英语人>词典>汉英 : 群代数 的英文翻译,例句
群代数 的英文翻译、例句


group algebra
更多网络例句与群代数相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Arad and Blau proved that an abelian table algebra can be viewed as a group algebra of some abelian group G. Chapter 3 of this paper gives the structural theorem of abelian table algebras by defining a group structure in table basis. Furthermore, the structure of elementary abelian table algebras is discussed using the number of composition series of table algebras.


The first part of the book is concerned with rings and modules, matrices over a ring, affine geometry and projective geometry over a Bezout domain.


Aiming at OQL, we treated type as monoid (collection monoid and primitive monoid), and used monoid comprehension as OQL's intermediate representation. Therefore we can merge the rewrite rules for a number of collection types, then employ monoid comprehension in defining algebraic operators, as cut out the limit that in relational algebra/calculus algebraic operators are only for set.


We obtain that if any 〓 is discrete or elementaryand 〓 satisfies Condition A,then the algebraic limit G of group sequence 〓is discrete or elementary.


Based on rotation group algebra, a set of new methods for the expression of attitude error are provided.


Explicitly, they are consist of three classes: If H is semisimple, then H k* for some finite group; If H is not semisimple and the characteristic of k is zero, then H is isomorphic the dual of the cross product between one so called Andruskiewitsch-Schneider algebra and a group algebra; If H is not semisimple and the characteristic of k is not zero, then H is isomorphic the dual of the cross product between one special algebra and a group algebra.


Eigenvalue matrix for resolving sparse polynomial equations is constructed by deploying well arranged basis in semigroup algebra k.


In the study of semigroup, the regular semigroups research occupies the dominant position.


Weak Hopf modules can be viewed as comodules over a coring and this implies that the gen...


Explicitly, they are consist of three classes: If H is semisimple, then H k* for some finite group; If H is not semisimple and the characteristic of k is zero, then H is isomorphic the dual of the cross product between one so called Andruskiewitsch-Schneider algebra and a group algebra; If H is not semisimple and the characteristic of k is not zero, then H is isomorphic the dual of the cross product between one special algebra and a group algebra.


更多网络解释与群代数相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

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group axioms:群公理

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group algebra:群代数

他在代数学中引进群代数(Group Algebra)并证明其分解定理. 第一次引进代数中左理想和右理想的概念. 证明了李代数第三基本定理(The third foundamental theorem of Lie Algebra) 及坎贝尔-豪斯多夫公式(1899). 还引进李代数的包络代数(Borel Algebra),

skew group algebra:斜群代数

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semigroup algebra:半群代数

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semigroup of operators:算子半群

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