英语人>词典>汉英 : 羞耻的 的英文翻译,例句
羞耻的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
ashamed  ·  shamefaced

更多网络例句与羞耻的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

If you get hold of a chap that's got no shame, you must bung his eyes up


I think this is a shame and consider it as dangerous.


All of these girls who are fans personally feel like they encapsulate that character.


Is he so abandoned as to feel no shame at such an accusation?


Given up to bad ways; depraved; profligate 堕落的 Is he so abandoned as to feel no shame at such an accusation?


In Reading gaol by Reading town There is a pit of shame, And in it lies a wretched man Eaten by teeth of flame, In burning winding-sheet he lies, And his grave has got no name.


If it were a shame for the woman to be under the headship of her husband, like feminist thinking says it is, then by the same token, it would be a shame for man to be under the headship of Christ and for Christ to be under the headship of God.


The implict-shame is that one kind experience course unconsciously is different from tradition explicit-shame. Which it is a organism to stimulate and experience the course bound with the object purposelessly, automatically through keeping in touch with the environment, and has automatic processability.


What is happening is shameful; it is one of the shames that wouldhaunt humans on this planet for ever.


What is happening is shameful;it is one of the shames that would haunt humans on this planet for ever.


更多网络解释与羞耻的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

ashamed ofa:羞耻的,惭愧的

123arts文理科 | 124ashamed ofa.羞耻的,惭愧的 | 125assailv. 攻击

The only things I know that run in my family are a lot of chutzpah:我对我的家族 只记得一大串不知羞耻的事件

Any history of epilepsy in your family?|你的... | The only things I know that run in my family are a lot of chutzpah|我对我的家族 只记得一大串不知羞耻的事件 | and the ability to sleep for ten years.|还有...

be ashamed of: feel shame at:感到羞耻的;惭愧的

I am a bit hard of hearing. 我耳朵有点背. | 6. be ashamed of: feel shame at 感到羞耻的;惭愧的 | You should be ashamed of the great lie you told us. 你应该为你撒的弥天大谎而感到羞耻.


groan 你痛苦地呻吟着. | grovel 你毫不羞耻的博取别人的同情. | growl 你愤怒地挥拳咆哮.


shamedisgrace 耻 | shamefaced 羞耻的 | shamefaced 不惹眼的


shame-making /难为情的/不好意思的/ | shamefaced /害羞的/谦逊的/不惹眼的/羞耻的/ | shamefacedly /害羞地/害羞着/


Becoming Mae West 梅惠丝是怎样练成的 | shamelessly不知羞耻的 | Killer Queen魅力皇后


Thick as thieves 关系密切 | Thick skinned 厚脸皮的;不知羞耻的;感觉迟钝的,对批评无动于衷的 | Thin as a rake 骨瘦如柴


J:jitteriness 神经过敏的 | U:unabashed 脸皮厚,不知羞耻的 | N:nobbler 诈骗犯


unashamed 问心无愧的 | unashamed 不羞耻的 | unashamed 厚脸**的