英语人>词典>汉英 : 自己管理自己的 的英文翻译,例句
自己管理自己的 的英文翻译、例句


更多网络例句与自己管理自己的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The best of all governments is that which teaches us to govern ourselves.

最好 的政府是教导我们管理自己。的政府是教导我们管理自己。

As general manager, he was very understanding of the consequences of their own mismanagement.


There exsits the same problem in Chiese grassland management. The government carries out Household responsibility system in grassland managemnt, which is used in agriculture land,but don't consider the relationship shaped between grassland and herdsmen over a long period of time.That the government adopts model managment for convinience reflects laziness and unambitious of their people.


"There is only one proved method of assisting the advancement of pure science—that of picking men of genius, backing them heavily, and leaving them to direct themselves"(James B. Conant).


It has developed more strict gaited effective management system for fixing with advanced Marketing Economy.


Software of management of medium and small businesses popularizes storm is not the strategy that is aimed at a competitor, it is the medium and small businesses that we are based on 90% above completely makes without the current situation of use management software strategy consideration, invest massive free plan this to will rise to urge action revolutionarily to promoting informatization of medium and small businesses, the medium and small businesses that there is more than 40% after I hope 3 years mixes him from paper liberate above the pen come out, run oneself business with software through informatization, have quickly with in the administrative informatization weapon with large euqally preeminent company participates in globalization competition.


In this part, I discuss about the managing tenet, the expention and deepening of business scopes by collectivized combined development and the capital buildup as well as financing resources.


That government is best which governs the least, because its people discipline themselves.


In a word, the world from now on must be a world that belongs to the people, with the people of each country governing themselves, and definitely not a world where imperialism and its lackeys can continue to ride roughshod


Older children and adults with Cystic fibrosis can learn to manage their own physiotherapy.


更多网络解释与自己管理自己的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Public Administration:公共管理

为了不与企业混为一谈,公共部门的管理开始独立门户,名称改为"公共管理"(public administration),属于一门单独的学科,他们在大学里设立科系,使用自己的术语,有自己的职业升迁体系.


其中天使和布罗波投资亦可属风险投资."天使"(angels)是指既富有雄厚的资金实力,又富有管理经验的个人. 他们看准了投资机会后,就用自己的钱,加上自己的管理经营经验,参加企业的整个从小到大的成长过程. 他们所投资金在5万到150万美元之间.


以前去调用安全管理器(SecurityManager).这个安全管理器检查runtime 访问(call)栈并的类必须明确的(explicitly)的调用这个安全管理器来保护它自己.仅有的本地方法来保证这些困难的.以访问更多服务的其它portal.当一个域被制造时,

middle class:中层阶级

在工商业社会里,一般人民知识水准较农业社会里高,这样,才产生了民主思想与民主政治. 英美式的民主,是中层阶级(Middle Class)自己管理众人的事;苏联式的民主,是要做到劳动大众自己管理自己的事,这都与向统治阶级求情的"民本"思想不同.



Real Estate Management:物业管理

物业管理(real estate management)起源于英国19世纪60年代. 当时英国正值工业革命时期,大批农村人口涌入城市,居住就成为一个严峻的问题. 当时有一位奥克维娅.希尔女士(Octavia Hill)为自己出租的物业制定了一套行之有效的管理办法,要求租户严格遵守,

Become self-directing:能夠管理自己、控制自己、指導自己

Use positive visual imagery. 用正面的想像力 ( 朝正面去想問題 ) | Become self-directing. 能夠管理自己、控制自己、指導自己 | Talk with optimism. 談話總是積極樂觀


总之,IDC的日常管理工作是在客户把自己的设备放进IDC后,根据签署的"服务品质协议"(SLA)开始承担对服务器的管理工作的. 它主要包括:机房管理、人员管理、网络的实时联接、电力管理、网络安全、网络监控、设备安全、防火防水等.


费根堡姆首先提出了"全面质量管理"(TQC)的概念. 二战后,这一观点在全球范围内得到了广泛的传播,各个国家结合自己的实践进行了各方面的创新. 随着国际贸易和国际间经济合作的规模扩大,国际标准化组织发布了质量管理体系的ISO9000族国际标准,

My folders:个人文件夹,就是你短信可以自己分类管理

12.all received data 所有接受的数据,就是gprs下行流量 | 2.MY FOLDERS 个人文件夹,就是你短信可以自己分类管理 | 3.AOL 时代华纳的上网业务,估计你这机子是欧版的