英语人>词典>汉英 : 自治 的英文翻译,例句
自治 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
autonomy  ·  swaraj  ·  autocephaly  ·  autonomies

self-government · self-rule · exercise autonomy · autonomous rule
更多网络例句与自治相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

To the shareholders, the fail of expectative benefit is the juristic base for lawsuit of company Judicial Dissolution.


Starts with the three parts of the relationship of the villages and towns government and the villager committees and the relationship of the two rural committees and the relationship of the two rural committees and villager, analyzes how the agriculture tax-and-fee reformation effects on the villagers" autonomy systematically, and think the agriculture tax-and-fee reformation will be advantageous to die down "theadministeration turn" of the village committees, meliorate the relationship of the two rural committees and the crowd, alleviate the two rural committees antinomy, promote organization construction of the two rural committees, but in the meantime also bring some series problems for the village autonomy such as public finance problem, tax fee tail owe problem etc., in the end put forward that we should push forward the villager" autonomy of the post-agriculture tax ages from the four parts of the Grass-roots Government, relationship between officials and the masses, relationship between the two rural committees and the village collective economy.


The first chapter emphasizes on the background and process of urban community autonomy, the process is divided into three stages: the rise of community building, the reform of the management system and the autonomy practice of resident to introducing the community development in our country. The second chapter introduces the present condition of the community autonomy in changshou road. Including the organizational relation, the rule of the circulating and the development of NGOs. The third chapter deeply analyzes the problems to hider the development of community autonomy in the present stage in changshou road. The fourth Chapter gives some advice about the community autonomy to realize the real autonomy in our grass- roots society.


Organs of self-government have the right to handle local financial, economic, cultural and educational affairs.


And we argue that, if the research is to be deepen in further steps and breakthroughs are to be achieved, something must be done: to reject the noble-like thinking characterized by the sense of ego-superiority of self-culture; to get the better of the thinking habit such as the argument of feudal-clan, the argument of backward politic ideology of the peasantry;to relate rural clans to the peasantry, their subject of benefits instead of splitting them, and regard the multi-choices of ways of the existence and social benefits of rural society as well as urban society, thus to overcome the static vision on looking at the rural clan.


Chapter 6 describe the project and tallage of office , the government's suppressing makeautonomy into difficulty, but shanghai esquire still request autonomy.


It isdivided three times: late QING and early MIN times (1905 to 1914) which has three phases ofthe general project office, the autonomy office, the townhouse; the project and tallage officetimes (1914 to 1923),shanghai autonomy is canceled in the times by law, and is in shadow;the city public office times (1923 to 1927) which shanghai autonomy was resumed, but it facesthe complicated polity conditions, its ability was oppressed and far from the center.


However, We have also found a lot of questions which we must treat, discuss and resolve seriously while we found the remarkable effect in the practice of the Villagers' self-government in Chinese countryside,such as no balance in the development of the Villagers' self-government, the contradiction between "the twofold role" of the village committee and the basic principle of the Villagers' self-government, the contradiction between villages and towns government organization and the Villagers' self-government, the contradicition between the branch of the Chinese Communist party and village committee,the question of democratic election, the contradiction between the charactor of parial villagers and the requirement promoting the Villagers' self-government and so on.


Build the development course to observe to new period regional national autonomy through the study on some important historical documents in this text, It is the horizontal and the vertical in applications , Finish comparing at analyse, history and logic unify at new period the theories of regional national autonomies and practice go on and expound the fact in detail many kinds of methods, In order to having one a piece of overall summing up relatively to this question, strive and seek and publish regional national autonomy the successful experiences of evolution, Point out that new period insists and perfect the realistic meaning of regional national autonomy.


The Russian Federation national autonomous prefectures and autonomous zone Autonomous and self-map area population (one million square serial zone million, capital km 190 1-1 Jewish Autonomous 3.6023. 20 to Robbie Zhan 1-2 Nenets autonomous post-secondary 17. 677.50 District naryan mar 1-33. 2925.20 Komi - Perm green card Er Yake Kurdish autonomous zone 1-4 Khanty - Mansi from 52. 31,130.50 Hunter - Man Xisi Governance Area g 1 -575. 0329.30 Yamal - Nie Nie pod out Haerdeci self-government in autonomous prefectures and autonomous area map area population (one million square serial zone million, capital km 190 1-6 Temel self-designed 86. 217.20 dudinka District 1-7 Avon-based self-government tertiary 76.762. 40 Fig tension zone 1-8 Ust - Orr 2. 2418.90 Darboux Li Yate from Ust - Austria Er-Governance Center Deng Siji 1-91. 909.50 Aga - Buliyaa Jin Sike that special autonomy zone 1-10 Chukotka autonomous professionals 73. 7720.20 Anadyr District 1-11 Coria grams of self-government 30. 154.80 Palana Russia, a vast area across most parts of Eastern Europe and Northern Asia.


更多网络解释与自治相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


autonomic 自治的 | autonomist 主张自治者 | autonomous 自治

autonomist:主张自治者, 自治论者

autonomisation | 自主作用 | autonomist | 主张自治者, 自治论者 | autonomous adjustment of business activity | 经济活动的自发调节

university autonomy:大学自治

大学自治(University Autonomy)指大学不受政府、教会或其他势力干预,实行独立办学.巴黎大学自建立以来,一直寻求大学自治,可是在拿破仑的第一帝国建立之后,大学自治就被置于国家的严格控制之下,1968年法国巴黎南岱合大学首先爆发"五月风暴",


行政区划 整个大伦敦地区一共被分为伦敦市(City of London)与32个自治市(Borough). 伦敦市(City of London)拥有独立的行政与立法权限,位阶较高;而西敏市(City of Westminster)虽称为市,但仍属于伦敦自治市之一. 伦敦市和众自治市属于标准一级行政区--单

county borough:人口在五万以上的自治市, 自治市

county agent | 负责农业技术推广及乡村教育之官员 | county borough | 人口在五万以上的自治市, 自治市 | county council | 郡议会


communalism 地方自治主义 | communalist 地方自治主义者 | communalistic 地方自治主义的

local autonomy:地方自治

在西方资本主义国家大多保持着地方政府的自治体制即地方自治(Local Autonomy),在中央与地方财政关系中普遍采用了分税制财政体制,但分税制的内容和与之相应的财政自治权限却是千差万别的.


self-governed /实行自治的/独立的/ | self-governing /自治的/自制的/ | self-government /自治/自制/克己/


他所说的自治(swaraj)仍然与他所奉行的自我约束一脉相承:"自治的真实含义是自我约束. 只有遵守道德规范、不欺诈或背弃真理,对父母、妻子、孩子、仆人和邻居尽职尽责的人,才能够做到自我约束. 这样的一个人,不管住在哪里,他都享有了自治.

home rule:自治

以"自治"(home rule)作为地方独立的观念是个古老的学说. (注:罗志渊:<<地方自治的理论体系>>,台湾,商务印书馆民国59年4月初版,第44、179页. ) 而地方自治作为一种思潮则发生于18世纪末叶,形成一种运动,