine 排气蒸汽机 | non-condensing steam engine 背压式蒸汽机

expansion engine:膨胀机(往复蒸汽机)

最后桅(四桅之上船) jiggle mast | 膨胀机(往复蒸汽机) expansion engine | 排气圆(往复蒸汽机) exhaust circle

steam tug:蒸汽机拖轮

steam tug 蒸汽机拖船 | steam tug 蒸汽机拖轮 | steam turbine plant 汽轮机装置

steam tug:蒸汽机拖船

steam trial 蒸汽动力装置试验 | steam tug 蒸汽机拖船 | steam tug 蒸汽机拖轮