英语人>词典>汉英 : 脉搏 的英文翻译,例句
脉搏 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
pulse  ·  sphygmus  ·  throb  ·  pulses  ·  throbbed  ·  throbs

更多网络例句与脉搏相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The system is able to work smoothly for continuous monitoring of Pulse Wave Transit Time in working conditions.


My design can exactly complete pulse wave signal examination and withdraws the electric circuit after studying domestic and foreign product,and understanding pulse wave signal characteristic well.


With the rapid development of eletronics and computer technology,no invasion blood pressure instrument based on oscillometric method begin to come out. My design can exactly complete pulse wave signal examination and withdraws the electric circuit after studying domestic and foreign product,and understanding pulse wave signal characteristic well.


The testing method comprises the following steps:(1) collecting the electrocardio-signal, the phonocardio-signal and the pulse signal of radial artery;(2) performing analog-to-digital conversion to the three signals to form the signal oscillogram;(3) identifying and extracting the characteristic point of each signal;(4) constructing the time series RR of electrocardio-period, the electromechanical delay time series and the pulse wave propagation time series of the combined variability index;(5) testing the validity of each time series;(6) calculating the heart rate variability, the electromechanical delay variability and the pulse wave propagation time variability; and (7) calculating the combined variability index of angiocarpy AV.


Then by measuring the pulse wave propagation time between the progressive wave and reflected wave, we can find the relationship of the time and the blood pressure, and establish the related systolic blood pressure measurement equation.


This research uses high sensitive piezoelectric sensor for developing a sensitive sphygmograph to detect anthropic pulse and to determine parameters to diagnose physiology of human. From spectrum of pulse, the analysis processes are to determine the high pass frequency used in the analysis, uses the IIR Buttorworth filter to remove the noise, to calculate the Hermite curve for filtering the oscillation parts caused by breathe, then to calculate the parameters in strength, time and angle domains from the processed signal to study their correlation with the physiology of the studied experimenters and compared the results with the machine from the market.


Experimental results show that, compared with the normal pulse, the wiry pulse has an increased PWV(P<0.01 or P<0.05), the thready pulse has a decreased PWV(P<0.05),but the PWV of the smooth pulse is not significantly different from the normal's (P>0.05). PWV highly correlates with the artery blood pressure.


To evaluate the vascular response in relation to baseline, adjusting for systemic effects and skewed data, we expressed the hyperemic response as the natural logarithm of the ratio of postdeflation to baseline pulse amplitude in the hyperemic finger divided by the same ratio in the contralateral finger that served as control.


Key words:Pulse information; sensor design; computer assisting measuration; signal processing; wavelet analysis


This article uses HK-2000C integration numeral pulse sensor developed by HuaKe Electronic Technology Research Institute. It is used to collect pulse signal of subjects into computer and store them in data file. Designed the pulse signal collection system,time domain analysis system and frequency domain analysis system using LabVIEW software. 134 objects are taken, including 73 healthy person, 61 coronary disease and hypertension patients. Analysed the signal using time domain and frequency domain system, then compared each analysis method.


更多网络解释与脉搏相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


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