英语人>词典>汉英 : 缔结 的英文翻译,例句
缔结 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
conclude  ·  contract  ·  concluded  ·  concludes  ·  contracts

更多网络例句与缔结相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

3To appoint and recall plenipotentiary and to rectify and abrogate treaties and important agreement conclude d with foreign states.


The President of the People's Republic of China shall, in accordance with decisions of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, ratify and abrogate treaties and important agreements concluded with foreign states.


To decide on the ratification or abrogation of treaties and important agreements concluded with foreign states


The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China shall decide on the ratification and abrogation of treaties and important agreements concluded with foreign states.


According to the provisions of this Law, the drafts of the opening, acceptance or refusal of the decision has been made of the acceptance certificate of the draft interpretation of the conclusion of the contract by the law of the decision.


This form is a reflex of the thought of the poem; the strophe describes the path of the just, the antistrophe the path of the wicked; the conclusion then blends the two ideas in a common image, as follows: Hear, O my son, and receive my sayings; And the years of thy life shall be many.

这种形式是一个反射的思想,这首诗的strophe描述的路径,公正, antistrophe的路径邪恶;缔结然后结合这两个想法,一个共同的形象,具体情况如下:听啊,我的儿子,并接受我的说法;和多年的你的生活应许多。

Such informality would have been unthinkable at Versailles , where the archduchess [4] was despatched in 1770, aged 14, to marry the portly dauphin, in an alliance between France and Austria.


Notwithstanding subsection (1), where a will made on or after 29th August 1938 is expressed to be made in contemplation of a marriage, the will shall not be revoked by the solemnization of the marriage contemplated; and this subsection shall apply notwithstanding that the marriage contemplated may be the first, second or subsequent marriage of a person lawfully practising polygamy.

款有所规定,日及其后签立的遗嘱显虽然第 1 款有所规定,但是在 1938 年 8 月 29 日及其后签立的遗嘱示出立遗嘱人在该遗嘱订立时,正预期与某人缔结婚姻,而且其意愿是不欲该遗嘱因该段婚姻而撤销,则该遗嘱不得因立遗嘱人与该人缔结婚姻而撤销。

A director shall not vote in respect of any contract or proposed contract with the company in which he is interested , or any matter arising thereout , and if he does so vote , his vote shall not be counted .


The main contents are: the methods of concluding administrative contract; the principle that concluding administrative contract shall obey, such as principle of participation, principle of legality, principle of equality and freedom, principle of efficiency, principle of good faith and principle of equivalent procedure burden; basic systems of administrative contract's conclusion, such as system of hearings, system of sequence, system of notification, system of publicity, system of functional separation, system of recusation, and system of prescription; procedural rights and obligations of both parties.


更多网络解释与缔结相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Armed Forces:武装部队

缔结具有普遍性的可核查的> To conclude a universal and verifiable Fissile Materials Cut-off Treaty ... | 武装部队 The armed forces | 总参谋部 The Headquarters of General Sta...


"因此,缔结行政契约的权利没有必要必须由法律明文规定,当然,至少要能在法律(尤其是组织法中)找到根据(basis),也就是没有越权(ultra vires)或为法律的目的和意义所禁止(prohibition resulted from the object and meaning of

buffer stock:缓冲存货

特别是在贸易方面的权利和义务而缔结的书面协议. 它反映了各国之间的经贸关系和各国本身的对外经贸政策,并为实现缔约方的对外经贸政策而服务. 1、缓冲存货(Buffer Stock)的规定一、关贸总协定(General Agreement on Tariff and Trade)的产生


橙皮脂肪(Cellulite)是由于增大的脂肪细胞及缔结的组织压迫着血管,导致水份和废物积聚,阻碍脂肪燃烧而形成的凹凸不平橘皮纹. 利用定位枪注入混合维他命P及草本精华,即可畅通淋巴,增加血液循环及代谢,从而消除纤维化的缔结组织及减轻水肿,

connective tissue:缔结组织

该症病因与人体第十五对染色体异常有关,患者身体缔结组织( Connective Tissue)先天性较常人脆弱,导致心脏血管、骨骼、眼睛、肺部等易生病变. 病人下一代有一半机率患病,但也有近三成患者是因胚胎基因突变所致.

Please make peace:请缔结和平

Please? Wait!|求你了,等等 | Please make peace!|请缔结和平 | Now I know what I have to do. How do I get to the castle?|现在我知道要做什么了 我怎么去城堡?


[32]但亨金认为宪法第一条第十款实际上对条约和与他国达成的盟约(compacts)或协定(agreements)作了区分. 其中第一节规定:任何一州都不得缔结任何条约......;第三节规定:任何一州,未经国会同意,......不得与他州或外国缔结协定或盟约,

tie a knot:打一个结;缔结良缘

Notes:hangman n.绞刑吏,刽子手 | tie a knot打一个结;缔结良缘 | 9.Because he enjoyed cool music.(因为他爱听美妙的音乐. )

Lex loci contractus:合同缔结地法

由于法律行为的多样性,行为地法又派生出下列一些系属公式:(1)合同缔结地法(lex loci contractus),一般用来解决合同的成立、合同内容的合法性、合同的方式等方面的法律冲突问题;(2)合同履行地法(lex loci solutionis),一般用来解决合同内容,


日本下关市(Shimonoseki)缔结年份:1979年美国长滩市(Long Beach)缔结年份:1985年墨西哥阿卡普尔科市(Acapulco)缔结年份:1985年乌克兰敖德萨市(Odessa)缔结年份:1993年韩国大邱市(Taegu)缔结年份:1993年以色列耐斯兹敖那市(Ne