英语人>词典>汉英 : 腹胀的 的英文翻译,例句
腹胀的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
windy  ·  windier

更多网络例句与腹胀的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Such as: mental block, disorder of gastrointestinal tract, hypertension, coronary heart disease, cancer, sexual function decline, accidie, difficulty concentrating, fidgety, insomnia, disorder of digestion function, inappetency, abdominal distension, dismayed, chest distress, constipation, laxness, feel exhausted, even feel dead.


Aerophagia, or excessive air swallowing, is a potential cause of belching, flatulence, bloating, and abdominal pain and may contribute to a worsening of gastrointestinal disorders.

Aerophagia ,或过量空气吞咽,是一个潜在的原因,打嗝,胀气,腹胀,腹痛,并可能有助于进一步恶化胃肠紊乱。

In addition, functional dyspepsia, aerophagia, IBS, functional abdominal bloating, functional constipation, unspecified functional bowel disorder and gallbladder dysfunction were found related with GERD, the same as pilot survey.


Agnus Castus helps to relieve the symptoms of PMS including irritability, depression, headache and bloating.

Agnus Castus有助于减轻经前期综合征的症状包括烦躁,抑郁,头痛,腹胀。

It's suitable for the patient with the symptoms of abdominal pain and distension.


If you have signs of bloating, check with your physician, however.


Methods The study was performed on 30 consecutie patients who presented with abdominal distension and radiographic eidence of colonic dilation, with a caecal diameter 10 cm.


The patients may occur exhaust distention more possibly in BillrothⅡanastomotic operation,that is partial resection of stomach with gastrojejunal anastomosis,than Billroth Ⅰanastomotic operation.


The patients may occur exhaust distention more possibly in BillrothⅡanastomotic operation,that is partial resection of stomach with gastrojejunal anastomosis,than Billroth Ⅰanastomotic operation.


Malformation of digestive tract may have esophageal atresia, duodenal atresia, intestinal malrotation, no anus, etc., in addition to vomiting and aspiration there are symptoms such as discharge, in the case of obstruction higher position, the frequent vomiting, obvious abdominal distention, or abdominal distension and emptiness; obstruction below the duodenum, with bile vomit; obstruction low position, vomiting occurred late in the vomit may have stool, abdominal distension significantly.


更多网络解释与腹胀的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]




如肝区不适、疼痛、腹胀、食欲不振、恶心、呕吐、腹泻、发热、乏力、全身关节痛、鼻衄、牙龈出血、皮下瘀斑和越来越明显的消瘦等. 健康体检时常规检测"乙肝表面抗原"(澳抗)、"丙型肝炎病毒"(HCV)和"甲胎蛋白"(AFP),对早期发现肝炎病史和无症状的肝癌,有重要意义.


(3)呼吸暂停(apnea)指呼吸周期中出现的呼吸停顿. 见于麻醉意外、新生儿肺不张等危重情况. 正常人在吞咽、排便时可有呼吸暂停. (4)浅呼吸呼吸深度变浅. 见于呼吸肌麻痹、肺炎、胸腔积液、气胸、肺气肿、肋骨骨折、应用呼吸中枢抑制剂、碱中毒、严重的腹胀气、腹水、肥胖等.


结肠炎 (colitis)是指发生在乙状结肠粘膜、肌层及周围组织的炎症,又称非特异性溃疡性结肠炎. 结肠炎种类多有溃疡性结肠炎或慢性结肠炎等在治疗方法各有不同. 结肠炎的主要临床表现为腹胀痛腹泻粘血便便秘的特点,常伴有食欲不振,消化不良、失眠多

abdominal distention:腹胀

您可以量身挑选适合自己的简易中医按摩与自我保健 腹胀 (Abdominal distention)性能参数标准,重量,体积,厚度,色彩,价格等,适合自己的才是最好的,我们帮您做出最聪明的购买选择

flatulency:腹胀; 浮夸; 骄傲; 自命不凡 (名)

flatulence 胃肠气胀; 自负; 浮夸 (名) | flatulency 腹胀; 浮夸; 骄傲; 自命不凡 (名) | flatulent 胃肠气胀的; 自负的; 浮夸的 (形)

lactose intolerance:乳糖不耐症

乳糖不耐症(Lactose intolerance)是因为人体小肠黏膜的乳糖分解酉每缺乏或不足,造成进入小肠中的乳糖无法充分水解而堆积在肠管内,此时因为乳糖的斥水性而使肠管内水分增加,因而肠管的运动亢进以致引起腹胀、恶心、腹痛及下痢等症状.

rebound tenderness:反跳痛

腹部压痛(tenderness)、腹肌紧张(ri-gidity)和反跳痛(rebound tenderness)是腹膜炎的标志性体征,尤以原发病灶所在部位最为明显. 腹肌紧张的程度随病因和病人的全身状况不同而不同. 腹胀加重是病情恶化的一项重要标志. 胃肠或胆囊穿孔可引起强烈的腹肌紧张,

Acid Regurgitation:胃酸逆流

病人往往出现胸口灼热(heartburn,火烧心,pyrosis) 及胃酸逆流(acid regurgitation) 两大典型症状. 但有典型症状的病人占不到一半,症状的程度与逆流或食道炎程度亦不一定成正相关. 以消化不良、打嗝、上腹胀或痛、吞咽困难或疼痛,来表现的也不少.

flatulent:胃肠气胀的; 自负的; 浮夸的 (形)

flatulency 腹胀; 浮夸; 骄傲; 自命不凡 (名) | flatulent 胃肠气胀的; 自负的; 浮夸的 (形) | flatus 肠胃胀气; 阵风; 屁 (名)