英语人>词典>汉英 : 细长的茎 的英文翻译,例句
细长的茎 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
cane  ·  caned  ·  canes

更多网络例句与细长的茎相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The crushed and dried petals stirred, and assumed a deepening tinge of crimson, as if the flower were reviving from a deathlike slumber; the slender stalk and twigs of foliage became green; and there was the rose of half a century, looking as fresh as when Sylvia Ward had first given it to her lover.


He does not confine himself to purposeless copying, without thought, each blade of grass, as commended by the inconsequent, but, in the long curve of the narrow leaf, corrected by the straight tall stem, he learns how grace is wedded to dignity, how strength enhances sweetness, that elegance shall be the result.


Nature is fond of dry, spending a shape if wheatear the shape, is having slim stem trunk, having be spending the fine , soft fur being covering a star , is opening the little indigo flower on the tip, the narrow long blade assumes sage green, become time Gao Ke Da 90 cms, bloom generally in June.


Grass of willow leaf horsewhip belongs to herb of perennial of horsewhip female division, formal name: Verbena Bonariensis illustrious name: Purpletop Verbena, alias: Long bine horsewhip is South-American horsewhip grass, careless, originate in South America formerly of Brazil, Argentine and other places, the flower is cyme, small tubular flower is worn be born at spending cauline coping, open amaranth or lilac flower, along with spends a bine to consider individual plant tall to make an appointment with 100-150 centimeter, liu Xie is crossed opposite, the primary part of a historical period after sowing is elliptic brim somewhat notch, beautiful bine is smoked tall the Xie Zhuai after is the slightness leaf that be like willow shape the brim still has pointed notch, the bine is a square this a little bit very special, entire individual plant has cilium to feel the feeling that pricks thorn a bit, the meeting in ground of be out of office is cross of plant of fringy horsewhip female division with a few congeneric flowers, so often a few inflorescence upright among Yu Jusan and fringy model state plant appears.

柳叶马鞭草属于马鞭草科多年生草本植物,学名:Verbena bonariensis英名:purpletop verbena,别名:南美马鞭草。长茎马鞭草,原产于南美洲,花为聚伞花序,小筒状花着生于花茎顶部,开紫红色或淡紫色花,连同花茎算株高约100-150公分,柳叶为十字对生,播种后的初期叶为椭圆形边缘略有缺刻,花茎抽高后的叶转为细长型如柳叶状边缘仍有尖缺刻,茎为正方形这点十分非凡,全株都有纤毛摸起来有点刺刺的感觉,在野地里会与一些同属花为穗状的马鞭草科植物杂交,所以常有一些花序介于聚伞与穗状的中间型态植株出现。

Any of various monoecious plants of the genus Parietaria, having long, narrow leaves with hairy tufts at the base and apetalous flowers.


Old World fragrant stoloniferous perennial having small white flowers and narrow leaves used as flavoring and in sachets; widely cultivated as a ground cover; in some classifications placed in genus Asperula.


In source area Haiti area, nature happy dry, colored shape like wheat fringy, has the tall and slender stem to do, on the flower covers the star type fine fur, on the end is blooming the small indigo blue flowers, the narrow long leaf blade assumes the greyish-green, Cheng Zhushi Gao Keda 90cm, usually blossoms in June.

熏衣草 原产地中海地区,性喜干燥,花形如小麦穗状,有着细长的茎干,花上覆盖着星形细毛,末梢上开着小小的紫蓝色花朵,窄长的叶片呈灰绿色,成株时高可达90cm,通常在六月开花。

Leaves are generally semi-evergreen, made up of 3-9 lanceolate or ovate leaflets that are deep green during the growth period, and change color to purple-green in autumn. Flowers of 5-10 cm across are set singly on long stems (10-15 cm) growing out of leaf axils. They comprise 4 to 8 oval, slightly wavy edged tepals which are creamy white and have a pale green central bar on the outer side. In autumn flowers turn slightly greenish.The striking appearance of the blooms is due to its unusually long contrasting stamens consisting of deep crimson-purple, almost black anthers set on filaments that are white at the base and violet at the top.


A slender, strong but often flexible stem, as of certain bamboos, reeds, or rattans.


Lemon Verbena, a slender stemmed bush, has delicious lemon - scented leaves.


更多网络解释与细长的茎相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

campo sujo:巴西稀树草原 疏木草原(巴西的)

campo cerrado 巴西疏林草原 疏林草原(巴西的) Y | campo sujo 巴西稀树草原 疏木草原(巴西的) Y | cane 细长的茎,藤条 木質性禾木; 實心杆; 結果母枝 Y

canine tooth:犬齿 犬齒

cane 细长的茎,藤条 木質性禾木; 實心杆; 結果母枝 Y | canine tooth 犬齿 犬齒 Y | canonical correlation 典范相关 典型相關法 Y


24.黄化现象(etiolation) 通常指植物在黑暗中生长时呈现黄色和形态结构变化的现象. 如呈现茎叶淡黄、茎杆细长、叶小而不伸展、组织分化程度低、机械组织不发达、水分多而干物重少等现象. 有时将因缺乏某些条件而影响叶绿素形成,


编织 编织(plaiting) 把细长的东西互相交错或钩连而组织起来:~毛衣 根据民间传说~成一篇美丽的童话. 编织是一种技术,也是一次手指的运动,更是母亲对儿女、妻子对丈夫的深情厚意,编织的是女人的心. 将植物的枝条、叶、茎、皮等加工...

styloid process:茎突

(五)茎突 茎突(styloid process)起于颞骨鼓部的下面,伸向前下方,呈细长形,长短不一,平均长约25mm;远端有茎突咽肌、茎突舌肌、茎突舌骨肌、茎突舌骨韧带和茎突下颌韧带附着.


surplus=剩余; | sugar cane=甘蔗,cane细长的茎; | use=用;

stem tendril:茎卷须

2.茎卷须(stem tendril)许多攀缘植物的茎细长,不能直立,变成卷须,称为茎卷须或枝卷须. 茎卷须的位置或与花枝的位置相当(如葡萄),或生于叶腋(如南瓜、黄瓜),与叶卷须不同(图3-120,C). 3.叶状茎(也称叶状枝,phylloid)茎转变成叶状,扁平,

Agrimonia pilosa:仙鹤草

仙鹤草(Agrimonia pilosa)别名龙芽菜、脱力草、狼牙草等,为蔷薇科植物,全草入药. 仙鹤草根褐色,横走,着生细长的须根. 茎直立,上部分枝. 顶生小叶片较大,椭圆状卵形或倒卵形. 小花黄色,茎顶具较长的总状花序. 仙鹤草具有止血、健胃等功效,临床上用于止血、抗肿瘤及泌尿、呼吸系统等疾病的治疗.

Aporocactus flagelliformis:{鼠尾掌}

文章摘要:鼠尾掌( Aporocactus flagelliformis )因细长的肉质茎肜似老鼠的尾巴而得名,又名金纽. 为仙人掌科鼠尾掌属多肉植物,圆柱形肉质茎细长,匍匐或下垂生长.长1-2米,粗1.5-2厘米,幼茎绿色,以后呈灰色,具浅棱8~14枚,刺座小而排列密集,辐射刺10~20枚,

