英语人>词典>汉英 : 节会 的英文翻译,例句
节会 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
feast  ·  feasted  ·  feasting  ·  feasts

更多网络例句与节会相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Its most popular Midsummer Day finds many Finns lighting bonfires and drinking enthusiastically at their country homes.


You're going to be invited to the next Pratt Thanksgiving.


Samhain was a harvest festival with huge sacred bonfires, marking the end of the Celtic year and beginning of a new one.


"That is not the climax of the film, but it clearly offended me because many sections of the audience would believe it to be the actual end," he told in a telephonic interview from Mumbai.


What do you do on Thanksgiving Day?


US mulls plans to cease stimulus, raise interest rates


Tatsu benefits in recent years to increase product research and development efforts, product appearance design and improvement of the internal functions have been done, the latest to launch the Olympic series,玉琢series, kun series original new collective eleventh appearance Tangshan陶博会session, give participants the domestic and foreign merchants brought a visual feast Bathroom Products; electronic Smart Bathroom Products Expo exhibits are the highlights of the Festival, Tatsu benefits of smart座便EPO by the industry and consumer From a high degree of recognition, another heavy attack in 2008, a research and development and intelligent use of intelligent matching toilet basin, they will be matching the current display陶博会Huida leading electronic technology with leading technical ceramics products combine a high degree of charm; water-saving , environmental protection industry is a bathroom eternal theme,座便water saving, water-saving is the leading exhibition focused on the display; reporter also learned from the benefits the Group Tatsu Tatsu benefits as early as last month for the first陶博will be only a preparation, benefits are expected to show up to six different styles, including sanitary products and ceramic products, a model, the 15 art cabinet, 8 bath and all kinds of bathroom accessories, fully demonstrated the benefits of the perfect matching Product Tatsu.


Festivals such as "Ecotourism of Xifu town" and "Shuiyu Cherry Fair" are held here every year and tourism projects such as "cherry garden of hundred years" and "grape corridor of Guanjia village" are under construction.


The Tunarama festival is held in Port Lincoln, on the southern tip of Eyre Peninsula, over the Australia Day (26 January) long weekend.


It begins on a different day each year because of the Jewish calendar. This year, it begins on Dec.


更多网络解释与节会相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


......请问有谁知道关于基督降临节(Advent)在中国的状况?(印象中大多数中国人不知道基督降临节,但是基督徒应该对此有所认识. )恳请帮忙告知中国基督徒是怎样庆祝的,会有什么活动,谢谢!!!!!!!!!!!......

April Fool's Day:愚人节

Slashfilm表示泰勒-考普顿或许会代替托蕊桑尼出演该角色,因为她会弹吉他而托蕊桑尼却不会. 丝柯.泰勒-考普顿(Scout Taylor-Compton)在将上映的>(Halloween II)中出演了Laurie Strode一角. 她还主演了>(April Fool's Day)等多部影片.

Boxing Day:节礼日

在此事例中,"节礼日"(Boxing Day)的"盒子"一词源自那些上了锁,盛载捐款的大箱子. 在一些英联邦国家或地区,星期六或星期日的固定假期,间中会在其后的工作天奉行. 所以,如果节礼日是星期六,那么星期一(12月28日)会是公众假期;

Pentecostal Holiness Church:五旬节圣洁会

pent-up feeling 积压情感;受抑制的情感 | Pentecostal Holiness Church 五旬节圣洁会 | people with a disability 残疾人士;弱能人士

And not only is he sleeping with a man, soon he'll be celebrating Purim:现在他不仅和男的睡在一起, 很快他还会庆祝起普林节[犹太节日]来的

He's moved in with Howard Cu... | And not only is he sleeping with a man, soon he'll be celebrating Purim.|现在他不仅和男的睡在一起, 很快他还会庆祝起普林节[犹太节日]来的. | More important, for the fir...

Valentine's Day:西方情人节

一首>将中国人千百年来所推崇的忠贞不渝、刻骨铭心的爱情刻画得淋漓尽致. 牛郎织女七夕鹊桥会也因此成为中国人传统的情人节. 但随着西风日渐,西方情人节(Valentine's Day)在浓郁的商业气氛下,逐渐在国内扩张,使年轻一代俨然只知"瓦伦丁洛",全不知中国的七夕情人节.


在方济各会士中,还出现了圣母往见节(Visitation),在英国本笃会士中(甚至在1100年以前)出现了圣灵感孕节(Immaculate Conception),把她推崇到完全超乎世人之上而居于光的世界之中.


在人工培养下,女王恐龙虾之无节幼虫(nauplius)於浸水24小时后出现, 无节幼虫孵化后 24~48 小时内会发育为后无节幼虫(metanauplius),后无节幼虫后期在形态及为上最显著的变化为复眼及游泳肢的形成,此时游泳方式则由无节幼虫时期之弹跃转变为成虫的仰泳方式.

Pentecostal Holiness Church Shaukiwan Assembly:五旬节圣洁会筲箕湾堂

169 圣公会仁立小学 S.K.H. Yan Laap Primary School | 170 五旬节圣洁会筲箕湾堂 Pentecostal Holiness Church Shaukiwan Assembly | 172 五旬节靳茂生小学 Pentecostal Gin Mao Sheng Primary School

Feast of the Tabernacles:犹太结茅节;神龛节;会幕节

Feasibility Study Section;可行性研究科;; | Feast of the Tabernacles;犹太结茅节;神龛节;会幕节;; | feature article;特稿;;