英语人>词典>汉英 : 纪念品店 的英文翻译,例句
纪念品店 的英文翻译、例句


souvenir shop
更多网络例句与纪念品店相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The beauty of PRESSED PENNY product is that people could put some classic images on the coin, substitute coin or other metal coin in the way people do the mintage.


Sally Lunn, a young French refugee, arrived in England over 300 years ago. She began to bake a rich round and generous bread now known as the Sally Bun.

由于历史悠久,这家店的地下室里还有个kitchen museum,向来客展示sally lunn的发展历史以及bun的制作过程,还有模拟的面包坊和纪念品店

Do you know a souvenir shop around here?


I was surprised when it went into a souvenir shop.


A:You can buy them at a souvenir shop near the exit.


Excuse me. I wonder if you could help me. Is there a souvenir shop around here?


Where's the nearest souvenir shop?


Basement on the southwest side, approximately 550 square meters, is the focus of the comprehensive souvenir shop .


Where is the nearest souvenir shop?


The Witch Museum, the third part of a souvenir shop.


更多网络解释与纪念品店相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


A: 大多数中国人都更熟悉科巴卡巴纳海滩(Copacabana). 这个海滩及其周围街区是里约热内卢最繁华的商业街区,这里除了众多专卖店,还有书店和纪念品店等各种店铺. 另一大海滩依帕内玛(Ipanema)是里约热内卢最时尚的街区,


纪念品店也不少,许多都会以抓龙虾的圆形笼子(lobster trap)与五颜六色的大型浮标(float)作为装饰品吸引顾客. 所贩卖的商品少不了以龙虾为主题的周边产品,如龙虾造型冰箱磁铁,以及印有龙虾图案的T-shirt等. 最特别的地景是,

gift shop:(博物馆内的)纪念品店

gift catalog 礼品目录 | gift shop (博物馆内的)纪念品店 | give away 给出去

Siem Reap:暹粒省

此市集有很多古董表及当地的手工艺品你可自由选购,随后前往当地土产店参观,亦可购买一些纪念品,中餐后BUS前往世界七大奇景中最神秘古文明谜的封印---吴哥窟的所在地-暹粒省(Siem Reap)约6小时车程集合于上海浦东国际机场,

Great Wall Souvenir Shop:长城纪念品店

长城药店: Great Wall Drugstore | 长城纪念品店: Great Wall Souvenir Shop | 字画店: Calligraphy Shop

go into a souvenir shop:进入一家礼品店

10.the Museum of Flight航天博物馆 | 11.go into a souvenir shop 进入一家礼品店 | 11.buy a souvenir 买纪念品

go into a souvenir shop:走进纪念品店

12. have an unusual experience有一段不寻常的经历 | 13. go into a souvenir shop走进纪念品店 | 14. think about doing sth考虑

Where is a souvenir shop:纪念品店在哪里

screw you去你的!;我非常讨厌你! | Where is a souvenir shop?纪念品店在哪里? | Nothing of the sort! 哪有这回事!

Sporting Goods Store:运动用品店

Souvenir shop纪念品店 | Sporting goods store运动用品店 | Bakery 面包店