英语人>词典>汉英 : 细微的 的英文翻译,例句
细微的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
hairlike  ·  nice  ·  remote  ·  small  ·  smaller  ·  wispy  ·  remoter  ·  wispier  ·  wispiest

更多网络例句与细微的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Movie clip in the application of component elements and create animated graphics, there are some minor differences, should be complete grasp these nuances.


It was meant to be subtle...


This involves minimal dissection in the interval between the extensor carpi radialis brevis and extensor digitorum communis distally as described by Kaplan.24 The distal extent of the incision is limited so as to provide exposure of the capitellum without violating the annular ligament or the posterior interosseus nerve.


Was censorious of petty failings.


The more subtle change has been around the house.


Diamondite Glasswork Restorer removes water spots, very fine scratches and etchings, and improves the clarity of automotive glass.


Li Xiangqun' We are Walking on the Road adheres to his familiar realistic language as always. The commonness of the language and the unusualness of the subtleness constitute the usual tension of Li Xiangqun' sculptures. The unusual feelings and expressions of the subtleness is consistently where he exerts the force.


Men, don't be in such a hurry to get rid of any little feeling of love or sexual energy by ejaculating as soon as possible! Allow that energy to build up in your body and learn to pull it up into your heart . You'll find your love for your partner expanding, your desire deepening, and when you do finally make love, you'll experience new levels of joy and ecstasy you hadn't even imagined were possible.


As part of our commitment to our people, Four Seasons is proud to offer a Compensation and Benefit Plan, including::competitive pay and benefits四季酒店对员工的待遇和职业发展都进行了细微的规制:-得体的制服well-tailored uniforms -员工辅助计划employee assistance plan ?


The oils Meguiar's uses are also important in maintaining the original condition of the paint by filling in the naturally occurring microscopic pores and surface imperfections thus preventing detrimental substances and elements as simple as water, or worse, acid-rain, from entering into these pores and microscopic surface imperfections thus causing oxidation and chemical etching.


更多网络解释与细微的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I found a tiny ball of earwax with grains of sand:发现了细微的,含有沙子的耳垢

and lodged against the malleus|在靠近锤骨的地方 | I found a tiny ball of earwax with grains of sand.|发现了细微的,含有沙子的耳垢 | Salt and sand.|沙盐

Encourages others to fine-tune his/her proposals/plans:鼓励大家对自己的提议或计划做细微的调整

Forecasts potential obstacles to success预测... | Encourages others to fine-tune his/her proposals/plans鼓励大家对自己的提议或计划做细微的调整 | Demonstrates sensitivity to profit and cost outcomes展示...


hairless 无毛的 | hairlike 细微的 | hairline 极细的织物


hairless /无毛/ | hairlike /毛一般的/细微的/ | hairline /极细的线/瞄准镜上的十字线/

the impalpable ash:触摸那细微的烟尘

near the fire 偎在火旁 | the impalpable ash 触摸那细微的烟尘 | or the wrinkled body of the log, 和圆木上的褶皱的时候,


这些细微的差异 (nuance) 在体现作品整体上起着相昔时夜的浸染. 无论一个设计的设法主意有多好,若是制作粗拙,便会失踪去魅力. 此外,若是我们要求本身注重这些细节和它们的影响,就可能会从中发现一些新的灵感和标的目的.


这些细微的差别 (nuance) 在体现作品整体上起着相当大的作用. 无论一个设计的想法有多好,如果制作粗糙,便会失去魅力. 另外,如果我们要求自己注意这些细节和它们的影响,就可能会从中发现一些新的灵感和方向

Light Top Stitching:细微的针迹

顶端是可调节的手柄 Adjustable Top Handle | 细微的针迹 Light Top Stitching | 在包外部有小的口袋 Small Front Pockets

Each careful step along the by way:每一个细微的脚步

I planned each charted course; 我规划过每一段人生, | Each careful step along the by way, 每一个细微的脚步, | and more, much more than this, 而更重要的是,

the remotest miserable duchy:那最细微的痛苦领地

然后扩展,直到疲倦即便 and extends till the tired in even | 那最细微的痛苦领地 the remotest miserable duchy | 感觉到他们骨子里的变化,然后欢呼 have felt the change in their bones and are cheered