英语人>词典>汉英 : 结束辩论 的英文翻译,例句
结束辩论 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与结束辩论相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I'm going to adjourn for the day.


It's time to bring this debate to a close and begin the hard work of implementing this reform properly on behalf of the American people.


It's time to call a halt to these stupid arguments.


Under Senate rules, it takes 60 votes to invoke cloture and usher a bill to a vote.


The only way to break a filibuster is for three-fifths of the Senate to invoke something called cloture—that is, the cessation of debate.


A series of complex rules has evolved, allowing both filibusters and cloture votes to proceed without fanfare: Just the threat of a filibuster will often be enough to get the majority leader's attention, and a cloture vote will then be organized without anybody having to spend their evenings sleeping in armchairs and cots.


There are several procedural hurdles still to clear but the vote, which required at least 60 senators to agree to end the debate (which can otherwise be talked out indefinitely, in a process called filibustering), went Mr Obama's way.


I came to the debate agreeing more with Fallows and left the same way, but I was impressed by how powerfully Ferguson made his case.

来参加此次辩论时,我就倾向于赞同 Fallows 的观点,辩论结束时我依然如此。

DL Baker, Two Testaments: One Bible; J Barr, IDB Supplement; BS Childs, Biblical Theology in Crisis; L Gilkey, Naming the Whirlwind and "Cosmology, Ontology, and the Travail of Biblical Language," Jr. 41; GF Hasel, NT Theology: Basic Issues in the Current Debate and OT Theology: Basic Issues in the Current Debate; G Maier, The End of the Historical - Critical Method; JD Smart, The Past, Present, and Future of Biblical Theology; D Patte, What Is Structuralism?

消旋贝克,两圣经:一是圣经; J巴尔,美洲开发银行补编;学士学位尔兹,圣经神学危机; L Gilkey ,命名旋风和&宇宙论,本体论,以及劳动的圣经语言,&小41 ;石墨Hasel ,新台币神学:基本问题在目前的辩论和催产素神学:基本问题在目前的辩论; G麦尔,结束的历史-批判方法;第纳尔智能,过去,现在与未来的圣经神学; D P atte,什麼是结构主义?

Even if a rat dies in Pakistan the conclusion of the debate will end on Pakistan atomic power.


更多网络解释与结束辩论相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


美国东部时间9日下午17时30分,参议院就结束辩论(cloture)进行投票,支持者最终以61票对36票"胜出",使参议院"尼尔森-柯林斯版" (Nelson-Collins Amendment)"美国复兴与再投资计划"法案得以在未来36小时内在全体参议员间进行最终投票.


clotting /凝固/ | cloture /讨论终结/结束辩论/ | cloud) /泱/


cloture 结束辩论 | cloud-built 云一样的 | cloud-capped 钉戴云的

claim in detinue:要求交还非法扣押物

claim for damages 索取损害赔偿额;要求赔偿损失 | claim in detinue 要求交还非法扣押物 | close of pleading 答辩结束;诉讼辩论结束


在弹劫过程中,参议院的100名参议员(senate),只能听取控辩双方的辩论和有关证人的证词,审判中不得发言. 审理程序结束后,首席大法官按姓氏字母顺序一一点名询问每个参议员,参议员只能回答"有罪"(guilty)或"无罪"(notguilty).


12:31的"所以"(dia touto)结束上文之辩论,因为法利赛人否认耶稣以圣灵之能力赶鬼,耶稣遂宣告他们的审判,分两面:耶稣洞悉他们的心态,一开口便重责他们,称他们为"邪恶"( wicked)及"淫乱"(moichalis,意"奸淫","失贞";

clotty:固结了的, 块多的

clottish | 笨的,愚蠢的 | clotty | 固结了的, 块多的 | cloture | 讨论终结 结束辩论


该剧描写的主要是纽约市的一组侦探(detectives)调查命案的故事. 通常,在侦查结束(investigation of the crime)后,案件会被转移到公诉方(the prosecution),有时会有激烈的法庭辩论. 该片很受观众欢迎.

clou:中心思想, 最引人处

cloture || 讨论终结 结束辩论 | clou || 中心思想, 最引人处 | cloud band || 绘画中的带状云彩