英语人>词典>汉英 : 绘画作品 的英文翻译,例句
绘画作品 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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We can roughly divide her creative works into three stages, pre-Y2K period when she was studying at CAFA and BFA, the academy-style of which shows much of her gift in painting; the 2003-2005 period when series of young women with dragon-fly, sunglasses, lily and peony blossom are created, her shift from representational to symbolic art has completed, the most representative one be the Blossoming Peony.


It is the most characteristic and emblematical art form of expression.Austria famouse artist Gustav Klimt is the symbolism master of painting in 20th Century and the representative of Art Nouveau in Europe.His paintings possess the general symbolism painting's philosophic character and have rich oriental decorative meaning.


It does not make a lot of sense to emphasize Schnabel's talent too much. In appreciating and expressing the mystery of painting, his works become very successful, both in terms of uniqueness and originality. It is commonly recognized that his work has a significant influence, especially in the international field of painting.


While they belong to different categories of art, the abstract music and concrete visual art---- painting do share something in common. Hence, the question of how to integrate the two, making the "invisible" music picturesque and "silent" paintings pleasant to the ear has been long under discussion.


The works exhibited this time is the production under this thinking. I will not limit myself in such an abstract or traditional label. The direct or indirect calligraphy, Taiji, sculpture, poem and philosophy, aesthetic thoughts absorbed from paintings allow me to realize that the form of paintings is not just a key problem, no one shall find the freedom exit as when Duchamp's works were completely destroyed. And there is no one who is as frank and smart as Picasso to change the form game into the local snack. In some history phases, a kind of thinking ways and a kind of language styles may gain the upper hand. But comparing to stable accumulation of the history of culture and aesthetic, the pure quality of painting spirant will forever be an important premise of painting criticism.


From their creation to acceptan ce by the viewers, works of painting have their own unique existence.


She has made many great works of paper-cut, such as loess Style Series, Shanbei Folk Songs Series , Twelve Animal Representatives of Birth Series, Mission Fushou Flower Series,Great People Series and so on.


In this paper, the study of the painting of graffiti from childhood to the children gradually began to understand the world the symbol of the painting, then later some arts masters continue to learn as children, like paint this interesting process, trying to reveal many artists In paintings in a Fanpuguizhen want to pursue the real.


While they belong to different categories of art, the abstract music and concrete visual art---- painting do share something in common. Hence, the question of how to integrate the two, making the "invisible" music picturesque and "silent" paintings pleasant to the ear has been long under discussion.


The body of the paper mainly explores two layers of simplicity in painting, that is, simplicity of content and simplicity of form. With works of those who are famous for their classic beauty of simplicity in creation like Jean Francois Millet, Kath Kollwitz, Zhou Sicong, Luo Zhongli, the paper arrives that the different elements of simplicity in both content and form provide basic condition for the holistic simplicity of the whole work.


更多网络解释与绘画作品相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

antic work:怪诞作品 以出于想象的怪诞人物、动植物形象构成的绘画

antibusiness | 反对金融商业界的 | antic work | 怪诞作品 以出于想象的怪诞人物、动植物形象构成的绘画 | antic | 丑角, 滑稽动作 奇特的, 滑稽可笑的


连环画(Comic),又称"漫画"或"连环漫画". 对于连环画的定义,专业界尚未形成统一的权威定义. 但就一般来说,我们基本上可以把连环画看作是以一页多格为基本的结构模式,以卡通式的绘画手法作为表现方式,有一定故事情节和主题思想的绘画作品.


设有27个房间的美术馆(gallery)于1925年开放,在意大利北部占有重要地位,其中的收藏品覆盖面很广:从古罗马的遗址到文艺复兴时期的绘画作品. 所陈列的艺术作品精彩部分包括皮萨内洛的>卡洛-克里韦利的>;


It was the work of a man named...|那是一个叫做... | giraud.|吉罗的人的作品 | He did a pretty good job.|他擅长绘画

oil painting:油画作品; 油画艺术; 画油画

narrative painting 情节性绘画 | oil painting 油画作品; 油画艺术; 画油画 | opaque painting 不透明画法


它的收藏重点是德国古典现代主义艺术家,如基希讷(Kirchner)和贝克曼(Beckmann)的绘画作品、美国的抽象表现主义者罗斯科(Rothko)、德库宁(de Kooning)和波洛克(Pollock)的作品组合以及巴塞利茨(Baselitz)、莱纳(Rainer)、里希特(Rich


阿尔贝蒂娜博物馆共藏有6万幅绘画作品和1万件版画,其中包括丢勒(Dürer)的"野兔"、"祈祷的双手",鲁本斯(Rubens)对儿童研究题材的绘画以及西勒(Schie ...




能够表现音乐与色彩相互关系的最好的现实形象莫过于舞蹈了,因此,特劳蒂创作了一系列名为<<芭蕾舞女>>(Ballerine)的绘画作品. 毫无疑问,<<芭蕾舞女>>系列是特劳蒂到此为止使用色彩最丰富,画面给人的视觉刺激最强烈的绘画. 此时,

van gogh:梵高

在欧洲绘画馆里,收藏有2500多件古典题材的欧洲绘画作品,包括很多举世公认的大师精品,有伦勃朗 (Rembrandt)、维梅尔(Vermeer)、莫奈(Monet)、毕加索(Picasso)、塞尚(Cezanne)、梵.高(Van Gogh)等许多印象派和后印象派画家的作品.