英语人>词典>汉英 : 自主 的英文翻译,例句
自主 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
freedom  ·  independence

self-determination · sui juris · act on one's own
更多网络例句与自主相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

On the basis of analyzing and summarizing the research results from the domestic and international scholars, the author defines enterprise's technological innovation ability in terms of course, analyzes the influence factors of industry technological innovation ability and studies the innovation index system, combining industry characteristic give the innovation index system of the evaluation on manufacturing of China's aerospace independence innovation.


Based on the analysis on background of self-innovation"s being put forward,self-innovation is redefined and classified. Self-innovation"s characteristic is pointedout, which is high risk, high investment, long period, high return,government-correlation and endogenesis.


The Guidant-independent Teaching Model of High School Biology sticks to the principle of student-oriented so as to build the classroom atmosphere of democratic, fair, free and open, active the effective teaching interaction and enable students to participate actively in classroom teaching and develop the activeness and independence of students. The Guidant-independent Teaching Model adheres to the rule of students-centered. It proposes teaching-after-self-learning, teaching-follow-self-learning, teaching-promote-self-learning and enables students to learn by themselves at first through reading, self-thinking, questioning, group-discussion and forum.Thus, the independence and imitativeness of students will be achieved.We also lay emphasis on the development of the abilities of self-study and co-operative study so as to get the teaching goal of "learn how to learn" and promote the development of the independence of students.


In the learning process should be stressed that the role of individual students, self-chosen, independent thinking, self-question, self-understanding and creativity to solve the problem, this is not only to develop the habit of learning problems and mental quality of a person involved in the training.


And it analysed the state qua of the self-dependent innovation capability of modern service industry of chongqing, and found out the problems and the deficiencies of it, referred the advanced experience of the others both in land and abroad, to construcht the self-dependent innovation strategy of the modern service industry of chongqing, to advise for the government and the enterprise to improve their self-dependent innovation capability.


In the part of empirical analysis of Chinese IPO first-day return, the difference between existing study and this study is that we use principal components analysis to extract from five factors to construct investors'sentiment index, add it to controled varibles, on which we examine the influence of offering mechanism on IPO first-day return. Moreover, we gather statistics and compare the IPO holding return for lockup period between fixed-price-class offering method and bookbuilding-class offering method, as well as price range between Chinese A-share market and Hongkong stock market, which prvide comprehensive evidence to appraise Chinese IPO bookbuilding mechanism. 2. Compare to the existing literatures which consider discount or allocation, incentive allocation and discount are considered at the same time in optimal mechanism design in this dissertation, and the offering bottom price is introduced to the price range. We investigate the relationship between price range and allocation quantity, and obtain the optimal price range and allocation strategy so that the advantages of independent allocation are reflected. On the other hand, the disadvantages of independent allocation are reflected in the manipulation in case of no restriction on IPO allocation. To distinguish from the existing literatures, bookbuilding mechanism is introduced to the model. We study the allocation strategy adopted by the underwriter in the pooling equilibrium of manipulation. In addition, we analyze the incentive compatibility conditions to which the existence of pooling equilibrium should satisfy and examine some factors'impact on the existence of manipulation.3. In bookbuilding without independent IPO allocation, Chinese realistic IPO background is considered and the condition of bookbuilding and fixed-price hybrid offering is added. Divide bookbuilding and fixed-price hybrid offering into sequential hybrid and simultaneous hybrid, and point out that the key points of subscription strategy in the two kinds of hybrid are different. Through modeling and simulation we obtain the impact of institutional investors'subscription strategy on bookbuilding without independent IPO allocation, which fill the gap in related research. Moreover, in the part of IPO bookbuilding with over-allotment option, the pricing strategy is divided into hot-IPO strategy and weak-IPO strategy. Take into account the procedure of Chinese IPO with over-allotment option, it presents how the underwriter determines the pricing strategy and what effect it brings to offering price and issue size through modeling and simulation. Therefore, it is instructive as a complement to existing literatures.


