英语人>词典>汉英 : 缓慢地移动 的英文翻译,例句
缓慢地移动 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
inch  ·  inches

更多网络例句与缓慢地移动相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Arcturus has already passes its highest point in the evening at this time of year and is slowly descending to the west.


His gaze had wandered upwards, to the body revolving slowly overhead, and he seemed to be lost in thought .


They were all of golden color, whole body and lotus, and moving slowly in deep space above.


The theory maintains that as the tectonic plate beneath much of the Pacific Ocean moves in a northwesterly direction, the hot spot remains stationary, slowly creating new volcanoes.


Shining a flashlight along the tops of the walls, where the beams support the floor above, I saw an-other rattler slowly moving above my head.


He spoke slowly; go easy here--the road is slippery; glaciers move tardily;('slow' is sometimes used informally for 'slowly' as in please go slow; I want to see the sights).


So it is significant for the futural battery-powered mobile devices to have better energy efficiency supplied with the limited energy consumption. 2 For high performance computer systems, in order to achieve higher performance, more and more transistors are integrated, which sharply increases the power dissipation.


Through the barbicans the shafts of light are moving ever, slowly ever as my feet are sinking, creeping duskward over the dial floor.


Looking back on that now,on those long hours watching the glow of the wizard's fire slowly walk its way up and then down the pillar I amamazed at the emptiness of my early days.


The plates move slowly and continuously on the atmosphere, a layer of hot, soft rock in the mantle.


更多网络解释与缓慢地移动相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

To be alive or swarming with or as if with creeping things:爬满;挤满爬行的东西

2. To move or progress slowly or laboriously. 缓慢或费力地移动... | To be alive or swarming with or as if with creeping things. 爬满;挤满爬行的东西. | e.g. His hair crawls with lice. 他的头发长满了虱子...

incestuously:乱伦地; 小团体地; 过分亲密地 (副)

incestuous 血亲相奸的, 乱伦的 (形) | incestuously 乱伦地; 小团体地; 过分亲密地 (副) | inch 缓慢地移动; 使缓慢地移动 (动)

To move or progress slowly or laboriously:缓慢或费力地移动

e.g. The baby crawls on the floor. 婴儿在地上爬. | 2. To move or progress slowly or laboriously. 缓慢或费力地移动. | To be alive or swarming with or as if with creeping things. 爬满;挤满爬行的东西...

Shy cheetah just moves in total nonchalance:害羞的猎豹只是冷静地移动

but chimpy got to jump his nuts around all day to get it.|但猩猩得一直跳... | Shy cheetah just moves in total nonchalance|害羞的猎豹只是冷静地移动 | a sec or two in his sexy, slow strut.|在他性感缓慢的阔...

creepmove swiftly:缓慢地行进快速移动

credulityskepticism轻信怀疑 | creepmove swiftly缓慢地行进快速移动 | crescendodecrease in volume(音乐)渐强声音减弱


快讯:斐济气象台日前发布飓风警报,飓风"托马斯"(Tomas)即将登陆斐济,其破坏烈度达四级. 风速平均为每小时175公里,而且还在继续加速. 斐济气象台说,这场暴风正在缓慢地向南移动. 预计风暴将在斐济东部的主要岛屿瓦努阿岛和一些小一点的岛屿登陆.


卫星维修工 不久前,波音公司的名为"太空自动传送机器人"的作业卫星(Astro)被发射升空后,缓慢地移动至Ball航天器并与其对接,成功地转运了燃料和需修理调换的零件.


inching v.缓慢地移动 | gasps气喘吁吁 | toss v.投, 掷


终止前,推进至停留记号(Fermata)的减七和弦高扬的音响,给人以深刻的印象. 前奏曲:此前奏曲与赋格,堪称为这套伟大曲集压轴的杰作. 在一小步一小步地移动的数字低音型的低音部之上,两个上声部形成自由模仿缓慢地发展进行.