英语人>词典>汉英 : 能伸缩的 的英文翻译,例句
能伸缩的 的英文翻译、例句


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So it can effectively extract information from the signal and carry outmultiscaled detailed analysis through dilation and shift operations.


The present paper design content is the expandable belt feeding engine, is transmits the force of traction through between the transmission drum and adhesive tape's friction force, concurrently makes the hauling organization and the load bearing organization one kind by the adhesive tape for the material equipment, expands and contracts the arm rear part establishment to have the expandable hydraulic prop, causes the complete machine length nimble elongation or the reduction, between the supporting roller the included angle increases to causes the belt fastener inclination angle to be possible to amount to 25 degrees, has for estimates in a big way, the transportation is steady, the service is convenient, the area slightly and so on characteristics, brings conveniently to the load, can the widespread application in each kind of bulk collection and distribution center production scene.


The present paper design content is the expandable belt feedingengine, is transmits the force of traction through between thetransmission drum and adhesive tape's friction force, concurrentlymakes the hauling organization and the load bearing organizationone kind by the adhesive tape for the material equipment, expandsand contracts the arm rear part establishment to have theexpandable hydraulic prop, causes the complete machine lengthnimble elongation or the reduction, between the supporting rollerthe included angle increases to causes the belt fastenerinclination angle to be possible to amount to 25 degrees, has forestimates in a big way, the transportation is steady, the serviceis convenient, the area slightly and so on characteristics, bringsconveniently to the load, can the widespread application in eachkind of bulk collection and distribution center productionscene.


Capable of being thrust outward,as the proboscis of many insects.


Unlike that benignly daft creature, this real广告 surgeonfish in Indonesia carries a sharp retractable blade of bone near the base of its tail.


Transitively requires going back and forth between row and column indices rather than simply following arrows along a path.


MonoTracer has an undercarriage and retractable wheels which allow it to lean with ease to 52 degrees.


Mechanical seal assembly: In the dynamic and static loop mirror coating on the 20th floor cleaner lubricants; add lubricant bearing guided, first gently positioning ring static load bearing guide; longer shaft add the oil, the mechanical seal part of the dynamic ring gently into the shaft, the hand-push retractable seal ring should be able to freely (Note that dynamic and static part of the anti-ring to the assembly site to be in place).


Mechanical seal assembly: In the dynamic and static loop mirror coating on the 20th floor cleaner lubricants; add lubricant bearing guided, first gently positioning ring static load bearing guide; longer shaft add the oil, the mechanical seal part of the dynamic ring gently into the shaft, the hand-push retractable seal ring should be able to freely (Note that dynamic and static part of the anti-ring to the assembly site to be in place).


Mechanical seal assembly: In the dynamic and static loop mirror coating on the 20th floor cleaner lubricants; add lubricant bearing guided, first gently positioning ring static load bearing guide; longer shaft add the oil, the mechanical seal part of the dynamic ring gently into the shaft, the hand-push retractable seal ring should be able to freely (Note that dynamic and static part of the anti-ring to the assembly site to be in place).


更多网络解释与能伸缩的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

connecting rod:杆

连杆(Connecting Rod)引擎中. 以数片迭成的底盘用弹簧,一端以梢子安装在吊架上,另一端使用吊耳连接到大梁上,使弹簧能伸缩. 目前适用于中大型的货卡车上. 圈状弹簧(Coil Spring)圈状弹簧为独立式悬吊装置使用最多之弹簧,以弹簧钢卷成螺旋状.

contractile vacuole:伸缩泡

呼吸机能: D,排泄机能:体表排泄.伸缩泡(contractile vacuole) 是原生 排泄机能: 伸缩泡( 伸缩泡 ) 动物的排水,调节渗透压平衡的细胞器官. E,循环机能:细胞质的流动 循环机能: F, 感应性(应激性):动物对外界的刺激能做出应答. 感应性(应激性): 7 G,

retractile drawbridge:拖曳桥

retractable 能伸缩的 | retractile drawbridge 拖曳桥 | retractile 伸缩自由的

Leaf Spring:钢板弹簧

tem) 钢板弹簧(Leaf Spring) 扁平长方形的钢板呈弯曲形 以数片叠成的底盘用弹簧 一端以梢子安装在吊架上 另一端使用吊耳连接到大梁上 使弹簧能伸缩目前适用于中大型的货卡车上 圈状弹簧(Coil Spring) 圈状弹簧为独立式悬吊装置使用最多之弹簧 以弹簧钢卷成螺旋状 扭杆弹簧(Torsion-Bar Spring) 扭杆一端固定在车架上 另一端

obsessive idea:强迫观念

强迫观念(obsessive idea)是强迫症的核心症状.最为常见.强迫观念的具体表现.可以是强迫思考.反复思考某些毫无实际意义或虽有意义但不难解决的问题.如[人的头为什么不能像乌龟一样伸缩自如获得有效的自我保护?


retractable type 伸缩式 | retractable 能伸缩的 | retractile drawbridge 拖曳桥




不能消化的残渣由身体后部的胞肛(cytoproct)排出. 胞肛平常不易看见. 如将酵母菌或细菌用刚果红染色喂草履虫,可以看到食物泡的形成过程及其在体内的流动. 在内质与外质之间有2个伸缩泡,一个在体前部一个在体后部.

elastically:有弹性地; 伸缩自如地 (副)

elastic 有弹性的, 可通融的, 能伸缩的 (形) | elastically 有弹性地; 伸缩自如地 (副) | elasticity 弹力; 弹性 (名)

wheel base:轴距

轴距(Wheel Base) 前轴中心点与后轴中心点间之距离. 感应烘烤(Induction Baking)钢板弹簧(Leaf Spring) 扁平长方形的钢板呈弯曲形,以数片叠成的底盘用弹簧,一端以梢子安装在吊架上,另一端使用吊耳连接到大梁上,使弹簧能伸缩.