This thesis firstly analyzed related theories on independent innovation system of Private Scientific and Technological Enterprises; secondly described the status quo and developing trend of independent innovation of Private Scientific and Technological Enterprises in China; thirdly determined objectives and characteristics of independent innovation system of Private Scientific and Technological Enterprises, put forward three ways for independent innovation of Private Scientific and Technological Enterprises, they are direct way of wholly independent innovation, outflanking ways based on cooperation innovation and imitation innovation; fourthly made "structure-function" analysis for independent innovation system of Private Scientific and Technological Enterprises, clarify system operation mechanism; finally this thesis used the theory and method of System Dynamics modeling for independent innovation system of Private Scientific and Technological Enterprises.


So it is very urgent to set up a useful teaching-model of self-regulated learningThere are two-aspect meanings about the studies:1 to set up the physics teaching-model of self-regulated learning in senior middle-school can promote the research of theory and practice in self-regulated learning, enrich the study content of self-regulated learning and provide a choice for the reform of physics class-teaching method.2 to put the model into practice can raise the students ability of self-regulated learning.

本研究的意义在于: 1结合高中物理教学实际、高中生的心理特点,建立有效的高中物理&自主学习&课堂教学模式,可促进自主学习理论与实践的结合; 2通过对自主学习过程各种因素、各个方面相互关系与协调发展的系统研究,将在一定程度丰富自主学习的研究内容,推动自主学习理论与实践的发展; 3&自主学习&课堂教学模式的实施,将增强学生学习的自主程度,提高自主学习能力,促进学生物理学习方式的转变;并为推进素质教育,改革传统物理课堂教学提供了一条新的途径和选择。

Innovation self-dominance is in fact the procedure of creation, dispersion and application of IPRs self-dominance, and so is the most important way to obtain them.


Five categories of intransitive verb and three categories of intransitive verb.


更多网络解释与自主相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I associate with you through choice:我是通过自主选择和你联系在一起

But their association with you is involuntary.They're employees.|但他们和你的关系并非自主 他们是你的... | I associate with you through choice.|我是通过自主选择和你联系在一起 | This is easy.|这个问题省心

Automaticity: Skill building:自主学习:技能构建

Automaticity: A learned advantage 自主学习:一种学术上的优势 | Automaticity: Skill building 自主学习:技能构建 | Bloom's learning domains 布鲁姆的学习域

autonomic movement:自主运动

autonomic learning 自主学习 | autonomic movement 自主运动 | autonomic nerve 自主神经

autonomic learning:自主学习

autonomic imbalance 自主神经失调 | autonomic learning 自主学习 | autonomic movement 自主运动

autonomous system:自主系统

IGRP协议使用了一个称为自主系统(Autonomous System)的概念. 自主系统可以定义为一个路由选择域(Routing Domain),也可以定义为一个进程域(process Domain). IGRP自主系统是一个进程域-–一组使用IGRP协议作为共同的路由选择协议的路由器.


3.自主:穆尔依据教/学关系中的目标、手段和评价这三个要素把远程教育项目归类为"自主的"(autonomous)和"非自主的"(nonautonomous). 穆尔认为,学习者自主性会由于距离的存在而得到加强. (p670"Learner autonomy is heightened by distance")

learn autonomously:自主学习

82. 我们应该活到老,学到老 We should live and learn. | 83. 自主学习 learn autonomously | 84. 自主学习者 an autonomous learner

autonomously replicating plasmid:自主复制质粒

autonomously folding unit自动折叠单位 | autonomously replicating plasmid自主复制质粒 | autonomously replicating sequence自主复制序列

involuntary hospitalization:非自主住院 非自主住院

involuntary contraction 不随意收缩 | involuntary hospitalization 非自主住院 非自主住院 | involuntary imagination 不随意想象

Self-regulated ability:自主学习能力

自主学习能力:self-regulated learning ability | 自主学习能力:Self-regulated ability | 英语自主学习:self-regulated English learning