英语人>词典>汉英 : 舰队 的英文翻译,例句
舰队 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
armada  ·  fleet  ·  flota  ·  marine  ·  navarchy  ·  fleeted  ·  fleets  ·  armadas

naval force
更多网络例句与舰队相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Our ships have been salvaged," Admiral Halsey, commander of the Third Fleet, dryly replied,"and are retiring at high speed toward the Japanese fleet.


A modern battle fleet of 2 dreadnoughts, 1 battle cruiser and 2 new pre-dreadnought battleships reinforced Second Squadron, prepared to engage the whole German Cruiser Squadron.


With a great variety of ships and equipment, you can build a whole customized battle and / or trading fleet.


As such, he resolved to draw the British fleet into battle in late May 1916, his intention being to separate the British forces in order that he could pick off isolated shipping.


The ship was part of the fleet stationed at Milagro when a damaged Imperial -class Star Destroyer entered the system with a convoy of transports, and was defeated by the Rebel Dreadnaught New Hope .


With the European powers militarily exhausted by the war in Europe, the United States was the only power in the Pacific able to stop Japan from invading the Dutch East Indies, and by moving the Pacific fleet from San Diego to Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, Roosevelt made a pre-emptive strike on that fleet the mandatory first step in any Japanese plan to extend it's empire into the "southern resource area."


This was followed by the Second Fleet Act in 1900, which proved far more ambitious in determining to construct a fleet capable of matching the British Royal Navy, with a 17-year deadline for the completion of construction of a fleet of 2 flagships, 36 battleships, 11 large and 34 small cruisers.


On 27 August 1914, Vice-Admiral Sadakichi Kato's(人名加藤定吉日本第二舰队司令海军中将) Second Squadron began blockading Tsingtao.


From April 2002, he was the Pacific Fleet's chief of staff. In the fall of 2005, after AC-28 bathyscaphe sank near Kamchatka, Konstantin Sidenko, among other fleet officials, was reprimanded and given a warning about being incompletely qualified for his position. From May of 2006, he was in charge of the Baltic Fleet.


It was fought on May 27–28, 1905 (May 14–15 in the Julian calendar then in use in Russia) in the Tsushima Strait between Korea and southern Japan. In this battle the Japanese fleet under Admiral Heihachirō Tōgō destroyed two-thirds of the Russian fleet, under Admiral Zinovy Rozhestvensky, which had conducted a voyage of over 18,000 nautical miles (33,000 km) to reach the Far East.


更多网络解释与舰队相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

fleet air defence:舰队航空

14.flea allergy dermatitis 蚤变态反应皮肤炎 | 15.fleet air defence 舰队航空 | 16.Fleet Air Defense 舰队防空

Fleet Air Defense:舰队防空

15.fleet air defence 舰队航空 | 16.Fleet Air Defense 舰队防空 | 17.fleet air detachment 舰队航空兵分遣队

fleet air detachment:舰队航空兵分遣队

16.Fleet Air Defense 舰队防空 | 17.fleet air detachment 舰队航空兵分遣队 | 18.floating add 浮点加(法)


圣克鲁兹侯爵阿尔瓦洛.巴赞,西班牙海军无敌舰队(Armada)之父. 西班牙过往仰仗热内亚佣兵舰队,以致於总是错失战机,令圣克鲁兹侯爵感到有必要建立一支西班牙皇家的本国海军舰队. 然而,在1588年的无敌舰队之战前夕,

Spanish Armada:无敌舰队

英国对叛徒的援助引起西班牙舰队全部出动征英,世称"无敌舰队"(Spanish Armada),不意为海风漂没. 荷兰之宣告独立事在1581年. 只是不到1609年的停战协定,新民国无从觉得她的安全已有相当保障. 还要待到三十年战争结束,

battle fleet:作战舰队

舰队(fleet):包括一个大洋(ocean)或大区(general region)的所有舰艇;舰艇数量为两个或以上的作战舰队(battle fleet)或特遣舰队(task force). 战斗群(task group):包括互补的(complementary)各种舰艇;舰艇数量为两个或以上的特混支队(task unit)或中队(squadron).


109. 分舰队 squadron | 110. 小型舰队 flotilla | 111. 补给舰队 train

Fleet Piazza:舰队广场

Fleet Street 舰队街 | Fleet Piazza 舰队广场 | Grand Canal 大运河

Robert Willard:司令员-美国太平洋舰队

Jonathan Greenert: 司令员-美国舰队司令部 | Robert Willard: 司令员-美国太平洋舰队 | Mark Fitzgerald: 司令员-驻欧洲美国海军/司令员-驻那不勒斯北约盟军联合司令部

Naval Air Force:大西洋舰队空军司令[美]

commuting | 交换(的) | COMNAVAIRLANT | Commander, Naval Air Force, Atlantic Fleet 大西洋舰队空军司令[美] | COMNAVAIRPAC | Commander, Naval Air Force, Pacific Fleet 太平洋舰队空军司令[美]