英语人>词典>汉英 : 舞弊 的英文翻译,例句
舞弊 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
skulduggery  ·  malpractices

corrupt practices · engage in embezzlement · fraudulent practices
更多网络例句与舞弊相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The first part retrospect some domestic and foreign accounting fraud-related theories and topics that have brought an extensive and meaningful significance to accounting controllership, and based on former research, it discusses an identification mechanism that discovers accounting fraudulent practices from both theoretical and technological aspects.


Along with economy of development, the accountancy embezzle a problem drive more and more people concern, the accountancy embezzle to economy the society result in of loss also more and more outstanding.


This paper analyzes the reasons why there has been the professional fraud of CPA and points out that the reason basically includes non-independent CPA audit , low cost of audit incredibility, difficulties of charging on fraudulent audit, minor punishment of audit violation and the debase environment of audit.


One, the expressional form fraud of the fraud is the step that takes cheat, lawbreaking plant in order to get some with the system the behavior of expedience.


McCabe emphasizes the difficulties of measuring trends in cheating, but the undergraduate numbers at the same 32 universities he studied appear even worse: 74 percent of business students, and 68 percent in nonbusiness fields admitted to some form of cheating.

McCabe强调了测定舞弊趋势的困难点,但是大学生数目在他研究的同样三十二所学校似乎显示的更糟糕: 74%的商科学生,68%的非商科学生承认某种形式的舞弊

Any accounting fraud is one who lives in the social environment, and his behavior will certainly be influenced by his environment: in a society where morality is not the motivation of accounting fraud; the distemperedness of the accounting laws and statute has provided the chance of accounting fraud, namely opportunity existence.


Therefore, with the environment of regulatory mechanism of Government being imperfect, law being imperfect, the lack of professional ethics, the cases of financial fraud being growingly exposed to the surface of iceberg, it is necessary to research empirically audit fee revolving around the listed companies of financial fraud. The research can provide us a new way to govern financial fraud.


Based on western accounting fraud theory and other correlated research, the author studies the motivates ^ maker and methods of listed company" fraud by case studying ; Considering CPA"s special role in preventing and detecting accounting fraud, the emphasis of the thesis is paid to CPAs responsibilities on detecting fraud and the cause of audit failure; in order to decreasing management fraud some counterbalances are put forward based on foregoing discuss.


Worrying for companies, the typical fraudster commits multiple offences over an extended period of time before being detected. Over half (51 percent) commit twenty or more frauds, and a third commit more than fifty. Two thirds commit frauds for between one and five years, and nearly one in ten get away with it for over six years.


"Globalization, a more-demanding investor community, and zero-tolerance policies from regulators demands that companies ensure that their controls are operating as they should," said Girgenti, noting that a strategic approach to fraud prevention, detection and response is essential.

Girgenti 说:&全球化、更加严苛的投资界以及源于监管者的零容忍政策( zero-tolerance policies )都要求企业确保它们的内控措施发挥应有的作用。&同时,他还指出,对舞弊预防、舞弊侦测以及舞弊反馈而言,战略进程是最关重要的。

更多网络解释与舞弊相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


开学时的新生训练,每一位本地学生与国际学生都必须参加「操守政策」(Integrity Policy)讲习会,了解校方绝对不允许舞弊(Cheating)、抄袭(Plagiarism)、捏造(Fabrication)等行为,违者必遭严厉处分,包括可能被停学、开除、退学,成绩单留下纪录,

corrupt practice:舞弊行为

"非法行为"(illegal practice) 指附表3所禁止的任何作为;"舞弊行为"(corrupt practice) 指附表2所禁止的任何作为. (a)"利益"(advantage) 的涵义与>(第201章)第2(1)条中该词的涵义相同;

election corruption:选举舞弊

election communication 选举函件;竞选刊物 | election corruption 选举舞弊 | election cycle 选举周期


舞弊fraud | 舞弊政治家corruptionist | 舞蹈dancenautchsaltation


corruptibly /易腐败[堕落] 地/ | corruptionist /行贿的人/舞弊政治家/ | corruptive /使腐败的/腐败性的/使堕落的/



Financial Fraud:财务舞弊

合同诈骗:Contractual fraud | 财务舞弊:Financial fraud | 舞弊征兆:Fraud Sign

computer fraud:电子计算机舞弊 computer fraud 电子计算机舞弊

886 1 computer conferencing 电子计算机会议 computer conferencing 电... | 887 1 computer fraud 电子计算机舞弊 computer fraud 电子计算机舞弊 | 888 1 computerized accounting 电算会计化 computerized account...

Management Fraud:管理舞弊

国外独立审计理论充分关注舞弊的研究,并延伸了一些与舞弊相关的概念:错误(Error,多指会计错误)、雇员舞弊(Employee.fraud)与管理舞弊(Management Fraud);资产私占舞弊(Misappropriation of Assets)与舞弊性财务报告(Fraudalent FinancialStatements);

Searching for Shenanigans:发现财务报告舞弊

37."Seek and Ye Shall Find," 财务报告舞弊 | 38."Searching for Shenanigans,"发现财务报告舞弊 | Investment Tools Corporate Finance 公司财务