英语人>词典>汉英 : 草率地 的英文翻译,例句
草率地 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
curtly  ·  thoughtlessly  ·  wholesale  ·  wholesaling  ·  sloppily  ·  wholesaled  ·  wholesales

in haste · slap-bang
更多网络例句与草率地相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

No one will rush to accept a provider of design and products.

承诺 没有人会草率地接受一家供应商的设计和产品。

He sat down again on the brushwood and took Connie's hand in silence. She turned and looked at him.


He devalues sources of supply, callously and off-handedly abandons them, and discards people, places, partnerships, and friendships unhesitatingly.


There were treatises on catallactics which dealt only incidentally and cursorily with monetary matters, and there were books on currency and banking which did not even attempt to integrate their subject into the structure of a catallactic system.


Therefore I said with curtness dinally,"No,I can not make it."


One morning it came to pass that M. Gillenormand spoke slightingly of the Convention, apropos of a newspaper which had fallen into his hands, and gave vent to a Royalist harangue on Danton, Saint-Juste and Robespierre.--


Moreover , bilingual dictionaries are often hastily and sloppily compiled , as well as hopelessly out of date even before they are published .


To protect privacy to counterpoise privative superintendence, have the ill will of give up eating for fear of choking-refrain from doing sth necessary for fear of a slight risk, the author thinks ought to be guide netizen reason to convey his in order appeal to beg, is not simple and cursory ground undertakes prohibiting, can produce the result that be just the opposite to what one wished only in that way.


Any unreasonable pros and cons to personal divorces are mistaken,and free divorces are not equal to careless and unresponsible divorces.


By coupling the expansion of coverage with reforms that significantly slow the growth of health-care costs, we can dramatically improve the long-run fiscal situation without tightening prematurely.


更多网络解释与草率地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

curtly:简略地, 草率地

Curtius conversion | 库尔提斯转变; 酰肼成酰叠氮的转变 | curtly | 简略地, 草率地 | curtness | 简略, 草率


to trigger irrational anger 引起不合理的愤怒 | curtly 唐突草率地 | to fume 怒气冲冲

curtly:简略地; 草率地 (副)

curtilage 庭园; 宅地 (名) | curtly 简略地; 草率地 (副) | curtness 简略; 草率 (名)

curtness:简略, 草率

curtly | 简略地, 草率地 | curtness | 简略, 草率 | curtsey | 屈膝礼 女人行的鞠躬礼

curtness:简略; 草率 (名)

curtly 简略地; 草率地 (副) | curtness 简略; 草率 (名) | curtsey 屈膝礼 (名)

in haste:急速地,匆忙地,草率地

harm set; harm get害人反害己 | in haste急速地,匆忙地,草率地 | make haste赶紧

act in haste:草率地行动

humbling 令人羞愧 | act in haste 草率地行动 | implement more rather than 更多地去执行而不是...

Jump to conclusions:匆忙作结论;草率地推测

The membership of these clubs jumped to two million. 这些俱乐部的会员人数一跃而达到两百万人. | jump to conclusions 匆忙作结论;草率地推测: | Don't jump to conclusions. 不要过快做出结论.


equivalent同等物 | prematurely過早地;草率地 | malnutrition營養失調

thoughtlessly:草率地; 不体贴地 (副)

thoughtless 没有考虑的, 轻率的, 无深虑的 (形) | thoughtlessly 草率地; 不体贴地 (副) | thoughtlessness 欠考虑, 轻率; 不体贴, 不亲切 (名)