英语人>词典>汉英 : 茂盛 的英文翻译,例句
茂盛 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
bloom  ·  exuberance  ·  flourish  ·  thriftiness  ·  blooms  ·  flourished  ·  flourishes

run riot
更多网络例句与茂盛相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

These plants thrive only in acid soil.


I must say, your agapanthus are flourishing.


In the midst of all that desolation, the All-Father found a withered stem half buried in the snows and breathed His power and essence into it.


I perceive that, when an acorn and a chestnut fall side by side, the one does not remain inert to make way for the other, but both obey their own laws, and spring and grow and flourish as best they can, till one, perchance, overshadows and destroys the other.


Like, now we locate province in Guangdong new meeting county wreath city country a day horse village a day horse river on, say the history of this river, before also needing to make track for till more than 300 years ……you now what to see is 1 the very unique big banyan is in the world, and then is become the landscape of"only wood become wood" by people, dwell for rest 1000 up to 100 birds on this tree, and exuberant big banyan also for the birds provided to dwell for rest living ground goodly, bird as happy as a lark living here, is also become "the heaven of bird" by people.


From the foot to the mountain, full of straight trees, tall trees of the hero - trees, as well as lush trees of Melia azedarach.


In the grandmother's care under the large banyan tree is now longer a flourish.


Genus of weedy Old World yellow-flowered herbs usually containing a bitter-tasting substance: bitterweed.


Luxuriance Having or characterized by luxuriant vegetation.

葱翠的有或以茂盛植被为特征的 flourish 没有水植物就不会长得茂盛

May there be wide-stretching fields of grain in the land, shaking on the top of the mountains, full of fruit like Lebanon: may its stems be unnumbered like the grass of the earth.

72:16 在地的山顶上、五谷必然茂盛,〔五谷必然茂盛或作有一把五谷〕所结的谷实、要响动如利巴嫩的树林,城里的人、要发旺如地上的草。

更多网络解释与茂盛相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


extrusive 挤出的 | exuberance 茂盛 | exuberancy 丰富


windfall 被风吹落的 | exuberance 繁茂,茂盛 | statuary 雕像,塑像


11. collaboration 合作,协作 | 12. exuberance 茂盛,健康 | 13. stark 荒凉的,阴郁的


美音.库佩特斯 Krios | 茂盛.亚佩特斯 Iapetus | 记忆.姆内摩休内 Mnemosyne

in full bloom:盛开,处于青春(茂盛)时期

come to life复苏,再生 | in full bloom盛开,处于青春(茂盛)时期 | three level guide三层引导


leafiness 青叶 | leafiness 叶茂盛 | leafletflyerflysheet 传单


leafage /叶子/ | leafiness /多叶/叶茂盛/青叶/ | leafless /无叶的/


Luxemburg 卢森堡 | luxuriance 茂盛 | luxuriancy 繁茂

luxuriant: a.1:茂盛的 2.肥沃的

melancholy: n.1.忧郁(证) 2.忧思,愁思 3.忧郁的,令人悲伤的 | luxuriant: a.1.茂盛的 2.肥沃的; | luxurious: 丰盛的; 舒适的;豪华的; 奢侈的;贪图享受的

luxuriant: a.1:茂盛的 2.肥沃的,丰饶的 3.丰富的,绚丽的

abstractness: n.抽象,深奥,难解,纯理论 | luxuriant: a.1.茂盛的 2.肥沃的,丰饶的 3.丰富的,绚丽的 | simplicity: n.简单,简明,简朴,朴素,纯朴