英语人>词典>汉英 : 芥末 的英文翻译,例句
芥末 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
mustard  ·  mustards

更多网络例句与芥末相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Mike Lane, the project manager, said: French mustard isn't strong enough, so we rang Colman's to get some of their English mustard powder.


Different kinds of mustard give different mustard oils: black mustard gives a highly pungent mustard oil due to its content of sinigrin.


You do not need to add wasabi into your soya sauce, because the sushi pieces usually already contain wasabi, and some sushi pieces are supposed to be eaten without wasabi.


If you do not like wasabi, you can request that none is added into your sushi.


Not to forget, the Double Taste Prawn, one is the prawn with mustard flavour and another side is the salty egg yolk flavour. The mustard has seasoning with lemon and sugar, added surprise when eating together with the fried enoki.


The Double Taste Prawn, one side is the prawn with mustard, and another side is the salty egg yolk, the mustard side come with the fried Enoki while the salty egg yolk side is come with the fried onion ring.


Mustard isusually made of crushed or ground mustard seeds, vinegar and wine (the selection of which is crucial to the mustards taste).


Diners can choose from mustards as traditional as a Dijon to more adventurous ones such as the rich, spicy and sweet honey and champagne mustard or the peppery Grange mustard or guinness and wasabi

食客选择多多:包括传统的Dijon芥末,大胆新奇的浓郁、辛辣而甜腻的香槟芥末,以及Grange 胡椒芥末,还有guinness 和wasabi。

Black or white seeds ground to make mustard ''.


The seeds can come from three different plants: black mustard , brown Indian mustard and white or yellow mustard.


更多网络解释与芥末相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Mustardy Chinese cabbage:(芥末墩)

Soft fried tenderloin (软炸里脊) (Ruan Zha Li Ji) | Mustardy Chinese cabbage (芥末墩) (Jie Mo Dun) | Beijing preserved fruit (果脯) (Guo Pu)

Dijon mustard:第戎芥末(第戎是法国一城市)

French mustard----法式芥末 | Dijon mustard----第戎芥末(第戎是法国一城市) | tartar sauce----一种白色的海鲜酱

ketchup is my fave:芥末或茄汁

12)杯子半空或是半滿:half full.. i guess | 13)芥末或茄汁:ketchup is my fave!! | 14)硬皮書或軟皮書:haaaaaaaard!

mustard leaf:芥菜/芥末

butterhead 球生菜 | mustard leaf 芥菜/芥末 | romaine 生菜

mustard plaster:芥末膏药

mustard meal 芥末粉 | mustard plaster 芥末膏药 | mustard pot 芥末

mustard plaster:芥末硬膏

麝香草 Musk | 芥末硬膏 Mustard plaster | 芥子 Mustard seeds


\\"绊带\\",\\"plaster,adhesive\\" | \\"芥末硬膏\\",\\"plaster,mustard\\" | \\"绊创膏\\",\\"plaster,surgical\\"


我们在"芥末籽"(Mustard Seed)意大利饭馆见面. 由大学请客,连主宾带学生外加我们跟著蹭饭的,满满一长桌. 一个尼加拉瓜女学生坐我身边,对D充满景仰,说是她心目中的女英雄. 席散兴未尽,我请他们夫妇到我家再喝一杯. 杯光觥错中,


听酒店推荐来到一家名叫"芥末" (Mustard)的餐馆. 菜单只有薄薄的一页,酒单却足足有40多页厚厚一本!封面居然还叫做"喝不完的酒单". 我们两个人点了一只烤羊腿,一只烧野兔,还有2只墩鹌鹑. 所有的用料都是本地生长的:羊就放养在山坡,

