英语人>词典>汉英 : 经压缩 的英文翻译,例句
经压缩 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
compress  ·  compresses

更多网络例句与经压缩相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Whose concrete process is: The queen compression engine electrifying works , already endothermal low pressure , the low temperature gas state refrigerant suck to evaporating the implement inner in, as a result of compressing the queen, the temperature taking form is 55 ~C ~ 58 ~C, the intensity of pressure is 1128 the handkerchief high pressure , high temperature steam , entrance


After initial strength and stiffness were determined, vertebral bodies were stabilized by bipedicular injection of 2, 4, 6, or 8ml ACPC and recompressed ibidem.

自8具尸体脊柱标本上截取24节胸腰段椎体,在前屈压缩载荷下造成骨折后,随机分成4组,分别经双侧椎弓根注入椎体2、4、6和8ml ACPC,再行前屈压缩。

The room tensile samples after compression at elevated temperatures are obtained in the plane perpendicular to the compression direction.


Because the strength of springwood was very low, the strength of board which included more springwood was low. The main reason why there was no difference in wet compressing shear strength between quarter-sawn board and flat-sawn board was that quarter-sawn board had a lot of pits on radial cell wall and in flat-sawn board xylary rays were transversely cut and left a lot of pores which provided a kind of tunnels for water.


The traditional ideas of designing data compression which is mainly based upon reducing the redundance of information exert to coding and designing.


The results of this study indicate that changing the angle of the intake port has a profound effect on the flow field during the intake stroke of the engine cycle. For the case with the intake-exhaust valves canted at zero degree (the so-called vertical valves), the tumble ratio, swirl ratio, turbulent intensity, and turbulent kinetic energy in the direction perpendicular to the bisecting plane of the cylinder are at their highest levels than those obtained for the other cases. This effect is most pronounced after the compression stroke of the cycle. As a result of this study, it is observed that the behavior of the overall flow field from the intake to the completion of compression stroke has a major impact on the effectiveness of the mixing of fuel-air prior to the ignition of the engine cycle.

结果显示,改变进排气阀的倾斜角度对进气期间的流场变化有很明显的影响,其中以垂直阀(进排气阀倾斜0度)所得的 Y轴向(Y方向系垂直於将汽缸对分为二平面的方向)滚流强度、涡漩比、紊流强度、紊流动能等流场强度为最强;若以流体经活塞压缩后的流场特性进行探讨,所得结果显示压缩冲程对汽缸内流场的效应是不容忽视的;因此由进气到压缩过程结束的整体流场现象,才是影响引擎点火前的油气混合程度与燃烧品质的关键。

He says his research, which he hopes to get published in a veterinary journal, shows compressed vegetable chew treats, of which Greenies is the most popular, are now the third biggest cause of esophageal obstruction in dogs behind bones and fish hooks.


The main characteristics of linear compression is on various halftoning section of the adjustment of the scale, linear compressed and does not represent a real Visual scale compressed because it is non-linear curve D-Y, after the compression, the light to mediate human eyes not easily distinguished, producing a flat "" ash.


The strengths of the plain wood rose along with the compression ratio, while the bending strength and MOE lowered as it reached the maximum compression ratio; the plain wood compressed (33%) and heated 10h with 180℃. its bending strength lowered 40%, MOE lost about 50% and hardness lowered 12% than heated 0.5h; the properties not to be compressed after impregnated with PF resin. had a slow rising with the resin concentration, and compressed (33%) after impregnated with PF resin (30%). its bending strength, MOE and hardness increased 82.9%, 98% and 152% respectively.

三倍体毛白杨素材压缩后,其静曲强度和抗弯弹性模量均随压缩率的增大而提高,但接近最大压缩率时均下降;素材压缩(压缩率为33%)后以180℃空气加热处理10 h,静曲强度比同温度压缩保温0.5 h时下降约40%,抗弯弹性模量下降近50%,表面硬度下降约12%;用PF树脂浸渍处理后不经压缩,随PF树脂含量增加木材静曲强度提高幅度不大;用30%PF树脂浸渍后,当压缩率为33%时,其静曲强度、抗弯弹性模量和表面硬度分别比未压缩素材增加82.9%,98%和152%。

The cushioning properties of warp-knitted spacer fabric were studied by static compress test.The σ-ε and C-σm curves were drawn and compared with that of polyurethane foam.The results can be reference for the application of warp-knitted spacer fabric in the cushioning package fields.


更多网络解释与经压缩相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


经压延加热成型,含有...[摘要]压缩非石棉板 (耐油型)JIC 6200COMPRESSED NON-ASBESTOS SHEET 特征 (CHARACTERISTIC) 本产品含有高质量的非石棉纤维和耐油性和耐热性卓越的橡胶,

gasoline engine:汽油发动机

汽油发动机(Gasoline Engine)一般将汽油喷入进气管同空气混合成为可燃混合气再进入汽缸,经火花塞点火燃烧膨胀作功. 人们通常称它为点燃式发动机. 而柴油机一般是通过喷油泵和喷油咀将柴油直接喷入发动机气缸,和在气缸内经压缩后的空气均匀混合,


4.中冷器(Intercooler)有什么作用?由于废气的高温和Turbo的高转影响,经Turbo压缩的空气温度一定较高,这样一来进入引擎的空气会因为温度高而密度低同时填充率、氧浓度和燃烧率也低,使得引擎内部产生爆震. 既影响动力输出又对引擎是种极大的损害.


"除虫剂喷雾器"(insecticide fogger) 指经设计以在室内范围内以浓雾或淡雾形式在单"造型"(styling) 指塑造、形塑或调控头发以暂时改变发型;"推进剂"(propellant) 指为以下用途全部或部分使用的液化或压缩气体,例如共溶"液体"(liquid) 指凭肉眼可看见其流动的物质或混合物质,

multifoil; polyfoil:多层箔

多段压缩 multicompression; multistage compression | 多层箔 multifoil; polyfoil | 经产(妇) multipara

compressible filler:压缩填料;压缩搀合料

compressed straw 经压缩的草制纸板 | compressible filler 压缩填料;压缩搀合料 | compressing tool 压挤工具

compressible filler:压缩填 ;压缩搀合

compressed straw 经压缩的草制纸板 | compressible filler 压缩填 ;压缩搀合 | compressing tool 压挤工具

compressible filler:压缩填料;压缩搀合料sBs中国学习动力网

compressed straw 经压缩的草制纸板sBs中国学习动力网 | compressible filler 压缩填料;压缩搀合料sBs中国学习动力网 | compressing tool 压挤工具sBs中国学习动力网

liquid compass:液体罗经,充液罗盘,湿式罗盘

liquid combination ==> 液体混合燃料 | liquid compass ==> 液体罗经,充液罗盘,湿式罗盘 | liquid compressibility factor ==> 液体压缩系数


red-shear热剪 | red short热脆(红脆) | reduced经压缩的、轧制的、经还原的