英语人>词典>汉英 : 腐朽 的英文翻译,例句
腐朽 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
decay  ·  decaying  ·  molder  ·  moulder  ·  decays  ·  moldered  ·  moldering  ·  molders  ·  mouldered  ·  mouldering  ·  moulders

更多网络例句与腐朽相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The ratio of Copper/Triazole affected on its toxicity evidently, that is, the toxicity of CuAz increased with the ratio of azole. However, the formulation which Cu/PPZ ratio is 25: 1 is economy.


As the waters of a tideless pool putrefy by reason of their stagnation, the mind becomes turbid and corrupt through lack of action; and the perpetual reflection upon one subject resolves itself into monomania.


When the crack is small, the two -dimensional tomogram can accurately show the crack's position, but its shape and size are different with the actual ones.4. The velocity increases with the decrease of moisture content.


We are all mortal—which is simply a word of Latin origin that means "deathful".


They were Pinosylvin, pinosylvin monomethyl ether and pinosylvin dimethyl ether. PSD was only found in part of the samples where was low in concentration.


Some day, when we get a few more hands and crowbars to work, we'll topple it over(4), along with all its rotten life and unburied dead, its monstrous selfishness and sodden materialism.


R: What he was going to do when so many people were calling for freedom for all salves?


Then the time-dependent resistance models of the timber beam and timber column are calculated in which the empirical formula in China is used for above- ground,exposed timber beam and column and the decay depth model for under-ground timber in Australia is adepted the timber embedding wall.


Then the time-dependent resistance models of the timber beam and timber column are calculated in which the empirical formula in China is used for above- ground,exposed timber beam and column and the decay depth model for under-ground timber in Australia is adepted the timber embedding wall.


Justice of the division folded flag insulted, study its main reason for this is caused by the decadent feudal system, especially the Qing government long-term implementation of "closed door" policy, resulting in China's economic and military backwardness, broadswords and spears can not stand by importing foreign weapons combat, but also the advanced capitalist system over the backward, decadent feudal system, cast insult to the nation.


更多网络解释与腐朽相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Your remembrance shall be compared to ashes, and your necks shall be brought to clay:你们的古谚都是些腐朽之谈,你们的答辩都是些泥制的盾牌

他的尊嚴能不使你們恐怖?他的威... | 你們的古諺都是些腐朽之談,你們的答辯都是些泥製的盾牌. Your remembrance shall be compared to ashes, and your necks shall be brought to clay. | 你們且住口,讓我來發言:不要...

brown rot:褐斑,褐色腐朽(树病)

brown groundwood 褐色磨木浆 | brown rot 褐斑,褐色腐朽(树病) | brown size 褐色胶,褐色松香胶

But power and greed and corruptible seed:但是力量、贪婪和腐朽的种子

# And we all want what's His #|# 我们都在想着那是什么样子 ... | # But power and greed and corruptible seed #|# 但是力量、贪婪和腐朽的种子 # | # Seem to be all that there is #|# 似乎就是那里拥有的所有东西...


一个个别在头上的小小物件,却好像蕴藏了"化腐朽(Decadent)为神奇"的巨大能量一般,让童年的我们"臭美"不已. 晶亮镶钻发饰,提高你的发型品味!无论是长发回是短发,能表现漂亮的不光(Notonly)在于发质本身,发饰的魅力也不容小觑.




2、 变色(Stain)和腐朽(Rot):由于边材质软而弱,易遭菌和虫的危害而形成的腐朽. !p8S$g)v:q/_4M,X5}中国家具论坛,中国家具网,家具论坛,家具网,家俱论坛,办公家具,家居,家具4、 裂纹(Crack):是顺木纹方向的纤维分裂.

rotted wood:腐朽材

rotovisko viscometer 回转式粘度计 | rotted wood 腐朽材 | rotten knot 腐朽

heart rot:心材腐朽

立木腐朽 decay of living tree | 心材腐朽 heart rot | 边材腐朽 sap rot

stump rot:伐根腐朽

边材腐朽 sap rot | 伐根腐朽 stump rot | 初期腐朽 incipient decay

sap rot:边材腐朽

心材腐朽 heart rot | 边材腐朽 sap rot | 伐根腐朽 stump rot