英语人>词典>汉英 : 自由 的英文翻译,例句
自由 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
freedom  ·  freeness  ·  liberty  ·  liberties  ·  uhuru

at liberty · laisser-aller
更多网络例句与自由相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

At one's command,自由……(等於at one's disposal):I have a mass of material at my disposal.


The paper analyze it from these aspects: Firstly, in the communism, when the survival necessity and feast necessity are satisfied enough, the self-fulfillment necessity will become the most important necessity in people's life. The freedom labour is in the course of self-fulfilling. Secondly, the"truth""good"are united in the labour , which make it possess the nature of beauty. Thirdly, in the game, people disremember the outside bondage and enjoy the happiness and freedom. Compared with the game, the freedom labour has many same characters and is more fascinating. Finally, the labour and the people's development have many affinities: In primeval, the autonomic labour was corresponded with the people's"primordial enrichment". In private owned society, alienation labour was corresponed with the people's macrocephalic development. In the communism, the freedom labour will corresponded with the all-powerful development. The development of human history incline to the trend that history makes everyone develop all-powerfully, the freedom labor will be the final choice.


5EftE; 'ZftE/ abbr 缩写= European Free Trade Association 欧洲自由贸易联盟: In 1972 Britain left EFTA and joined the EEC.


EFTA / 5eftE; 'ZftE/ abbr 缩写= European Free Trade Association 欧洲自由贸易联盟: In 1972 Britain left EFTA and joined the EEC.


Idea of freedom 自由的概念 In the Critique of Pure Reason, Kant distinguishes between the transcendental idea of freedom, which as a psychological concept is "mainly empirical" and refers to "the question whether we must admit a power of spontaneously beginning a series of successive things or states" as a real ground of necessity in regard to causality, and the practical concept of freedom as the independence of our will from the "coercion" or necessitation through sensuous impulses.


The free radical scavenging properties of six Aloe species are to be investigated in some modified chemical system. The antioxidant was purified by silica column and thin layer chromatography and analyzed by HPLC. A fraction was purified from A. brevifolia Mill showed the most effective scavenging activities on 〓 and ·OH (66. 01% and 38. 98% respectively). With the analysis of IR spectrum, UV spectrum and mass spectrum, the structure of FA was identifed as 8-C-D-glucopyranosyl-2- [2-hydroxy] propyl-5-methyl-7-hydroxychromone. Its scavenging activity on free radicals is higher than that of aloe-emodin. Its antioxidant activity may be due to the phenoxyl on glucosyl chromone which can be react with free radicals and form relatively stable free radicals.


At each level, the parameters, hyper parameters and model parameters are adjusted to minimize the Kullback-Leibler divergence between their posteriors and real distributions so that the variable free energy can approach the real free energy.


Free fall 推力与自由下落 In the chapter on free fall we explained the technique of producing large sonorities primarily with the help of the force of gravity.


BEARER OF FREEDOM - YEAR OF THE WINGED HORSE Keynote: Freedom in Action Truth in Action: Divine Union, Freedom, Power Colors: Pale Lavender - Pale Yellow - Peach Animal Totem: Horse Aquatic Totem: Manta Ray Year of Birth: 2004, 2022, 2040 4、自由肩负者-飞马之年基调:起作用的自由行动真相:神性统一、自由、力量颜色:淡紫色-浅黄色-桃色动物标志:马水生物标志:电鳗出生年份:2004, 2022, 2040 Those born under the archetypal pattern of Freedom in Action will be gifted at allowing for evolution and ascension in their own life dance, the group that they affiliate with, and the whole of humanity.


An editor received a letter from a freelance(=self-employer:自由投稿人), it read as follows: Sir, you sent back my novel contribution last Sunday, but you did not finish reading it because I intentionally glued several pages together and my contribution you returned was still pasted together.


更多网络解释与自由相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

European Free Trade Association:欧洲自由贸易联盟欧洲自由贸易协会

European Free Trade Association 欧洲自由贸易联盟 | European Free Trade Association 欧洲自由贸易联盟欧洲自由贸易协会 | European Free Trade Association 欧洲自由贸易协会

Free agent:自由人. 合同的期满的运动员和新人都是自由人,自由人的去留不受球队约束

don't foul jump shooter:不向跳投者犯规. | free agent:自由人. 合同的期满的运动员和新人都是自由人,自由人的去留不受球队约束. | free agents:此指NBA自由球员.

free trade:自由贸易,贸易自由

free topological group 自由拓扑群 | free trade 自由贸易,贸易自由 | free trade wharf 自由贸易港口码头

free trade zone:自由贸易区

2 自由贸易区(Free Trade Zone)又称自由区、出口自由区、自由关税区、免税贸易区、免税区、自由贸易港、自由市、自由工业区、投资促进区及对外贸易区等. 指在主权国家或地区的关境以外,划出特定的区域,准许外国商品豁免关税自由进出.

free trade wharf:自由贸易码头自由贸易港码头

free trade wharf 自由贸易港口码头自由贸易码头自由贸易港码头 | free trade wharf 自由贸易码头自由贸易港码头 | free trade zone 自由贸易区

free trade wharf:自由贸易港口码头自由贸易码头自由贸易港码头

free trade wharf 自由贸易港口码头 | free trade wharf 自由贸易港口码头自由贸易码头自由贸易港码头 | free trade wharf 自由贸易码头自由贸易港码头

free kick:自由球

自由球(free kick) 自由球有直接自由球及间接自由球. 踢直接自由球及间接自由球时,球必须静止. 踢自由球的球员,在球触及另一球员之前,不可第二次触球. ●角球(corner kick) 球被守方队员踢出或触出本方端线时,判由对方踢角球.

freedom of the Press:出版自由

由于表达的内容只有通过媒介才能广为传播,而最初的大众传播媒介便是印刷出版物,所以出版自由(freedom of the press)在言论自由或表达自由中占有重要地位,许多国家的宪法往往将言论自由和出版自由并列,出版自由和新闻自由同义.


因此,我们看到这样两种自由概念:自由(Liberties)在法治意义上指权利,自由(Freedoms)在实质自由意义上指能力. 当这两个概念狭路相逢在一个句子或一段话的时候,笔者试用"法权自由"表达前者,用"能力自由"表达后者,


因此,我们看到这样两种自由概念:自由(Liberties)在法治意义上指权利,自由(Freedoms)在实质自由意义上指能力. 当这两个概念狭路相逢在一个句子或一段话的时候,笔者试用"法权自由"表达前者,用"能力自由"表达后者,