英语人>词典>汉英 : 脊椎 的英文翻译,例句
脊椎 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
acantha  ·  backbone  ·  chine  ·  rachis  ·  vertebrae  ·  spondyl  ·  rachises  ·  spines  ·  vertebras  ·  antisternum

更多网络例句与脊椎相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Ray will show the associated skeletal anomalies, such as skull base invagination, scoliosis, kyphosis, cervical ribs, and many other skeletal anomalies. Axial images with CT may demonstrate an obliterated cisterna magna, tonsillar ectopia, and a normal fourth ventricle.


To evaluate the possibility and clinical value of total en bloc spondylectomy for the treatment of spinal tumors.

[目的]探讨全脊椎整块切除术(total en-bloc spondylectomy, TES)治疗脊椎肿瘤的可行性与临床价值。

[objective]to evaluate the possibility and clinical value of total en bloc spondylectomy for the treatment of spinal tumors.

作者单位:山东大学齐鲁医院骨科,济南[目的]探讨全脊椎整块切除术(total en-bloc spondylectomy,tes)治疗脊椎肿瘤的可行性与临床价值。

It can offer treating the way to relax handstand movements oneself of a relaxation and simple and easy one, can draw back the interval of vertebra, and then lighten the pain of neural oppression of vertebra.


The side of ertebral anomaly correlated with that of hemifacial microsomia in 5 of 11 patients with scoliosis or kyphoscoliosis. Thoracolumbar kyphosis occurred in 4 patients, including 2 who had posterior hemiertebrae, 1 who had wedge ertebrae, and the remaining who had an anterior unsegmented bar.


Objective To study the etiology and the anatomical factors of the diseases correlated to spinal vertebra.


Every indicatrion has statistics difference after six mouthstreatment of Two rattan mixture which include body function, activity index number of pathogenetic condition, total swelling arthrosis, total self-assessment, rachialgia, rachiodynia rhachitis, activity of thoracic skeleton, schober, distance between fingers and ground, left flection of antisternum, right flection of antisternum, antisternum hypsokinesis, distance between head and wall, ESR, C reactive protein: every indicatrion has statistics difference after the treatment of Sulfasalazine except the indicatrion of distance between head and wall.


I also knew there were couple of Chiropractors that graduated from U.S., Canada, and Australia that were both practicing and teaching in Taiwan.


I also knew there were couple of Chiropractors that graduated from U.S., Canada, and Australia that were both practicing and teaching in Taiwan.


During embryogenesis,the axial skeleton is formed by a process called somitogenesis, which produces transient segmental tissue known as somites.Disruptions in somitogenesis have been shown to result in vertebral malformations,including segmentation failure and formation failure.


更多网络解释与脊椎相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

cervical spine:脊椎最上面的部分,由头部的七节脊椎组成

Bandha 在做瑜伽练习时,把能量封闭在你体内的一个精妙的锁 | Cervical spine 脊椎最上面的部分,由头部的七节脊椎组成 | Charge 活动运用或激活关节和骨头周围支撑的肌肉


脊柱由脊椎(vertebra)和其间的椎间盘(initervertebral disc)所组成. 除第 1颈椎外,每个脊椎分椎体及椎弓两部分. 椎弓由椎弓根、椎弓板、棘突、横突和关节突组成. 同侧上下两个关节突组成脊椎小关节,有关节软骨和关节囊. 在正位片上,


随后软骨开始硬化 ,每段脊椎(vertebrae)也开始愈合,神经管被脊椎包裹,脊索被分开,形成脊索小球,像一串念珠,夹于脊椎中. 鲨鱼体内的脊椎就是这样,头部还残留有软骨和没封闭完全的骨,脊椎简单愈合. 1) 脊索小球刚好镶入两侧的脊椎中央,


platycoelous 双平型脊椎 | amphiplatyan 平凹型脊椎 | procoelous 前凹型脊椎


opisthocoelous 后凹型脊椎 | lepospondylous 壳状脊椎 | apsidospondylous 弓状脊椎


procoelous 前凹型脊椎 | opisthocoelous 后凹型脊椎 | lepospondylous 壳状脊椎


amphiplatyan 平凹型脊椎 | procoelous 前凹型脊椎 | opisthocoelous 后凹型脊椎


脊椎滑脱 (spondylolisthesis) 脊椎滑脱就是脊椎椎体往前、往后或向侧面移位,造成椎体与下一节 椎体不在同一平面. 脊椎滑脱最常发生的位置是在第4腰椎第五腰椎间及第 五腰椎第一荐椎间. 造成脊椎滑脱的原因有数种,最常见的两种,


spondylopathy (脊椎症) | spondylopyosis (脊椎化膿<症>) | spondyloschisis (脊椎披裂,脊椎裂)


spondylopyosis (脊椎化膿<症>) | spondyloschisis (脊椎披裂,脊椎裂) | spondylosis (脊椎症)